
You're welcome! General Fan Tingyu Rick Han

author:Fun in chess 007

It is an indisputable fact that the Korean veteran is "not old", and the reason is that the veteran Korean generals will continue to fight. Although Lee Sedol has retired, veterans such as Lee Chang-ho and Won Seung-joo are still fighting in the arena, especially in South Korea's League A, which has greatly promoted the chess skills of veterans such as Lee Chang-ho. In addition to participating in world competitions in Korea and abroad, veterans also train with Chinese chess players in the first place during breaks.

You're welcome! General Fan Tingyu Rick Han

Today, let's take a look at a game with Han's 85-year veteran Yuan Shengqin and The Boss of Chinese general Fan Tingyu Fan. The result of the match was that Fan Boss won the game in the middle of the set. The match between the two strong players, Fan Tingyu, took the lead in black. The two generals of the prologue pointed their needles at Mai Mang, and each quickly occupied the corner and surrounded the ground, and Yuan Shengqin, who was in charge of the white, had the advantage of the general situation in the successful layout of the lower right. However, it is difficult to win against the Chinese generals.

You're welcome! General Fan Tingyu Rick Han

The mid-game contest also gradually developed towards the situation of the bayonet, the black Fan Tingyu after winning the bottom left and right of the not-so-bad, the situation gradually prevailed, although there is a Chinese proverb, Jiang is still old spicy, but in the face of Fan Tingyu, who ranks second in China, the veteran will eventually lose. In the end, the two sides fought fiercely for more than 240 hands, and Fan Tingyu unceremoniously won the game.

You're welcome! General Fan Tingyu Rick Han