
Yuan Feng / From the return of Khmerny to the thought of "returning to nature"

author:Baihe study
Yuan Feng / From the return of Khmerny to the thought of "returning to nature"

Text/Yuan Feng

Aunt May unloaded the Prime Minister's crown, carried a simple red hand, walked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion on Downing Street with ease, and took her own car straight to the British country house! The joy and ease along the way is overflowing! Returning to the identity of ordinary people is a huge transformation and release, she opens the beer bottle, lets the bubble sprayed away the traces of downing street's past serious stereotypes, barefoot like a childhood naughty child running to the golden yellow harvest, her heart is freely shouting "I'm back!" I am back! "The mood is overflowing.

Then, to everyone's imagination, she "took off the dark blue prime ministerial dress, which symbolized power, and threw it into the air!" A real British woman immediately returns to the eyes of ordinary people! This may be a true portrayal of the return of British Prime Minister Khmer Khameni. In any case, from the words between the lines, I can really see the true image of a British prime minister returning to an ordinary British woman.

The transformation of Khmerni has been spread as a new thing by some people on the mainland, but what is so strange about this?

Jun's absence: "Wu Yue Chunqiu" says that Fan Li accompanied King Yue to serve Wu Wangfu for three years and suffered humiliation. Later, he helped to revitalize the Yue Kingdom and destroy the Wu Kingdom, and Yi Xue would be ashamed. He was supposed to be promoted to a knight, but he was well versed in the affairs of the world, had insight into the affairs of the king, and said three famous sayings to Wen Zhong: "The cunning rabbit dies and the dog cooks, the bird does its best to hide the bow, and the enemy country is destroyed." However, Wen Zhong ignored it, and Fan Li resolutely and quietly left by boat with the Huansha woman Xi Shi, and after becoming famous, he retired in a rapids, alias Yizipi, and later settled in Taoqiu (present-day South of Dingtao District, Heze City, Shandong Province), calling himself Tao Zhugong and doing business as a merchant.

The world praises: "Loyalty to the country; Wisdom to protect oneself; Business to get rich, to become famous in the world." Many businessmen in later generations are called the god of wealth, the sage of commerce or the business theorist. He was a typical ancestor of the continent's history who returned to nature

Yuan Feng / From the return of Khmerny to the thought of "returning to nature"

There is also the well-known Tao Yuanming, a great poet and poet from the late Eastern Jin Dynasty to the early Song Dynasty and early Song Dynasty. He once sacrificed wine in Jiangzhou, joined the army of Jianwei, joined the army of zhenjun, and was the last time he was appointed as the commander of Pengze County, but he abandoned his post for more than eighty days and returned to the countryside. In his poem "Returning to the Pastoral Residence", he clearly stated that "after a long time in the cage, you will return to nature". It can be called the first person to understand the official field. He said in "Returning to the Hometown": "Wealth and nobility are not my wishes, and the imperial hometown cannot be expected." ----- talk about multiplication to the end, Lefu's destiny is doubtful! "In its view, the official is full of flowers, returning to nature, it is timely, decent, proud and safe and happy! People often praise verbally: Tao Ling does not know where to go, and the peach blossom source can be cultivated. This may be a compliment to the return of officials!

The Qing Dynasty served as an official in Jackie Chan for 23 years, and he can be called a good official who was sent to wherever it was difficult, obeyed the dispatches, and undertook heavy responsibilities. He was once evaluated by the Kangxi Emperor as" as "the first Qing official, the first honest official in the world" (there is a plaque given by the Kangxi Emperor as evidence). His deeds are also recorded in the Four Libraries, which is really rare. Yu Chenlong was a clean and honest man, shrewd and martial, and an outstanding official, who was still based on farming after his return from office. Deeply feeling that "no official is light", I enjoyed the pure and innocent life of "no case and no worries".

Yuan Feng / From the return of Khmerny to the thought of "returning to nature"

All these people abound, in recent years, Yang Jinzhou, Ma Guoshun and other stories, and so on, and so on, why is it called the "Khmerni" of the British Aunt Mei?

Yuan Feng on August 2, 2019

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