
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,

author:The bow is long and small

I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety...

I've deleted a lot of Flags, and every time I delete them, I feel like I'm slapping myself, and it hurts.

I have self-doubt, self-loathing, self-abandonment...

I wanted to change the status quo, and then I came across the Fogg Model of Behavior.

It writes

There is a chasm between "wanting to do" and actually "doing".

It said

It's not your fault, making positive changes isn't as hard as you think.

It speaks

There are only 3 things that can make lasting difference:

Experience epiphanies, change circumstances, and change your habits from small things

It introduces

B=MAP# Reading temperature #

Behavior occurs when motivation & ability & cues occur at the same time

It imparts

7 steps to behavioral design:

1. Clarify your wishes

Only by knowing where you want to go can you really arrive.

2. Explore behavior options

Choose a wish and then list the actions that can fulfill the wish, whether feasible or absurd.

3. Match specific behaviors for yourself

Draw a focus map to pick out the golden behaviors that can be performed

4. Start with micro-habits

"Why is this behavior so difficult to do?" Write out all the reasons you can think of, according to the ability chain: time, money, physical strength, brainpower, schedule, choose the simplest, easiest to execute micro-habits,

5. Find the "Yes" prompt

There are 3 common types of prompts, character prompts, situational prompts, and action prompts, choose the one you suit. General action prompts work better.

6. Celebrate success

The lizard brain has the instinct to tend to evacuate easily, likes to praise, when the prompt sounds, after the behavior is completed, immediate positive feedback,

7. Troubleshoot, duplicate and expand

Constantly striving and expanding on the edge of your comfort zone

#The Temperature of Reading ##Book Recommendations##Behavior Design##方法论 #

I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,
I've made a lot of Flags, Written a lot of schedules, exercised for an hour a day, lost 2 pounds, read a book and written a book review every 4 days, got rid of anxiety... I've deleted a lot of Flags,

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