
They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

author:Gluttonous dog food

Pay attention to [hungry dog food], together with health science pets

Original articles, please do not plagiarize.

Chihuahuas, one of the smallest dogs in the dog world, are sensitive, vigilant, and sometimes fierce, resulting in many people having a poor impression of chihuahuas. Everyone says that you should never keep a "chihuahuahua" when you keep a dog, but after reading it, I really love it! It turns out that they also have a lot of advantages.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

1. Loyalty to the owner

Chihuahuas are very wary of strangers, and whenever someone they don't know approaches, they will bark immediately, without worrying about it being abducted.

Chihuahuas are hostile to strangers, but they are very loyal to their masters, often guarding their masters, and if someone bullies their masters, they will also stand up.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

2. Small size

Chihuahuas are small in size, 15-23 cm tall and weigh about 3 kg. Chihuahuas, such a petite figure, can be easily picked up by their owners with one hand.

Because of its small size, it occupies little living space, and is very suitable for family breeding, many people who live in the city do not have to worry about being suddenly banned.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

3, less cost

We usually give dogs grooming, illness treatment and other expenses, many of which are differentiated by weight. Large dogs such as golden retrievers, Samoyeds, Alaskan dogs, etc., definitely cost more than chihuahuas.

So raising chihuahuas can be said to be quite economical, and chihuahuas do not eat much, the cost is not large, no wonder so many people do not want to change dogs.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

4. Less exercise

Chihuahua bones are very slender, and it is easy to fracture if you are not careful, so chihuahuas cannot do too strenuous exercise, and every time they go out for a walk, they can meet their exercise.

If the owner does not have time to take it for a walk, the pet owner can play with it with some toys, and the Chihuahua will be quite happy.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

5. Smart and easy to train

Chihuahuas are really smart and easy to train, and they are very obedient to their owners' commands, so it is not difficult to train, as long as you use some snacks as a supplement, then the dog will be very cooperative with you.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

6. Hair management is simple

Chihuahuas, there are two kinds of short hair and long hair, but the amount of hair is not much, so the degree of hair loss is not as serious as other dogs, the hair is much easier to manage, and there is no body odor.

If you want to maintain the beautiful hair of the chihuahua, it is recommended that the pet owner choose a dog food containing deep sea fish oil for the dog as the main food, which can alleviate hair loss and increase the luster of the hair.

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

Conclusion: Do you like Chihuahuas?

They all say don't keep "chihuahuas", but after reading it, I really love it

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