
Red Rock Cliff: The Legend of Nuwa

author:Zhumadian network

Reporter Guo Jianguang

"Drunken beauty" red stone cliff, the hottest farm stay. The exposed red rocks are particularly unique in the shade of green leaves, one mountain after another, stream after stream, farmhouse hotel built on the mountain, natural landscape and water, and integrated into the elements of modern leisure and vacation, becoming the first choice for citizens to relax on holidays. The legend of Nuwa has put a mysterious color on this land.

Nuwa supplements the heavens, and the ancient and modern hui reflect the humanities and the past and the present; The soil is made of people, and the scenery of the mountain "green" water show is uniquely painted with green mountains.

Nuwa first appeared in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the myth of this ancient goddess who made earth and refined stones to repair the heavens was widely circulated in the folk. Nuwa is the ancient God of China, the head of the snake, the sister of Fuxi, the surname of the wind. Some of the place names, mountains and rivers in the legend of Nüwa can be found today, which is the charm of Nüwa culture that can penetrate the charm that has still shone for thousands of years.

The famous writer Wu Boxiao browsed the Nüwa culture around Hongshi Cliff and wrote the popular essay "Orion", and selected it into the traditional Chinese textbook of high school, so that the reputation of Hongshi Cliff was well-known throughout the country. In recent years, Suiping County has combined the development of cultural undertakings, cultural industries and economic and social development, jointly created the Nüwa cultural brand, and promoted the coordinated development of the local economy and society. In order to better transform the advantages of Nüwa cultural resources into industrial advantages, in 2014, Suiping County was identified as "the hometown of Chinese Nüwa culture".

Nuwa culture has a long history

Red Rock Cliff: The Legend of Nuwa

At the top of the green mountains, the huge fan blades of the wind turbine are constantly rotating, and a winding road is winding and winding, located on a flat land at the top of the Qianfeng Temple in the town of Sagamiyama, and a statue of Nuwa stands. On the reinforced concrete base, the golden sculpture shines under the sunlight, with the blue sky as the curtain, flying above the blue waves, she is dressed in a kasumi robe, shoulders around the ribbon, her hands lift a multicolored stone, and her eyes are like a torch looking at the vast universe, showing a flexible and solemn posture.

The Thousand Winds Temple is actually a temple dedicated to the ancestors of the wind surname, and there is a xiangshan mountain and a lion mountain gate in the east, and a large river in the middle. The place where the descendants of Nuwa lived was hidden by thousands of winds, the leeward wind was towards the sun, and the north side of the mountain was the "old wind mouth", and then there was the Longtiangou.

In this typical Danxia landform, the mountains are steep and densely forested, the valleys are deep, the ancient trees are people's homes, the flowing water is babbling, the cicadas are noisy and the birds are singing, step by step, the scenery is beautiful, and the legend of Nüwa is spread among the local people.

Suiping County is one of the important birthplaces of the legend of Nüwa, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, in the western part of the SagaYama and Hongshi Cliff area, the legend of Nüwa is known to women and children, Nüwa rolling stone marriage, soil to create people, refining stones to supplement the sky, capturing evil dragons and other legendary relics can be seen everywhere, and the folklore related to Nüwa has been passed down to this day.

A long time ago, Nuwa was sent to the human world by the Jade Emperor, and first built a mud house out of loess, and then created people in the mud house, and she lived by blowing her breath. Later, the evil dragon fell into a disaster, the sky collapsed a hole, heavy rain poured, Nuwa first used stones to make up the sky, then used her body to make up the sky, and then used clothes to make up for nine or eighty-one days, and finally made up the sky.

Nuwa refined five-colored stones to replenish the heavens, and the broken jaw was enough to support the four poles. It is said that when Nuwa was busy making up the sky, when she saw that the sky was repaired, she was suffering from not being able to find a giant pillar that could support the sky, at this time a giant turtle slowly came under her feet, she said to the giant turtle to borrow its one foot, and vowed that after the success of the patching up the sky, she would give the giant turtle an explanation. The giant turtle endured severe pain, saved sentient beings from water and fire, and did not ask Nuwa to return the favor afterwards, and quietly left.

Nuwa was a god who did what she said, and when she refined the multicolored stone of the heavens, she refined one more piece, but she couldn't find the giant turtle. So in order to commemorate this giant turtle with broken feet, Nuwa made this multicolored stone into a three-legged tweezer, and gradually spread it to the homes of ordinary people. At this point, the people knew that behind Nuwa's heavenly repair was a benevolent turtle that sacrificed her life for righteousness, and every household enjoyed it with a tweezer cake, that is, the divine turtle that did not forget to save the people.

"The Emperor enfeoffed his brother yu in the Sun of Rushui, and later became the Son of Heaven, because she was called Empress." The so-called "emperor" refers to the Fuxi clan; Brother refers to Nuwa; The Sun of Rushui was the location of the later Wufang. This passage in the Shiben Clan (Qing Zhang Shu Supplementary Notes) specifies the place where Nuwa was sealed.

"Fu Xi clan, Fu Ren Zi Ye, born of the wind, so the wind surname." "Nuwa is also surnamed ... Dai Mi Li (代宓牺立), known as the Female Xi Clan (倪世). "Records in ancient texts clearly indicate that the descendants of Nuwa are surnamed Feng. Nuwa culture has a broad and profound heritage in Suiping, and also has a wealth of historical sites. Legend has it that in ancient times, after the Nuwa tribe migrated to the "fang" land, they hid from the disaster in the "Thousand Winds" in the western mountains of Suiping, and then took root. Relics and ruins related to the life of the Nüwa tribe, such as "Qianfeng Hidden", "Niangniang Cave", "Fengling", "Qianfeng Temple", "Qianyangfeng Temple" and "Houyangfeng Temple", are now clearly found in Suiping. As a result, Suiping County is also known as the "Hometown of Chinese Nüwa Culture".

The spirit of the people is passed down from generation to generation

Scorpion Gully is located in a valley west of Red Rock Cliff Village, running east-west. There is a small river in the middle of the village. The Nüwa Cave here is a natural cave, under the cliff in the middle of the mountainside, the mouth of the cave is northeast, and the cave is divided into two layers, with an area of about 40 square meters, and it is said that Nüwa and Fuxi brothers and sisters live here.

"Chinese Folk Tales Integration, Suiping County Volume, Henan", begins with the story of "Nuwa Created Man". After the flood, everything was gone, and only Nuwa and Fuxi brothers and sisters struggled to survive in the mountains of The Red Rock Cliff. The brothers and sisters obeyed the emperor's arrangement and became intimate. They push a plate of stone mills down from the mountain, and if they are together, they will get married; If you can't get together, you don't have to get married. Nuwa and Fuxi hid from the rolling stone mill in the thousand winds, and when they rolled to the mountain, they came together, which is now the heavenly mill of the mountain, and the deep ditch that the mill disc grinds out is called the mill ditch. Nuwa and Fuxi became relatives, and they both felt embarrassed, and at night, Nuwa covered her face with grass, and Fuxi painted her face with pot smoke. As a result, Lady Nuwa gave birth to a large meat egg, and fuxi was so angry that fuxi carried the meat and eggs to the thousand winds and buried them, giving birth to a total of ten meat eggs. Fuxi used a chopping knife to cut open the meat and eggs, and a hundred dolls popped out, so the ditch where qianfeng hid was called "Xiezi Ditch", not "Scorpion Ditch".

According to the ancient book "Shuowen", Nuwa was the first deity born in the chaotic world, and her body incarnated into all things. Folklore holds that Nüwa is the Mother Earth. Because the land is the flesh of Nüwa, the mountains are the bones of Nüwa, the trees are Nüwa's hair, and the river is Nüwa's blood.

Wind Cottage is located close to the south of Scorpion Ditch, less than 500 meters above sea level. Later, in order to commemorate the merits of Nüwa in refining stones to save the people, people spontaneously built a stone village along the cliff at the top of the mountain, and built a temple in the village, which enshrined Nüwa and Fuxi ancestors and various gods.

Danju sealed Wu Fang and refined Go. Dan Zhu was the eldest son of Yao, one of the "Five Emperors", and his fief was in the real estate, and he was far away from the political center, so he had a lot of time to study Go and cultivate his personality.

Tang Xuanzang ascended to the throne and realized Buddhism, and Wu Cheng'en made a journey to the west by viewing the strange stones. Xuanzang was practicing in the early days of chanting in the area of Mount Sheng, and his eldest disciple Daoquan and third disciple Daoyi were all People of Shan Mountain. Wu Chengen, the author of "Journey to the West", traveled far away to avoid disasters, passed through the Sagae Mountain, and drew inspiration from the strange stone landscapes such as the stone monkeys, sleeping Tang monks, drunken eight precepts, and white dragon horses in the Saga Mountains, and created the ancient masterpiece "Journey to the West" based on local folklore and mythological stories. There is a Wu Gong Pavilion in the middle of the mountain to commemorate Wu Cheng'en.

In the land under your feet there are many legends, stories, many of which are recorded in historical classics, carefully examined, you will suddenly be enlightened, unique geographical location, and the history of migration and change in history has a high degree of fit, there is a history and culture rooted in the soil after thousands of years still floating fragrance, nourishing future generations.

"Drunken beauty" Red Rock Cliff The hottest farm stay

At noon on June 12, Wang Mao, the owner of the old locust tree farm near the Red Stone Cliff in Suiping County's Sagayama Town, was busy, and the villagers who had been hired temporarily came in and out of the two kitchens, serving dishes and pouring water. A fragrant pot of stewed chicken has just been served, and it is quickly swept away by hungry diners. Chicken soup is soaked in steamed buns, handmade noodles, tourists eat and chat, the interest is very high. Wang Mao said that nearby is the famous local red stone cliff, famous for its red stones. The mountain is lush with trees, the natural ecology is very good, and wild boar is often infested. Spring is full of flowers, summer is cool and pleasant, autumn wild fruits are attractive, winter is snowy, there are scenery in all four seasons, and customers continue to come.

The reporter saw that there were cars parked in front of the farmhouses dotted on both sides of the road. Tourists chat and play cards in the shade of trees, talk about the beautiful vision of future life, the former quiet countryside has now become the first choice for residents to relax on holidays and contact with nature, invisibly driving local villagers to make a fortune by opening a farm.

The reporter learned that Suiping County, with the Sagai Mountain Scenic Area as the leader, the hot spring town, Fengming Valley, Hongshi Cliff, Longtiangou, Lion Elephant Lake, and the former site of the People's Commune as the leader, will create high-quality tourism routes in different seasons, and the next step will be to increase the infrastructure construction of Scenic Spots such as Hongshi Cliff, Longtiangou, Lion Elephant Lake, and Yindong Gorge, and gradually turn these scenic spots into mountain park-style free open attractions.

In fact, this is just a microcosm of the development of farmhouses in our city relying on local natural and cultural resources.

In recent years, the Suiping County CPC Committee and the county government have attached great importance to the excavation, sorting out, and protection of Nüwa culture, formulated scientific plans, established special research institutions, held seminars, published a collection of essays and a collection of "Tales of Nüwa Mountain", rehearsed column drama programs related to Nüwa culture, compiled and printed a special issue on Nüwa culture, created a television documentary on "The Origin of Nüwa Culture Suiping" for in-depth publicity, and invested in the construction of Nüwa Cultural Square, and repaired the road into the mountain into the Nüwa cultural heritage area. The high starting point plans to build the Nüwa Temple and the Nüwa Cultural Garden Area, and repairs the original ecological Nüwa cultural sites and relics, so that the Nüwa culture has been effectively protected and inherited.

Nowadays, in Suiping, Nüwa culture has been routineized, lived, secularized, regionalized and seasonalized. The depth and breadth of its integration and popularization show the degree of continuation, dissemination, excavation and development of Nüwa culture in Suiping County.

Suiping County's folklore about Nüwa is also very rich, especially the local "branch of the tweezer steamed bun" means "to make up the sky", children wear "tiger head hood" means to commemorate the Nüwa Niangniang pray for peace, rainy days za "sweep the sky Niangniang" hanging on the lintel means to pray for qingqing and other living customs passed down from generation to generation, every year on the 15th to 20th of March of the lunar calendar There is a Nüwa temple fair.

Meet the red stone cliffs, the hills up and down the mountain, the fields and rivers are full of red rock masses of different sizes and shapes. Encounter the Red Rock Cliff, late autumn frost season, the red maple of the mountains is like smoke, and the red rock mass forms a surging "natural symphony".

Hongshi Cliff is also the fertile soil of the Red Revolution, which was once the residence of the Independent Corps of the New Fourth Army and the anti-Japanese base area. In October 1945, the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, under the leadership of Li Xiannian, met here with the East Eighth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army's Jiluyu Military Region led by Wang Dinglie and the Henan Military Region of the Eighth Route Army led by Wang Shusheng.

How to make the history and culture alive and fire, the ever-changing Hongshi Cliff Scenic Area digs deep into cultural resources, attracts more and more tourists to play with beautiful natural scenery and cultural resources behind them, so as to drive local farmers to develop catering and accommodation industries to drive one side's economy and support the villagers' ardent hope of getting rich!