
Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

author:Moderator Duan Jianhai

June 21, 2022, is the tenth of the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar, and the fourth solar term of summer , the summer solstice.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

The summer solstice is the earliest of the twenty-four solar terms to be determined, as early as the 7th century BC, the ancients used China's oldest timer, Tugui, to observe the shadow of the sun and determine the summer solstice.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

The summer solstice heralds the beginning of summer. Because the summer solstice day is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the shortest night day, the farther north the day is longer, for example, the summer solstice day time in Beijing can be as long as 15 hours, after the summer solstice day the sun will take the "way back", the northern hemisphere day will be shortened day by day.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

The summer solstice heralds the hottest rainfall of the year, and the rainstorm in the southern region is believed to be coming in the past few days. After all, the "solstice" of the "summer solstice" also means "the most, the most", so this time also enters the season of the heaviest humidity and heat.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

People are prone to poor appetite on hot and humid days, so from the summer solstice onwards, we need to slowly change our diet and focus on foods that are easy to make with low calories. As the saying goes: Eat the summer solstice noodles, one day short.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

The summer solstice is the brightest and brightest day of the year, and the health care remembers that "four things are not done, three things are eaten less", and less sick in the summer.

Eat less

First, drink less water that is too cold

In the hot summer, drinking a cold drink is indeed refreshing. However, eating too many cold drinks in the middle of summer not only relieves the heat, but may cause irritation to the stomach. Our stomach is warm and afraid of cold, especially people with bad spleen and stomach, often drink a lot of ice water is easy to cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other problems, serious cases may also cause gastrointestinal cold, so even if it is hot, do not drink too much ice water.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Second, eat less overnight dishes

If leftovers are left over for a long time this summer, especially green leafy vegetables, it is easy to produce nitrite after a long time, and it is difficult to eliminate even if it is heated at high temperature. In fact, the problem caused by eating overnight dishes in the summer is not uncommon, especially long-term large-scale consumption, and even repeatedly put into the refrigerator, a dish of three or four meals to eat, long-term use of a large number of foods containing nitrites, light abdominal pain, diarrhea, heavy causes food poisoning, so do not be too provincial, overnight vegetables we try to eat less.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Third, eat less food that is too greasy

Summer humid heat, many people have a bad appetite, if greasy food to eat too much, in addition to easy to bring the risk of obesity, in addition to eating too much greasy on the fire food, easy to cause acne, mouth ulcers, constipation and other issues. Therefore, at this time, it is appropriate to come to some seasonal vegetables and fruits, increase some fiber, but pay attention to the diet to be balanced.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Four things not to do

First, exercise should not be too intense, and do not bare your arms under the hot sun

It is easy to sweat in the middle of summer, and if you exercise vigorously at this time, sweating too much is easy to cause dehydration of the body. Therefore, the exercise method is as soothing as possible to jogging, playing tai chi, baduanjin and other sports, and after exercise, appropriate use of warm water to supplement body fluids.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Do not work outdoors with bare arms. In the summer, the pores on the front and back of the human body are open, and if they are exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, in addition to being sunburned, they may even cause heat stroke.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Second, do not take a cold shower

Summer weather is hot, people's pores are in an open state, especially after summer exercise, sweat pores open state, immediately rinsed with cold water, may cause colds. So don't be greedy, it is recommended to take a bath with warm water in summer, which can not only wash off the sweat, but also help cool off and accelerate the cycle.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Third, do not turn on the air conditioner all night, do not blow cold wind

Many people enter full air conditioning mode in the summer, which is not heat resistant! Especially at night you have to sleep comfortably. But if the air conditioner is turned on all night, the pores of the whole body are closed, the heat in the body is difficult to dissipate, for patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease, the heat expansion and contraction, the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is too large, our brain blood vessels are easy to contract rapidly and cause insufficient cerebral blood supply, so do not open the air conditioner all night, and do not directly blow the cold wind to the cervical spine and neck.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

Fourth, drink water do not be too urgent

Sweating a lot in the summer, easy to thirst, many people will drink hard, but we sweat every time will take away some salt, if you continue to drink water, you will continue to sweat, will make the blood in the salt loss a lot, once the plasma osmolality will be reduced, easy to appear dizzy and dizzy and other reactions, so drink water do not be too urgent, a small number of times, each time 100 to 150 ml.

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

#Today's Summer Solstice##Health Insight Program ##媒体人周刊 #

Today's summer solstice: health keep in mind "4 things not to do, 3 things to eat less", less sick in summer

[Heart] I wish you all a healthy summer solstice! Thanks for your likes to pay attention to retweets and favorites [heart]

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