
Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

author:Pistachio mom nursery

Author: Easter Egg Daddy

Does your child take a nap?

If you don't have a nap habit, then be sure to check out this article.

01 "My children never take a nap" caused the parents of wa classmates to collapse

This is what happened some time ago at The Easter Egg's dad's upstairs neighbor's house.

There are 2 children in the upstairs neighbor's house, the eldest Mao Mao is in the sixth grade, about to enter the beginning of the primary school, and the second grade of the oldest Pippi Primary School. Some time ago, the second pippi's classmate Fei Fei came to their house to play at noon after school, and the 3 children made a noon, and the fur and pippi who were used to napping could not take a nap.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Pippi's mother said that the teacher gave feedback that afternoon, saying that Pippi was dozing off in class, and Maomao had been sleepy when he came back at night to do his homework, and the homework error rate was much higher.

The next day FeiFei came again, and Pippi's mother was not good at saying anything, so she could only persuade Feifei to take a nap with Pippi. But Fei Fei refused, saying that he never took a nap, and then continued to play with Pippi, and the two boys had a rough fight and could not take a nap.

Pippi's mother could only look for Feifei's mother, and asked implicitly whether the child would sleep for a while if she still had to go to class in the afternoon.

FeiFei's mother replied directly: "No, my children never take a nap!" ”

Pippi Mama is really broken, don't say that the children don't take a nap, have no energy in class in the afternoon, do their homework and doze off, just themselves, no nap at noon, and can't lift their strength in the afternoon.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

02 Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have a significant gap when they grow up

The reason why Pippi Mama attaches so much importance to the child's nap is mainly because she has suffered losses in the matter of the eldest Hairy not napping.

Since maomao went to elementary school, before the second grade, he has not had the habit of taking a nap, his attention is always absent in class, and he always drags his feet when he comes back at night to do his homework.

Until one holiday, Pippi Mama had a stomachache, and after lunch, she lay on the bed to rest, and Mao Mao also came to play, and then the mother and children both fell asleep.

In the afternoon, Mao Mao, who had been fully rested, went to work again, and the efficiency was much higher.

Phi Phi Mama realized that whether or not to take a nap had a great impact on the child. So she developed the habit of sleeping at noon. Gradually, Mao Mao became "spiritual" and his academic performance gradually improved.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Children who are "used to nap" and "never take a nap", the gap between them 4, is pulled apart by one nap after another.

First, the attention span

The time for a person to concentrate is limited, especially for children.

After the child has experienced a lot of study and homework in the morning, the state of the person will also appear more tense and tired.

Napping can eliminate the child's tired state, tense emotions, and in the afternoon, it is still possible to maintain the same attention as in the morning to study and write homework.

On the contrary, if the child does not take a nap, then it is easy to fall asleep in the afternoon, which directly leads to the child's slow thinking and lack of concentration. In this way, how can a child still have a good grade?

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Second, the gap in memory

In memory, there is a very effective method, called "before going to bed and after waking up memory method", that is, to remember a thing before going to bed at night, and the next day after getting up early, remember again, such memory efficiency is very high.

Such a method is also used for napping.

The capacity of the human brain for short-lived memories is limited.

The process of learning in the morning also requires a lot of short memories. If the child's brain does not get a temporary rest, then the capacity of short-term memory can not be loaded, and the content that needs to be memorized in the afternoon class will be more difficult.

But if you take a nap, the brain is rested, the capacity of the short-lived memory is reloaded, and the child is able to remember efficiently again.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Back in school, there was a teacher who didn't like to schedule her English class in the afternoon, saying that the afternoon class was inefficient. Now that I think about it, in fact, the efficiency is low, and it is difficult not to take a nap at noon.

Then, the emotional gap

We have all heard of "getting up", a person who is woken up without "waking up" or "sleeping full" is prone to feelings of anger.

When people are tired, they are very irritable, which will lead to emotional problems, such as tantrums, unpleasantness, and so on.

If the child does not take a nap at noon, the state of the afternoon will be more tired, and the mood is more likely to fluctuate.

Children who take a nap will only be a little confused when they wake up at most, but after waking up, the state of the whole afternoon will be restored, and the mood will naturally be much better.

In the long run, children who do not like to take a nap will have a greater temper.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Finally, the vision gap

This is something that many parents overlook. Parents only feel that electronic products will affect their children's vision, in fact, not taking a nap will also affect their children's vision.

We all know that the eyes need to rest, otherwise they are prone to myopia.

For children, outdoor sports, looking at distant landscapes, for the eyes, are visual experience rest. For the eyes themselves, the best way to rest is actually to take a nap. In this way, the muscles around the eyes are soothed and the overuse of the eyes is minimized.

03 There are skills in the cultivation of children's nap habits

Even if some parents know that the benefits of their children taking a nap are many, they still can't resist their children's words "I don't want to sleep". At this time, how should parents develop their children's nap habits?

It is skillful and experienced to share with parents.

Children who are "used to napping" and "never nap" have obvious gaps when they grow up, and parents must pay attention to them

Nap habits communicate

Why don't children want to take a nap, this question, parents have thought about it?

Some children simply feel that they are not sleepy at that time, so they do not want to sleep.

This is relatively easy to do, you only need to prepare your child for napping.

Some children want to watch more TV and play with toys at noon, so they don't want to sleep.

In this case, parents still have to communicate with their children, how to arrange the noon time. For example, watching TV, you can only spend 10 minutes, and the rest of the time is reading books and doing some static things.

The reason why the child is reluctant to sleep is found, then the parent can convince the child to sleep.

Nap preparation

The key points of the sleeping conditions are only a few: the light is appropriate, the environment is quiet, the temperature is suitable, and meditation is calm.

Parents can close the curtains for the child's room, like this relatively hot weather, wash the child's face with cold water, turn on an air conditioner, do not do strenuous before going to bed, or easy to make the child excited, you can read books, practice words, let the child's heart calm down.

Even energetic boys can develop the habit of napping, which is how our family develops the habit of napping with Easter eggs.

Topic Discussion: Do you think it matters whether your child takes a nap or not?