
A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

author:Xiao Cao takes you to the movie

The woman is afraid of baldness for 3 months without washing her hair, and the surprise grows broken hair and the result is tragic!

A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

June 19, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Ms. Gai said that because of the serious hair loss, she saw on the Internet that someone did not wash her hair for a month and did not comb her hair, and then grew a lot of hair, so she also followed this method, did not wash her hair for 3 months and did not comb her hair, and indeed grew some broken hair, but her original hair has been severely knotted and cannot be undone. A barbershop said that it costs 3,000 yuan to untie the knotted hair of the lady, because the best potion is used and several people are required to wash it for her; Another barbershop suggested that she cut her long hair short. This is good, lifted the stone, smashed his own feet, smart but was mistaken by smart!

Is it really good not to wash your hair?

The answer is no, in fact, do not wash your hair, the scalp secretes more oil, and many bacteria and fungi grow. Patients have itching on the scalp, and many patients can't help but cut their hair. Over time, folliculitis is fungal, bacterial folliculitis, and seborrheic dermatitis, which does have an impact on hair loss.

A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

Is it right to wash your hair every day?

The answer is no, if you wash your hair every day, and you use alkaline toiletries every day, it will cause damage to the hair and scalp, cause local irritation or form a lot of dandruff, cause local itching, etc., and finally form an infection.

A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

Correct way to wash your hair:

Water temperature 40 °C + rinse with water for 1 minute + shampoo scrub 20 times

+ Leave conditioner for 3 minutes (1-2 cm off the scalp) + rinse with water for 22 seconds = a healthy shampoo

A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

To give you a popular science about the causes of hair loss:

1 Genetic factors: 51.8% of patients with androgenic alopecia have a family history;

2 Nutritional deficiencies: dieting to lose weight, partial diet, etc.;

3 drug factors: immunosuppressants, chemotherapy drugs, arsenic preparations, tretinoin and other drugs;

4 Endocrine factors

5 mental factors: smoking, staying up late, staying up all night, etc.;

6 disease factors: anemia, acute hyperthermia, infectious diseases;

7 improper washing: shampoo or conditioner directly on the head, shampoo water temperature is too high First shampoo after hair care, conditioner is not washed off in time or the cleaning is not thorough, washed and not dried immediately.

A woman was afraid of baldness, and she did not wash her hair for three months, but she grew broken hair

Hair favorite 8 kinds of food

1 Red meat: Iron-rich red meat is good for hair health, vegetarians can eat more green leafy vegetables are also beneficial for iron supplementation.

2 Blueberries: Rich in vitamin C, beneficial collagen production enhances hair follicle function.

3 Salmon: Moisturizing effect on the scalp and hair.

4 Carrots: Large amounts of vitamin A promote sebum formation.

5 Nuts: Rich in vitamin E helps prevent hair sunburn and also contains a lot of sulfur and biotin that are beneficial for hair growth.

6 multigrains: rich in water-soluble B vitamins, which can effectively promote hair metabolism and prevent hair loss and hair breakage.

7 Kiwi: Contains plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants that help keep hair supple and healthy.

8 Yogurt: Low-fat yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps prevent hair loss.

The world is so big that there are no wonders! This sister is really fierce, I have to wash my head once in the summer two or three days, I am confused, substitute it, I really dare not imagine ah, I really don't know where you listened to the rumors of the wild road experts? Three months without washing your hair, don't you have that smell? Across the phone screen, I can smell it, this is three months without washing hair, washing the head tube once for three months? Fortunately, there were no lice, if lice had grown, it would have been bald, hahaha.

Finally, once again, remind everyone, do not easily believe the rumors on the Internet and the remarks of non-experts, there is a problem, the injury is their own body, and the money spent is their hard-earned hard-earned money!