
After the age of 50, slowly enter the "longevity period", eat less than 2 things, change 3 bad habits, and longevity will come

author:GP online

As the saying goes: Thirty and standing, forty and not confused, fifty and knowing the destiny, sixty and obedient, seventy and from the heart. For both men and women, 50 years old is a hurdle in life and a period of high incidence of diseases. A variety of diseases are easy to erupt around the age of 50, such as: diabetes, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction, tumors, etc., so after the age of 50 should do a good job of physical health care, to do the following points or can extend life.

After the age of 50, slowly enter the "longevity period", eat less than 2 things, change 3 bad habits, and longevity will come

What points can you do after the age of 50 or can you extend your life?

1. Quit smoking

Everyone knows the dangers of smoking, a single lit cigarette can release thousands of chemicals, and dozens of carcinogens. Long-term smoking, which bears the brunt of the lungs, increases the risk of bronchitis, pneumonia and COPD, and is also a high-risk factor for lung, oral and laryngeal cancers, as well as esophageal cancers. Therefore, after the age of 50, you should quit smoking in time, and stay away from second-hand smoke at the same time, which can reduce the harm caused by smoking to the body.

2. Quit drinking

Alcohol is a stimulant substance, and the intermediate metabolite of alcohol is acetaldehyde, which has been classified as a carcinogen. Most of the alcohol entering the body is metabolized and detoxified in the liver, alcohol abuse can hinder the liver from functioning fat, causing metabolic disorders, light induce fatty liver, heavy can develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer; Drinking alcohol can also damage the gastric mucosa, induce gastric ulcers or gastric perforation, so for your own health, you need to stay away from alcoholic beverages.

After the age of 50, slowly enter the "longevity period", eat less than 2 things, change 3 bad habits, and longevity will come

3. Change staying up late

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person's life, sleep quality directly affects the health of the body, adequate sleep and good sleep quality, conducive to the repair of various organs, so that physical strength and energy can be restored. However, staying up late has become the norm of people's lives, staying up late to play mobile phones, overtime or entertainment will affect melatonin secretion, hinder the repair of various organs, destroy the immune system, and increase the risk of disease. Therefore, you should get rid of the bad habit of staying up late, no matter how busy you are, you must fall asleep before 23:00, sleep enough for 7 to 8 hours every night, and have a lunch break of 30 to 60 minutes during the day.

4. Change to sedentary

The harm caused by sedentary immobility is not limited to obesity, but also damages the lumbar spine, cervical spine and lower back; Sedentary can also slow down gastrointestinal peristalsis, prolong the residence time of harmful substances in the intestine, and increase the risk of bowel cancer; Sedentary can also induce high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty liver, etc., increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in short, the harm of sitting for a long time is many. Therefore, sedentary time should be reduced, and every period of work should be consciously standing up and moving for a few minutes, such as taking a glass of water to drink, going to the toilet or shaking legs.

After the age of 50, slowly enter the "longevity period", eat less than 2 things, change 3 bad habits, and longevity will come

5. Change the diseased hard resistance

Most middle-aged people do not pay attention to their own symptoms, even if they feel pain, they will endure or self-medicate, resulting in masking the real condition and missing the best treatment time. Therefore, middle-aged people should pay more attention to the small details of life, as long as there is any discomfort or disease, they should choose a regular hospital for a comprehensive examination and targeted treatment after clear diagnosis.

A message from the family doctor

The above bad habits should be corrected immediately by middle-aged people, usually cultivate their good habits of exercise, and ensure that there are more than 30 minutes of exercise every day, such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming and jumping rope, etc., and adhere to 4 to 5 times a week; In addition to aerobic exercise, strength training such as sit-ups or push-ups and squats is also needed to improve muscle mass. In addition, middle-aged people should go to the hospital once a year for a comprehensive physical examination, and if necessary, they should also do anti-cancer screening.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction