
The "snacks" that these children love to eat are actually new drugs! Parents tell their children not to touch it

author:Healthy center

Let's talk about a serious topic today.

When you think of drugs, what comes to mind?

Poppies, marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin...

The concept of anti-drug has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and drug dealers have never stopped studying "beautifying drugs" for their "performance" and "desire".

It looks like a mediocre cookie, but it's mixed with green substances, has a distinct odor when the bag is opened, and actually adds the ingredients of cannabis.

The "snacks" that these children love to eat are actually new drugs! Parents tell their children not to touch it

(Source: China Anti-Drug Network)

According to the "2018 China Drug Situation Report", the current mainland drug market has shown a trend of many tricks and new drugs.

This has also become one of the main reasons for the current drug epidemic.

Drug dealers disguise new drugs as snacks, and "milk tea, jumping candy, coke, smart drugs" have become the "fig leaf" of evil.

Whether it is appearance or taste, these "snacks" are no different from ordinary snacks.

Most of the young people who are exposed to these "snacks" are more often unaware that they are eating drugs.

Because unlike traditional drugs, these new drugs do not need to be injected, do not need to be smoked...

There is a perfect camouflage, there is no need to hide.

Never imagined that one day drugs would no longer be limited to poppies, opium, heroin, which we often hear...

While ignorant children take their favorite snacks and relish them, they may not realize that the snacks in their hands may turn into a new type of drug that devours their souls and bodies.

The "snacks" that these children love to eat are actually new drugs! Parents tell their children not to touch it

(Source: CCTV News)

What are the harms of these seemingly harmless "snacks" to our bodies?

Every part of the body has something to say about it.

The "snacks" that these children love to eat are actually new drugs! Parents tell their children not to touch it

Listen to what they have to say


Say no to methamphetamine, magu, ecstasy, methcathinone (bath salts)!

These drugs have neurotoxic effects.

From the first bite of poison into the body, it has been stimulating the central nervous system, nerve cells and tissues will undergo pathological changes, which are permanent damage that is not reversible or controllable at all.

Especially the new drugs, the so-called excitement, stimulation, and coolness after smoking, will pay a price on me.

The distractions, suspiciousness, jealousy, memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, and loss of judgment you feel are all because my structure and function have been destroyed.

After taking drugs, the neuronal cells shrink and the ventricles are empty, just like the original room is full of things, and all of a sudden things are reduced.

Finally, there will be a cerebral infarction phenomenon, that is, the liquefaction of the brain nerves, and there will be holes in my body.

In the long run, you will hallucinate, hallucinate, have delusions of persecution, violent tendencies, and even want to commit suicide or kill people, which seriously endangers life safety and social security.

oral cavity

Say no to methamphetamine and Magu!

The impact of drugs on me is the most intuitive, and others can directly judge whether to use drugs by observing whether there is ulceration and loss of teeth and whether there is a strange smell of drugs in the mouth.

In addition, it can also affect the function of the temporomandibular joint and lead to trigeminal neuralgia.

Be wary of people around you who have these smells:

Heroin: Burnt smell

Methamphetamine: Rusty smell

Magu: Intense milk flavor mixed with rust

Hemp: Greasy tobacco flavor after lard heating


Say no to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, magu, ecstasy!

Like brain damage, drugs are directly toxic to my cardiovascular system.

It caused arrhythmias and ischemic changes, and different drugs affected me differently.

55% of heroin addicts develop abnormal ECGs within 24 hours of drug use, such as transmission block, depolarization and repolarization abnormalities, bradycardia, and arrhythmia.

Cocaine-induced arrhythmias are more common and can cause high blood pressure, sudden death, and cerebrovascular accidents over time.


Say no to heroin, methamphetamine, magu, and marijuana!

The drugs that came in were deposited here, and the damage was accumulated day by day.

Cocaine, for example, reduces my ability to diffuse carbon monoxide, causing severe pain and difficulty breathing.

Infection is nothing over time, and if it is severe, it can lead to sepsis and endocarditis. It's too late for pneumonia, lung cavities, and lung cancer.


Say no to heroin, cocaine, K powder, ecstasy!

All kinds of drugs and their doped harmful substances eventually have to be degraded and metabolized by me, and then excreted by the kidneys.

Repeated and vicious stimuli overwhelmed me, and the detoxification function of me and my kidneys was destroyed or even lost, which further aggravated the damage of drugs to our brothers.

The most common is acute, chronic hepatitis, and in severe cases cirrhosis may occur.

There may not be a significant oral manifestation, and the physical manifestation is that the face or lower limbs of the drug addict will be edematous, and severe symptoms of systemic poisoning will occur.

It is important to note that the prognosis of kidney failure or cirrhosis is also poor, and drug users are likely to die as a result.


Say no to heroin, cocaine, K powder!

Heroin is the biggest damage to me.

Early nephritis or simple urinary abnormalities develop massive proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome with progressive glomerulosclerosis.

Long-term drug use will lead to rapid failure of my function, which is manifested in the human body is that when I touch the muscles, I will feel pain, edema, and weakness in my whole body.


Say no to heroin, cocaine, K powder, ecstasy!

Some people on the Internet say that drug use can lose weight, which belongs to "one dares to say, one dares to believe".

Most drugs have the effect of suppressing appetite, but the weight is light, and the essential vitamins and minerals in the human body are beginning to be in short supply.

Because K powder has a sympathomimetic effect, people continue to secrete saliva and gastric juice when they are in a state of anesthesia.

During the process, the pharyngeal reflex does not disappear, and I often swallow a lot of gas and liquid, causing me to suddenly dilate and bleed from my mucous membranes.

Nausea and vomiting, bloating, and gastric bleeding are common.

If the human body is a big tree, then drugs are termites all over the trunk, gradually corroding from the inside out.

The body and spirit controlled by drugs will make people ruined, relatives are separated, life is better than death, and take away our happy lives.

We need to truly understand the dangers of drugs and realize that they are not far away from us, and always be vigilant.

When faced with some "snacks" that exceed the conventional price, some "diet pills", "smart drugs", and even some prescription drugs that are said to have miraculous effects should be used cautiously, tighten the string in your heart, do not try because of curiosity, and do not trust illegal information.

The "snacks" that these children love to eat are actually new drugs! Parents tell their children not to touch it

Narcotic drugs

(Source: China Anti-Drug Network)

Do not accept food, water, wine and drinks sent by strangers for no reason, especially in some high-risk places, and immediately report suspicious situations to the police.

One attempt, in exchange for a lifetime of regrets. One attempt can destroy a family.

For the health and safety of yourself and your family, please raise your awareness of prevention and spread this article out for more people to see!

Life is always good

Don't because of a momentary stimulus

And stray into the abyss of drugs

Editorial Planning / Circle Health New Media Group

Photo credit / China Anti-Drug Network