
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty


1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is more elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure and beautiful love.

2, happiness: small chrysanthemums have happy flower language, usually, you can buy a few small chrysanthemums to place at home, hoping to bring happiness.

3, hope: the little chrysanthemum also has a hopeful flower language, competing to open, vigorous, the meaning of hope in life

4, innocent and happy: The little chrysanthemum is very beautiful like a naïve and lively little girl.

5, buried in the heart of the love: the little chrysanthemum also has a flower language is buried in the heart of the love.

Shooting inspiration: Little Daisy Flower Language

Photography style: natural scenery

Retouching ideas: Sharp contrast

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1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty
1, pure and beautiful love: small chrysanthemums generally refer to small daisies, its flower color is relatively elegant, giving people a very pure feeling, so the flower language is pure and beautiful love, can symbolize pure beauty

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