
The US military stealing wheat in Syria is a microcosm, and what the United States really wants to achieve is food hegemony

author:Lonely smoke twilight cicada

A few days ago, the US military illegally stationed in Syria attracted the attention of international public opinion for stealing, plundering and other acts. But this time the American soldiers did not steal oil, but took 40 truckloads of wheat. While criticizing the shameless behavior of the US military, it has also once again raised concerns about the global food crisis.

The US military stealing wheat in Syria is a microcosm, and what the United States really wants to achieve is food hegemony

It is reported that the soldiers who stole the wheat are mainly the US "occupying forces" and the "Syrian Kurdish Democratic Forces" (QSD), a Kurdish armed force supported by the US military. After looting large quantities of Syrian wheat, they loaded 40 trucks and shipped them to Iraq. In recent years, the US military has wantonly robbed and plundered Syria's food resources, making Syria, which is already facing food problems, worse.

Some analysts have pointed out that the US military steals and sells Syrian grain to Iraq, on the one hand, it wants to cut off the local people's way of life, force the hungry people to rebel, and have contradictions with the Syrian government, and the United States takes advantage of the opportunity to make profits; On the other hand, in order to make money, the US military transports the stolen grain to the black market in Iraq to sell, in exchange for dirty money can not only nourish the local US military leaders in Syria, but also can be used to fund various terrorist forces against the Syrian government.

The US military stealing wheat in Syria is a microcosm, and what the United States really wants to achieve is food hegemony

After the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, global food prices rose sharply, which made the US military in Syria even more crazy to plunder grain and ship it to Iraq, which also once again exacerbated the food crisis in Syria.

Behind the darkness there is often a harsh reality. Not only Syria, but also the shadow of the United States behind the global food crisis. As early as a few years ago, due to various factors such as climate change and the new crown epidemic, there was a rift in global food security, and the United States has now promoted the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and stabbed the heaviest knife for food security. You know, Russia and Ukraine are the two most important food suppliers to the international market. Among them, Russia is the world's largest wheat exporter, and Ukraine is also known as the "granary of Europe".

Some foreign media have summarized this that the status quo is that two of the three countries with the greatest impact on global food security are at war. Especially in Ukraine, which is a "battlefield", the area of spring sowing has been seriously affected, and the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine originally expected to sow more than 15 million hectares this year, but it can only reach 7 million hectares at present, which is directly less than half of last year.

The US military stealing wheat in Syria is a microcosm, and what the United States really wants to achieve is food hegemony

Many countries that are counting on Russian grain are also facing difficulties, because the Western world led by the United States has imposed all-round sanctions on Russia, resulting in problems such as logistics and shipping, financial insurance, and foreign exchange settlement, and it is difficult for these countries to purchase grain from Russia normally. Even if you can buy grain directly from Russia, the United States will be labeled a "war fund for Russia". However, it is worth mentioning that while Russia and Ukraine were unable to export grain normally due to the war, the United States made a lot of money.

It is not difficult to see that whether it is leading the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict or imposing sanctions on Russia, what the United States has done is pushing the food security issue to the precipice. But we all live on one planet, and who can stand alone in a global crisis? Naturally, developed countries such as the United States, Britain, and Japan cannot do it. However, in the crisis, the United States manipulated the global grain trading system behind its back, built "food hegemony", and intervened to control most of the world's grain trade, disrupt grain prices, and make huge profits from it, thereby consolidating its position.

The US military stealing wheat in Syria is a microcosm, and what the United States really wants to achieve is food hegemony

From this point of view, the US military's behavior of stealing grain in Syria and selling it to Iraq at a high price is only a microcosm of the US side's global behavior, and the "food hegemony" that the US really wants to build in the world is more worrying. The United States has always been known as the "world policeman," but has always adhered to the principle of "being lenient with oneself and being strict with others." Perhaps, Americans have been taught to bully and create war. In the face of powerful and completely conscienceless bandits, what can these countries like Syria do but endure?

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