
Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

author:Dr. Xu Xinghua, Internal Medicine

"Drinking more yogurt can prevent cancer?"

Yogurt has always been regarded as a healthy food, and it has been identified as one of the most powerful effects is anti-cancer, this statement sounds very mysterious, a small cup of yogurt, can really fight the big devil of cancer?

With professional curiosity, Xiaobian went to find relevant information, and there are really many experts who have studied yogurt, so is there a scientific basis for such a statement?

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

The reason why yogurt is the king of anti-cancer is mainly from Professor Deng Zhenhua of the West China School of Basic Medicine and Forensic Medicine of Sichuan University, who is aimed at 1.9 million people, this data is very fat, and after a long time of tracking.

The results of the experiment showed that people who drank yogurt regularly had a 19% lower risk of cancer, especially bladder, colon and esophageal cancer.

In fact, Professor Deng is not the first to do this kind of research, he has done such a study in Henan before, found that regular drinking yogurt can reduce the risk of breast cancer, when he was divided into two groups, one group insisted on drinking yogurt, the other group insisted on not drinking yogurt, and then compared the data of the two groups.

In addition, some scientific studies have found that yogurt foods with high fiber content have a good effect on reducing the risk of lung cancer in humans and can prevent cardiovascular disease.

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

At that time, it was a study of 1.4 million people, and it took 5 years to be touched, and the experimental results showed that people who did not drink yogurt and consumed less fiber had a much higher chance of lung cancer than those who often drank yogurt and consumed more fiber.

After various studies, we can clearly understand that yogurt does have a certain anti-cancer effect, however, we may still lack some evidence of the next decision based on these studies, because after all, we have not found the most direct evidence that yogurt prevents cancer, so it still needs to be studied.

Saying that only certain foods are used to fight cancer seems a bit unreliable, mainly because there are not many such ingredients in food, and only a small part can be absorbed and utilized by the human body, so it is necessary to treat the anti-cancer and anti-cancer of food correctly and rationally.

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

If you want cancer to be afraid of you, you need to insist on doing 4 things well

The diet of modern people is really a point of concern, and some foods that often appear on the table are not very tasty for human health.

On the contrary, frequent and large intake will increase the damage to the body, create opportunities for cancer cells, and some foods will even cause cancer, but most people just love to eat, and do not consider whether it is beneficial or harmful to health, as long as it is delicious.

But I don't know what a good diet is, food is second only to good food, what is important is that a balanced diet can help the human body supplement nutrition, the activity of immune cells will become higher, immunity will naturally increase, cancer cells will not dare to attack at will, in addition, a balanced diet is usually healthy, to ensure that less spices, less oil, cooking methods correct.

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

Minimize frying, pickling, frying, roasting and other cooking methods, these ways will increase the human body's exposure to harmful substances, in addition, good eating habits are also very important, that is, regular diet and rest, to ensure that each time do not overeat, which requires you not to eat to chew slowly, food to chew fully, so that it is not easy to increase the burden on the stomach, thus causing related problems.

To prevent the occurrence of cancer, regular physical examination is very important, and the efficiency of physical examination is still very high, so that cancer can be found and treated early, the cancer cells are strangled in the cradle, and it is not allowed to begin to develop, so that the patient's life will be more secure.

The physical examination items to be done by different groups of people are not the same, and the regular physical examination is not just a simple physical examination, but a corresponding examination according to the individual situation, such as people with long-term drinking and smoking habits, who need to do low-dose spiral CT, gastroscopy, hepatitis B two-and-a-half liver examinations, as well as prostate screening. Breast and gynecological examinations are best done in women.

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

There are many injuries caused by drinking and smoking, which are related to many cancers, so in the physical examination, try to carry out targeted examinations, not only people who smoke and drink for a long time, some people with a family history of cancer or other high-risk groups also need to combine their own physical examinations, different ages are not the same, but they need colonoscopy, gastroscopy, breast, cervix, prostate and other basic examinations.

The occurrence of some cancers is closely related to viral infections, and two common cancers are related to viruses, namely liver cancer and cervical cancer, and their occurrence is closely related to infection with hepatitis B virus and human papillomavirus virus, so if you want to reduce the prevalence of these two cancers, you may wish to actively vaccinate.

If you can get vaccinated, you must be vaccinated in time. It's not in vain, it's an effective measure to prevent cancer, don't always take it to heart.

Yogurt is the king of cancer? West China study: often drink yogurt cancer risk decreased by 19%, true or false?

A study conducted by Charity Rescue UK and Macmillan Cancer Assistance Centre concluded that walking for 20 minutes a day, 1.6 km each, has good benefits for adjuvant therapy for breast, prostate and bowel cancers and also reduces the risk of death.

In addition, many studies have also shown that exercise helps to strengthen human immunity, increase hormone levels in the body, help maintain a good weight, and have many benefits for cancer prevention and adjuvant treatment.