
Take a nap for half an hour! Talk about the daily care of coronary heart disease

author:Dr. Sun of the Emergency Department
Take a nap for half an hour! Talk about the daily care of coronary heart disease

For the care of coronary heart disease need to be regular, avoid excessive tension, maintain enough sleep, patients should maintain appropriate physical exercise activities, enhance physical fitness, control the total calories of the diet, low fat, low cholesterol diet, and limit the intake of sucrose and sugary foods, while under the guidance of doctors to carry out related treatment, commonly used treatment methods are drug treatment, surgical treatment and interventional treatment. Let's take a look at the life guidance of patients with coronary heart disease.

Take a nap for half an hour! Talk about the daily care of coronary heart disease

Emotional stability, calm and tranquility

Stable mood is more important for preventing angina and myocardial infarction than all other regimens combined. In fact, bad mental and psychological stimulation is the most common and important cause of acute attack of coronary heart disease, so it is necessary to be content and happy, not to be impatient or angry, and to effectively prevent the onset of coronary heart disease.

Keep warm and avoid the cold

Watch and listen to the weather forecast on time every day, especially in autumn and winter, keep abreast of the time of each cold wave, and effectively take measures to keep warm and cold. Meteorological medical workers have found that "zero degree is the prediction of myocardial infarction", which shows the importance of keeping warm in winter. Therefore, paying attention to keeping warm in winter can reduce the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

Beware of "Devil's Time"

Some people have found that the rhythm of the biological clock shows that in the 24 hours of the day, 6 to 11 o'clock in the morning is the peak time of acute myocardial infarction and sudden death, which is called "devil's time". It is associated with sympathetic excitement, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, high oxygen consumption of the myocardium, and increased platelet aggregation at this time. Therefore, elderly patients with severe coronary heart disease should take medication in advance in the morning and should not arrange excessive activities in the morning. The morning exercise time is 7 to 8 o'clock.

Three and a half minutes

After years of research, it has been concluded that some elderly people have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents or sudden death in the bathroom, which is related to the sudden rise to the toilet at night, the rapid change of position, resulting in temporary insufficient heart and brain blood supply. Therefore, the "three and a half minutes" health care method is advocated: when waking up at night, you should first lie on the bed for half a minute, sit up and sit with your feet under the edge of the bed for half a minute, and then stand with your hands on the head of the bed for half a minute and then walk.

Moderate exercise, prolong the disease

Patients with coronary heart disease should also exercise moderately and insist on participating in physical exercises within their capabilities, such as outdoor walking, tai chi, qigong, etc. However, in the event of sudden changes in the weather, sudden drop in temperature, blizzards, rain, etc., it is not suitable for outdoor activities, and can be active indoors.

Adhere to treatment and rational medication

Go to the hospital regularly for examination, and take some drugs to prevent angina attacks orally according to the doctor's instructions, such as panshengtin, compound salvia tablets, etc. Home should be equipped with nitroglycerin, cardio-cerebral comfort, musk heart pills, heart pills and other drugs that dilate arterial blood vessels, so that they can be used urgently during angina attacks.

Take a nap for half an hour, and "coronary heart disease" is less than 30%.

Some people have done surveys and reported that the mortality rate of coronary heart disease in people who take a nap for half an hour a day is 30% less than that of sleepless people, and the reason is related to the decrease in blood pressure during naps, the slowing down of heart rate, and the low of the blood pressure curve during the day. Especially in obese people and the elderly over 60 years old, napping is more necessary.

Finally, let's talk about the treatment of coronary heart disease, when it comes to the treatment of coronary heart disease, many doctors recommend the use of the cardiac network, so how about the treatment of coronary heart disease?

Take a nap for half an hour! Talk about the daily care of coronary heart disease

Vascular blockage and vasospasm are the main causes of coronary heart disease angina, so the key to treatment is to unclog blood vessels, relieve spasm, and make the heart have sufficient blood supply. In terms of drug selection, Chinese medicine Tongluo drugs have great advantages, Tongluo representative drug Tongxin capsules can protect heart health through multiple links such as blood protection, vascular protection, cardiac ischemia protection, etc., and are the basic drugs for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease.

The product contains five unique insect drug ingredients, not only can prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, but also can play a stabilizing or ablative role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, can increase the thickness of the plaque envelope, and can improve the hardening of blood vessels, inhibit vascular spasm, multi-target to prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease angina, so the treatment of coronary heart disease must choose Traditional Chinese medicine products Tongluo medicine.