
Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest


"I'll never be able to spend Father's Day with you again."

On June 22, Li Chongxiao passed away, and his daughter Li Shiying posted this message on social platforms to bid farewell to her father.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Speaking of Li Chongxiao, many people may not be familiar with this name, but when it comes to his works, I am afraid that most people have heard about it.

He has starred in Li Chengqian in "Wu Zetian", Yang Yong in "Sui and Tang Dynasties", and also collaborated with Song Dandan in "Marvin's War".

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

He also has a beautiful German wife who accompanies him from poverty to wealth, and the husband and wife have a very deep relationship.

However, because the husband and wife are foreign marriages, there have also been conflicts, and foreign wives have even run away from home, how did he solve the contradictions?

Now that he died at a young age, according to his agent, he was still filming before his death, how will his wife and daughter get out of this pain?

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Li Chongxiao was born in 1971 in an ordinary rural area in Tangshan, the family also has an older brother, when he was a child, because his family was poor, his parents went to work in other places, and he could only live with his grandparents.

He seems to have gathered all the advantages of his parents, looks very good, and has a rustic temperament on his body, which will attract a lot of attention when he goes out.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Later, he was admitted to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute and assigned to the Beijing Television Station, perhaps for others such a life is enough to satisfy, but Li Chongxiao does not think so.

He wanted to let his family live a better life, and he did not like to be bound by the rules and regulations of public institutions, and it just so happened that the entertainment industry was also in a stage of vigorous development, and Li Chongxiao had a great interest in the profession of actor.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

After hesitating, he still chose to quit his stable job to become an actor, and At that time, Li Chongxiao was full of ambition, but forgot that the industry was not so simple.

Many good actors here can't get roles, let alone a newcomer actor, and it is difficult for Li Chongxiao to get any role for a long time.

At that time, his life was tight, not only lived in the cheapest house, but also ate dry steamed buns.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

When his career fell into a low point, love quietly found Li Chongxiao, and his fate was actually a beautiful German girl Inna.

The two met by accident, as a German Inna is very unfamiliar with beijing hutongs, often gets lost, and when she gets lost again, she meets Li Chongxiao.

Li Chongxiao had just finished eating at this time, and at a glance he saw this German girl who was already dizzy, adhering to the spirit of helpfulness, he stepped forward to ask the other party what he needed.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Unfortunately, Inna is a foreigner after all, and all she said in a hurry was English, Li Chongxiao guessed what she meant, and then sent the other party home, and the two also met in this way.

Maybe it's because both of them are foreigners, they have a lot of topics when they work together here, and they will slowly become familiar with them over time.

Slowly, the two equally wandering people gradually gained a good feeling, and they slowly came together. At that time, Li Chongxiao's career was not smooth, and he was still very poor.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

The two sometimes watch movies like ordinary couples and press the road, but he can't take Inna to the cinema with him without financial strength.

So he thought of a way, there are many universities there like to show movies to students, he took Inna to the university to rub movies together.

Although the days are hard, the two lives are very sweet, there are almost no quarrels, and the feelings are getting deeper and deeper together.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

One day after the two were together, when Li Chongxiao was sorting out things at home, Inna suddenly walked in with a suitcase: "I decided to be with you later." ”

But her enthusiasm made Li Chongxiao overwhelmed, at this time he was just a poor boy, no car and no house, and even could not provide a good life for his girlfriend.

And Inna is beautiful, the family is also good, there are many more high-quality suitors, he is afraid that he has delayed the other party, so in the face of her poor pursuit, Li Chongxiao moved into a friend's home.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

He hid in a friend's house for more than a week, all day because of the inner feelings of torment, the friend looked at him and said without anger: "Everyone has taken the initiative, why are you still cowering?" ”

This sentence seemed to wake up Li Chongxiao, and he thought about why Yinna was not afraid, why he still had to hide, so he went home to find Inna's cautious promise: "You can rest assured that although I don't have it now, I will definitely give you happiness in the future." ”

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

In 1999, the couple entered the palace of marriage with the blessing of friends and family, and because they were married across borders, the marriage license was very troublesome.

It took Li Chongxiao three months before and after to get the marriage certificate down, but he was not irritable at all, some were just full of joy, and he finally came together with his beloved girl.

After marriage, Li Chongxiao continued his acting career, but at that time, his income was very low, and Inna chose a stable job for the sake of her family.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

However, marriage is not about love, and when you are in love, sweet and sweet foreign couples often have various conflicts after marriage.

They all live in different countries, and there are also great problems with eating habits, Li Chongxiao is used to eating Chinese food, while Inna likes to eat Western food.

Every time they eat, the two will quarrel because of this, but after the quarrel, their feelings are not affected in any way.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

As an actor, sometimes after Li Chongxiao is irritable at work, it is easy to control his emotions when he returns home, and whenever this time Yinna will be very aggrieved.

But Li Chongxiao will consciously apologize after making mistakes, and will try to avoid this mistake after that, so although life is full of quarrels, the relationship between the two is still very good, and at the same time, their daughter Li Shiying was also born.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

After meeting Inna, Li Chongxiao's career seems to have encountered a new turnaround. He has successively starred in "Wu Zetian" and "Sui and Tang Dynasties", and gained a certain fame.

But what really made him popular was "Marvin's War" starring with Song Dandan and Gao Yalin, and the halfway couple he and Song Dandan cooperated with made the audience like it very much.

Subsequently, he also took advantage of this spring wind to appear in works such as "Spring of Li Spring" and "Operation Hidden Dragon".

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

However, Li Chongxiao never imagined that when his career was going well, his wife and mother broke out into a fierce contradiction.

At that time, after getting married, the couple bought a house and settled in Beijing, and in order to let their parents live a good life, Li Chongxiao took his parents over.

However, most foreigners leave their families since adulthood and rarely live with their parents, so Inna began to rent a house with contacts after she knew that her husband was going to take her parents over.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

After Li Chongxiao took her parents over, she immediately asked for credit happily: "Dear I have already rented the house." ”

Li Chongxiao was also stunned: "What do you do when renting a house?" ”

Inna replied, "Of course it's for Mom and Dad!" ”

Li Chongxiao burst into tears and laughed, so he explained to her that if parents rent a house in China, their children will be teased when they buy a house by themselves.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Inna could not understand, but still acquiesced to her husband's decision to take her parents to the family, that is, from this time on, there was a hidden danger between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

After the mother-in-law came, Inna immediately showed her cooking skills and made mashed potatoes.

How the old couple who have been living in China are accustomed to eating this kind of food, at that time, looking at the appearance of their daughter-in-law's expectations, they still barely ate it.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

They were hungry in the afternoon, so they planned to go to the refrigerator to eat some cake, but in her opinion, the couple's calories had reached the standard, and it would be unhealthy to eat too much.

The contradiction between the two does not stop there, Inna was born abroad and is very incomprehensible to confinement, but the couple let Inna not take a bath for a month after giving birth to her daughter.

Although Inna exceeded, she still silently endured when she thought of her husband's mother at this time, but the contradiction between the two was still known to Li Chongxiao.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

He had to tell his mother, "Ina is a girl I really like, and I hope you can be nicer to her." ”

Under his reconciliation, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gradually eased, but who knows that in 2005, Ina's mother fell ill and was hospitalized, and Li Chongxiao's mother did bad things because of good intentions.

At that time, Li Chongxiao's mother considered that her mother was sick, so she wrapped a red envelope of 3,000 yuan, but she did not expect that when Inna returned home, she was angry.

"How can you do that? Why don't you ask for my opinion? ”

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

It turns out that if the family wants to give money abroad, you need to consult with his children first, and 3000 is also an unlucky number abroad.

But Li Chongxiao's mother was also very aggrieved, and she did not expect that she was just kind, but she was scolded by her daughter-in-law, so they wanted to go back.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

But compared to his wife Inna, his sister-in-law has done much better, and every time she eats, her sister-in-law will ask everyone's opinion.

Every time you chat, you will try to pay attention to other people's ideas, the chat is very comfortable, Li Chongxiao compares his wife with his sister-in-law, and he will feel that his wife is not doing enough.

He had also said that he wanted his wife and sister-in-law to learn more, but Inna couldn't understand it, and the two began to quarrel.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

More times, Inna felt that Li Chongxiao did not love herself, and at this time, Li Chongxiao just did not have time to pay attention to his wife because of filming. Inna felt more and more abandoned, so she ran away from home with her daughter.

In the end, Li Chongxiao looked for a long time to bring his wife back, and this time he also realized his mistake, and Inna's mother also said; "My daughter is a German, you can't ask her in the habits of a Chinese wife, she's done well enough compared to her German wife."

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

Li Chongxiao realized that he had gone into a misunderstanding, immediately apologized to his wife, and the two slowly reconciled, and their feelings became better and better.

And their daughter Li Shiying lives in a harmonious family, and her life is also very happy.

Because Inna is an environmentalist and loves birds, he bought a lot of birds for his wife, and also vacated a room for her to keep birds, and it wasn't long before they raised more than 100 birds.

Every time he came home after work and saw his wife and birds living in harmony, he felt very peaceful and happy.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

His daughter also entered the entertainment industry and also participated in some variety shows, and the family's life was harmonious and happy.

Li Chongxiao has acted in many classic works in this life, including "Wu Zetian", "Who Decides My Youth", "Plain Life", "Harbin at Night" and other works, and his career has been smooth.

And the luckiest thing in his life was to meet his wife Inna, although the two had quarrels and pains in their marriage, but most of the time they were sweet.

Famous actor Li Chongxiao: Married to a German wife and had a happy marriage, he died at the age of 51, and his wife and daughter were the saddest

However, just 22 years after the two were married, the husband and wife were separated by yin and yang, and Li Chongxiao was 51 years old at this time, so it is conceivable how much difficulty his departure will cause to his wife and daughter.

I only hope that they can get out of the sadness as soon as possible, after all, the deceased has passed, the days always need to go on, and I hope that Li Chongxiao's old predecessors can go all the way, and also thank him for these classic roles that he has brought us over the years.

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