
Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

author:Kobayashi Internal Medicine

Uncle Li, 60, has recently slept poorly, and heard neighbors say that soaking his feet before going to bed can make sleep better, so he began to soak his feet before going to bed.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

After adhering to it for a period of time, the situation of poor sleep was alleviated, but the skin of the foot was ulcerated in a large area and the wound was infected. Fortunately, the medical treatment was timely, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Obviously, in order to improve sleep and choose to soak feet, why should the "health" thing become "hurt"? Is it good or bad to soak your feet every day, and what is the point of soaking your feet?

What are the precautions for foot soaking? The knowledge of foot soaking is not small, let's take a look at it together.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

First, soak your feet with hot water every day, good or bad?

Foot soaking is one of the ways to relieve stress in contemporary people. Foot soaking relieves body soreness and allows you to relax.

Foot soaking is one of the contents of foot therapy in Traditional Chinese medicine. Soak your feet in hot water to relieve fatigue and sleep.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

As the old saying goes, "soak your feet in hot water, better than eating tonics", this sentence still has a certain basis. It is also one of the health care methods, which is both simple and effective. When soaking the feet, add some herbs to the effect is better. There are many benefits to soaking your feet in hot water every day.

First of all, you can improve sleep. Many doctors will advise people with sleep disorders to keep soaking their feet every day. Soaking feet in hot water reduces blood flow to the brain and relaxes muscles throughout the body, thus aiding sleep.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Secondly, soaking feet can alleviate the symptoms of cold hands and feet, and has the effect of driving away cold and keeping warm. The palms and soles of the feet of the human body are far from the heart, and the blood circulation is slower, so the hands and feet will be cold.

Soaking feet in hot water can speed up blood circulation. The palms and feet of the palms and feet can be circulated by fresh blood, and the hands and feet will naturally warm up.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Finally, daily foot soaking can also promote systemic metabolism and regulate various hormones and endocrine in the body. Women use hot water to soak their feet every day, and they can also beautify their faces, and accelerate metabolism to make their skin better.

Second, do not, these three types of people do not soak their feet!

There are many benefits of daily foot soaking, is it possible for everyone to soak their feet? Of course not. Most people have benefits to the body by soaking their feet, but there are three types of people who must say "no" to foot soaking.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

1. People with diabetes say "no."

Most diabetics have lesion damage on the nerves and some microvascular vessels. This damage can cause people with diabetes to perceive less temperature.

Diabetics feel lower temperatures than normal. When using hot water to soak their feet, they do not feel the real water temperature, which is very easy to cause burns.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Their foot neurovascular disease is affected by lesions, and their recovery after burns is also very slow, and they are prone to diabetic foot. Patients who already have diabetic feet should not soak their feet to avoid aggravation of the disease.

Due to neurogenetic lesions in diabetic patients, it is not easy to detect after being burned. If there is a diabetic who needs to soak their feet to treat some other disease, it needs to be done with caution with the help of family and friends.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

2. People with varicose veins should say "no".

Varicose veins are caused by long-term low positions in the lower extremities, impaired blood return, stasis of blood, and dilation of superficial veins. The blood vessels in the place of varicose veins are very fragile and can easily cause bleeding.

When soaking feet with hot water, blood circulation is accelerated, hot water will make the veins dilate more seriously, blood stasis will increase, damage to the blood vessel wall, and aggravate the disease. Therefore, patients with varicose veins should not soak their feet with hot water.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Similar to diabetic patients, varicose vein patients have poor nerve sensitivity in the feet, and it is difficult to perceive the actual temperature of the water, which is easy to cause foot burns.

Such people can use warm water of about 30 degrees to wash their feet, and the temperature should not be too high for too long. If you have symptoms of discomfort, you must seek medical attention in time and do not delay the condition.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

3. People with foot diseases say "no."

There are tinea pedis on the feet, and there are people with obvious wounds and ulcers. If it is not a doctor's advice, you must not soak your feet.

It is easy to breed a large number of bacteria in unflowing water. Moreover, the volume of the foot soaking basin is not large, and the warm water temperature also gives bacteria a good growth environment. It is very easy to cause infection of foot wounds, causing the wound to worsen further.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Third, soak your feet, you need to pay attention to these matters

Fasting and full stomach without soaking feet. There will be a lot of heat when soaking feet in hot water, and soaking feet on an empty stomach can easily reduce blood sugar, triggering hypoglycemia and causing shock. Soaking your feet after eating will affect food digestion.

The temperature of the water should be controlled well. The water temperature of the foot soak should not be too low, too low not only has no effect, but also easy to catch a cold; Foot soaking water temperature should not be too high, generally around 40 degrees is the best, too high temperature will cause low temperature burns, gain is not worth the loss.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

Feet should not be soaked after drinking. Soaking the feet will speed up blood circulation, slow down alcohol metabolism, increase the burden on the body, and aggravate the drunken situation. It may also cause burns.


Soaking feet in hot water is indeed a health care method for many people. Many families also cultivate the awareness of children's feet soaking.

Soaking feet in hot water every day, in the end" or "hurting the body"? 3 types of people should say no to foot soaking

As long as you keep in mind the precautions for foot soaking, know which people are not suitable for foot soaking, daily hot water foot soaking can bring many benefits to the body.

For people who cannot soak their feet and condition their bodies, they can choose their own health care after consulting a doctor. Finally, I wish everyone a healthy and strong body.