
Love coffee but can't pick beans? Never mind! Listen to the chief technician's introduction →

author:Shangguan News

Leisure time,

Make a cup of fragrant coffee,

Or rest and taste alone at home,

Or invite a few friends to exchange feelings,

It has become a hobby for many people.


The Jing'an District Science and Technology Association invited Wang Zhendong, chief technician of Shanghai, director of the Jing'an District Coffee Master Studio, and "Jing'an Craftsman", to introduce the method of selecting good coffee beans to coffee lovers.

Love coffee but can't pick beans? Never mind! Listen to the chief technician's introduction →

1 Choose by coffee bean variety

Arabica and Robusta beans are the most common commercial coffee bean varieties. Usually, grinding coffee mostly uses Arabica coffee beans, and some are mixed with a certain proportion of Robusta coffee beans or cross-breed coffee beans such as Katim, while instant coffee and ready-to-drink coffee drinks mostly use Robusta coffee beans.

Love coffee but can't pick beans? Never mind! Listen to the chief technician's introduction →

Since there are very significant flavor differences between different coffee beans, we must first understand its origin and variety when choosing. In general, if we like the bright, floral, sweet and delicious flavor of the fruit, then Arabica coffee beans will be more suitable; If you prefer a full-bodied, quick-to-refresh coffee, you can choose to mix a coffee with a certain percentage of Robusta beans.

2 Select by coffee bean region

Almost all of the world's coffee trees grow in the tropical region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, which is represented by the equator, and we usually call coffee three major production areas, namely: African coffee producing areas, Asia-Pacific coffee producing areas and American coffee producing areas. With the improvement of coffee bean production and quality in Yunnan, Yunnan coffee is also rapidly growing into an important production area.

Love coffee but can't pick beans? Never mind! Listen to the chief technician's introduction →

(1) Ethiopian coffee beans: Ethiopia with its unique Yega Shefi, Sidamo and Haral Arabika coffee, has become the most representative coffee producer in Africa, Yega Shefi coffee is the best representative, its washed coffee beans have a strong floral fragrance and citrus flavor.

(2) Kenyan coffee beans: Kenyan high-quality Arabica coffee beans grown in the highlands near Mount Kenya have a strong and high-quality sour taste and berry hue. Kenyan coffee has a sweet fruity taste and a strong wine sourness, moderate mellowness, clean taste and almost no defects and odors.

(3) Vietnamese coffee beans: Vietnam is the world's second largest coffee producer after Brazil. Vietnamese coffee is mainly grown in the south, mainly Robusta coffee, accounting for about 97% of its total coffee production, Vietnam is also the world's largest Producer of Robusta coffee beans.

(4) Indonesian coffee beans: The Lindong district and Mantening in its north are planted with traditional high-quality Arabica coffee beans, and are usually named after place names. Mantinen coffee beans have a strong aroma, similar to chocolate and nut flavor, high-quality sourness, moderate acidity and pronounced sweetness, suitable for deep roasting.

Early cat coffee came from Sumatra, Indonesia. After eating the coffee fruit, the musk cat excretes the undigested coffee seeds with the feces, and the villagers collect coffee beans from the wild musk cat feces.

Originating in the early 18th century, Javanese coffee beans are more refreshing, clean and bright, with distinctly sweet, nutty, spice and vanilla aromas due to the complex wet processing and drying methods they undergo on large farms.

(5) Yunnan coffee beans: Yunnan coffee planting area is wide, planting output is large, accounting for more than 98% of China's total coffee production. The main areas where coffee is grown in Yunnan are Pu'er, Baoshan, Dehong, Xishuangbanna and Lincang, mainly planting tin card coffee beans and Katim coffee beans.

(6) Brazilian coffee beans: Brazilian Sun or semi-sun coffee in Santos has a peaceful taste, has a rich spice flavor, washed coffee beans taste clean, soft, low acidity, and have a high-quality fruit flavor.

(7) Panamanian coffee beans: Panama is a relatively new member of the specialty coffee market, in several well-run estates in Panama, its coffee bean flavor presents a transition from lively, gentle sour, rounded to rich, bright sour.

(8) Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Beans: The Blue Mountain coffee beans grown on the Blue Mountains of Jamaica have become one of the most famous and expensive coffees in the world because of their balanced taste, mild, sweet and sour balance, and no bitterness. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a certification mark, and only coffee certified by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Association can be labeled "Blue Mountain Coffee".

(9) Colombian coffee beans: Colombia is the world's third largest coffee producer after Brazil and Vietnam, and it is also the world's main producer of specialty coffee, producing a large number of high-quality coffee with stable quality. It mainly produces high-quality Arabica-grown coffee beans, including some rare and valuable varieties such as Gesha.

3 Select according to the treatment process

The processing process of coffee is an important part of the coffee processing process, mainly refers to the process of turning coffee cherries into coffee green beans.

At present, there are roughly five kinds of treatment methods in use in the world, namely: sun treatment method, water washing treatment method, semi-sun treatment method, honey treatment method and wet bubble treatment method, of which the sun treatment method, water washing treatment method and semi-sun treatment method are the mainstay. The following is a brief introduction to the characteristics of the sun and wash methods:

(1) Sun treatment method / natural drying method (Natural Process). The sun treatment method refers to the process of drying the coffee cherries directly in the sun after picking, which is the oldest existing treatment method. The sun treatment method is a very varied treatment in flavor, which usually makes the coffee beans appear sweeter and has flavors similar to dried plums, raisins and even wine.

(2) Washed treatment method (Washed). The water washing treatment method, often referred to as the water washing method, is currently the most widely used coffee treatment method in the world. Its flavor characteristics usually have a bright sour taste similar to fresh fruit, and the taste is cleaner.

Reporter: Gu Wu

Source: Jing'an District Science and Technology Association

Editor: Chen Tao