
Are cherries and cherries the same fruit? What's the difference?

author:Huinong School

Cherry and cherry are very similar, many friends believe that domestic cherries are directly called cherries, generally smaller, showing a light red. The imported cherries are called cherries, which tend to be larger, showing dark or dark red. So are cherries and cherries the same fruit? What's the difference? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian.

Are cherries and cherries the same fruit? What's the difference?

Are cherries and cherries the same fruit?

Both cherry and cherry belong to the deciduous shrub fruit tree of the rosaceae family, which is actually the same fruit, but in different varieties. Like grapes and grapes, pineapples and pineapples, kiwifruit and kiwifruit, etc., this is a taxonomic category of botany, and they all belong to the same fruit family. Although cherry and cherry are one fruit, the varieties of the two are different, because the origin of the growth is not the same, resulting in a great difference between the two.

Are cherries and cherries the same fruit? What's the difference?

Second, what is the difference between cherries and cherries?

1. The appearance is different

Although the cherries are large and small, the common cherries on the market are relatively large, solid and juicy, and the color of the peel is darker, generally dark red. Domestic cherries are smaller than cherries, the skin is thin and tender, the moisture is sufficient, the skin color is relatively light, generally light red, it looks more ruddy and transparent.

2, the taste is different

In terms of taste, cherries are sweeter than cherries, which have a dense and very sweet taste, but cherries have a hard taste, sweet and sour taste, and will have a very obvious fruity taste.

3. Different origins

Cherry belongs to imported fruits, originating in the United States, also known as European sweet cherry, because of the long distance, high transportation costs and losses in transportation, plus tariffs, etc., resulting in the high price of cherry. Cherries are indigenous to China, especially the large cherries produced in Yantai, Shandong Province, which are more representative, known for their bright colors, crystal clear, sweet and delicious, the flesh is crisp and hard, thick and juicy, sweet and not sour, and the price is only one-third of that of cherries.

4, the degree of freshness is different

As an imported fruit, along with long-distance transportation and storage, cherry will cause a decline in the freshness and quality of cherry, while cherries native to the mainland can be picked and sold now, and the freshness can naturally be guaranteed.

Are cherries and cherries the same fruit? What's the difference?

The above is the introduction of the difference between cherries and cherries, cherries are generally picked in the season, picked down immediately to eat the best, cherries are easy to store, can meet the long-term delivery, so cherries can be imported to domestic sales.

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