
The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

author:I hope to meet the child-rearing story today

Taking the child to the home of her classmate Ying Zi, I found that although her daughter Duo Duo was only in kindergarten, her literacy volume had exceeded 1,000, and my children still couldn't read a few big characters.

This gap made me dare not believe it, and I felt that Hideko had an exaggerated component. However, seeing that Duo Duo picked up a children's book and could read it fluently, I believed it.

Hideko says that Todo is already completely free to read. I'm curious, how did Hideko get a 5-year-old child up to 1,000 literate? Is it to give your child a kindergarten bridging class?

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Hideko smiled and said that her family had never spent money on early education classes and early childhood bridging classes.

This makes me more curious, what are the parenting tips of Ying Zi, so that children can know so many words before school?

Hideko saw that I was eager to find a way, and unreservedly shared with me her methods and experiences in teaching Duoduo to read and recognize words.

I summarized it and shared it with you.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

First, cognitive cards do early education enlightenment

Hideko said that from the age of 2, she bought various cognitive cards for her children, and then took these cognitive cards to play with patterns and flowers.

Hideko said that the cognitive cards she bought had Chinese characters, numbers, letters, and were equipped with various vegetables and small animals, and the cards were brightly colored, and the flowers were particularly fond of them.

In this way, in the process of playing every day, Duo Duo knew all the items, new words, pinyin, and numbers on the card.

When the blossom is slightly larger, Hideko lets the blossom play with the doodle and exercise the hand-eye coordination ability and hand muscles of the blossom.

In this way, relying on those cognitive cards, Duo Duo knew hundreds of simple Chinese characters and 26 English letters at the age of three, as well as numbers within 20.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Second, take children to know high-frequency words in life

After DuoDuo used cognitive cards to accumulate some commonly used simple Chinese characters, Hideko came up with a new way to take her children to recognize words in life.

Hideko said that as children grow older, there is always a way that children will be uninterested.

Home, community, street is full of Chinese characters, these Chinese characters are often used, often appear high-frequency characters, Ying Zi said that the use of these resources, can easily teach children to read.

So Eiko put sticky notes on many things in the house, with pinyin and Chinese characters written on the names of the items. In this way, children can learn to recognize words at home every day, walk to the TV and see the word "TV", and walk to the refrigerator to see the word "refrigerator".

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

When taking the children out, Hideko will also play the game of "see who is looking for more" with Duoduo, allowing Duoduo to count the words she has found.

In short, Ying Zi seized every possible opportunity to take the child to recognize the road sign, the station sign, the menu, and told the child that as long as he knew these words, he could find his own home, and he could also read the menu and order when eating, and duoduo was of course very interested.

Ying Zi said that through the above two methods, the child's literacy can basically reach more than 800, and simple reading can begin.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Third, parent-child reading teaches children to recognize low-frequency words

No matter what method is used to teach children to read at the beginning, it is actually to prepare for reading, and it must be implemented in reading.

Low-frequency characters have little chance of appearing in life, and only by learning in reading can children not only understand the Chinese characters themselves, but also understand the meaning.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Eiko said that when other children only play in the playground, she has begun to cultivate the habit of reading.

Ying Zi will accompany Duo Duo to read every day, and when Duo Duo encounters new words that will not be born, Ying Zi will tell Duo Duo the pronunciation and meaning of the words.

At the same time, Ying Zi felt that Duo Duo had grown up, and the original cognitive cards would be gone, so she re-selected a literacy card that was more suitable for Duo Duo's age, and Ying Zi said that the new literacy card had Chinese characters, partial first group words, and idiom solitaire. After Duo Duo recognized the words and words on these cards, plus the previous accumulation, the literacy volume exceeded 1,000. With more than 1,000 literacy, there is no problem in the early childhood.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

After listening to Hideko's sharing, I was really impressed and completely subverted my understanding of teaching children to read.

In the early stage of children's early childhood, many parents are very anxious and are busy reporting their children to kindergarten bridging classes, but Ying Zi did not enroll her children in classes, but it made Duo Duo many times stronger than those children who attended kindergarten bridging classes.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Many parents may say, why let children know so many words in advance? After entering elementary school, zero basic learning is not enough.

If you think the same way, you're dead wrong.

Do you know? 2-7 years old is a child's literacy and sensitivity period. At this stage, children instinctively have an interest in literacy, and at this stage, the child's memory is particularly good, the memory speed is fast, the number is large, the memory is firm, and the memory process is also relaxed.

At this stage, if there are parents around to teach their children the pronunciation and meaning of the word at any time, it only takes a few times for the child to firmly remember a Chinese character. And children at this stage can read and distinguish a word without the help of pinyin.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Therefore, seizing this stage and allowing children to "play in middle school" and read more is of great benefit to children to cultivate early reading habits, and can also prepare children for early childhood, so that children can be much easier after entering primary school.

Hideko recommended her family's favorite cognitive card to me, and I quickly got started when I got home.

"Tear up the graffiti cognitive card"

This set of cognitive cards covers all kinds of children's cognitive needs in life, and is divided into 8 themes: Hanyu Pinyin, Animal World, Picture Literacy, Transportation, Animal Paradise, English Alphabet, Fruit and Vegetable Cognition, and Fun Mathematics. Ideal for 0-6 year olds to improve cognitive abilities while playing.

The 5-year-old baby has more than 1,000 literates, and it turns out that her mother has been doing this, and the method is worth learning

Children can recognize numbers, pinyin, Chinese characters, English letters, etc. in the process of playing.

These can pave the way for children to learn later, and can also stimulate children's interest in reading.

This set of cognitive cards is double-sidedly printed, and also has a magic water pen, which can circulate painting, A-side cognition, B-side painting, so that the child's left and right brains are trained at the same time.

"Tear up" and "Doodle repeatedly" are the highlights of this set of cards. Bring a magic water writing pen, add water to use, can be used many times.

Children tear up graffiti cognitive card ¥39 purchase

After I started this set of cards, I often played card games with my children, and after a period of time, the words, words, and things on the cards were recognized by the children, and the children's literacy increased dramatically.

I put the link I have put on the top, parents with 2-7 years old children, can choose according to the age of the child.

In the child's literacy sensitive period, using the "play middle school" way that children are happy to accept, let children know different things, easily read, so as to fall in love with reading, lay a good foundation for future learning, which is a better gift that our parents can give to their children.