
Once washed, it fades color, and there are still small white insects hidden, can such bayberry be eaten?

On the palate it is refreshing, sour and sweet

How much do you love bayberry↓

Once washed, it fades color, and there are still small white insects hidden, can such bayberry be eaten?

But for this summer-off piece

People's cognitive misunderstandings are also really quite a few ↓

"Washing bayberry must be stained with dye"

"The little white worm in the bayberry will get sick when eaten"

"Eat bayberry without spitting nuclear energy to clean the intestines"


Once washed, it fades color, and there are still small white insects hidden, can such bayberry be eaten?

These statements are correct

Hear what the experts have to say

1, there are small bugs in the bayberry that can be eaten

Small white insects commonly found on bayberry

Mainly fruit flies and their larvae

Does not contain pathogenic bacteria that are harmful to the human body

Ruan Guangfeng, director of the Science and Technology Communication Department and deputy research librarian of the Science and Technology Communication Center of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, said: Fruit flies and flies that feed on the pulp of the fruit are different, they do not carry and infect pathogenic bacteria, and the acidity of human gastric juice can fully decompose fruit flies and their larvae, so accidentally eating the white insects of fruit flies will not cause harm to the human body, and there is no need to worry about safety and health problems.

Dr. Li Yi of Hangzhou Customs Technology Center said: However, although the fruit flies in the white larval stage are harmless, if the fruit flies mature and become black bugs, the possibility of fruit rot will be relatively large, and in this case, it is best not to eat them again.

2, wash bayberry discoloration is added dye

This is a misunderstanding of bayberry

Ruan Guangfeng explained that the color loss of bayberry is mainly derived from its own pigment - anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are extremely water-soluble, mature to a certain extent of bayberry, water pressure during washing, touch when stirring, or bumps and bumps in the transportation and storage process, may cause damage to the pulp cell wall of bayberry, and the juice is easy to flow out.

There are dozens of varieties of bayberry, common red, dark red and purple red, so washed bayberry, will "drop" out of different colors.

Moreover, if the bayberry is added with a dye, it will not only accelerate its decay and deterioration, but the cost of the additive itself is not low, so the practice of mixing dye into the fresh bayberry is not worth the loss.

Once washed, it fades color, and there are still small white insects hidden, can such bayberry be eaten?

3. Can swallow bayberry clear the intestines?

Can't swallow!

The "theoretical basis" of this statement is that the surface of the bayberry nucleus is attached to a layer of villi, which can clean the intestines and even bring out the parasites, which is conducive to the cleaning of the body.

But the truth is that many people eat bayberry without spitting out the core, which leads to indigestion and even intestinal obstruction.

Ruan Guangfeng explained: The appearance of the bayberry core is a relatively thick protective shell, which cannot be directly digested by the human body. Eating bayberry without spitting out the core, not only can not clean the intestines, but will damage the stomach and intestines, and at the same time there is a risk of choking and suffocation, especially the elderly and children.

4, eating bayberry is easy to cause allergies?

It may be due to a short intake of sugar

After eating bayberry, some people will have symptoms such as blistering in the mouth, the tip of the tongue, and the ulceration of the corners of the mouth. Therefore, the saying that eating bayberry is easy to cause allergies is also popular.

Ruan Guangfeng said: From the perspective of nutrition, it may be a sign of the body's emergency response to the increase in the demand for B vitamins in a short period of time due to the intake of a large amount of sugar, in order to accelerate metabolism.

Although bayberry is sweet in the "acid", the sugar content is not low at all, and the sugar content of different varieties of bayberry is between 8% and 20%. Therefore, after eating bayberry, you must rinse your mouth and brush your teeth in time to avoid the damage of the acidic components and sugars of bayberry to your teeth health. Friends who need to control blood sugar should pay special attention to intake.

At the same time, some people also have the problem of fructose allergy, and when eating too many fruits with high fructose content such as bayberry on an empty stomach or after meals, it may cause nausea, vomiting, bowel sounds, diarrhea and other symptoms.

5. Will eating bayberry aggravate the symptoms of stomach ulcers?

In fact, patients such as peptic ulcers should temporarily avoid excessive consumption of all acidic components and foods such as vegetables and fruits with high dietary fiber and coarse grain beans during the period of incomplete cure, not only bayberry.

Once washed, it fades color, and there are still small white insects hidden, can such bayberry be eaten?

Support: Bayberry shopping view, touch, smell

Studies have found that bayberry is rich in protein, amino acids, as well as minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, copper and multivitamins. At the same time, it also contains phytochemicals, organic acids and aromatic substances, which play an important role in supplementing the nutrients needed by the human body and enhancing appetite.

Ruan Guangfeng suggested that consumers buy delicious and fresh bayberry through one look, two sniffs and three touches:

Take a look

First see if the container where the bayberry is placed is dry and clean, and whether the bayberry is squeezed.

Secondly, look at the color of bayberry, too bright red is not ripe, the taste will be very sour, and the color is too dark such as black purple, bayberry is likely to be overcooked. Consumers should choose bayberry with a dark red color, a dry feel to the hand, and a round thorn.

Two sniffs

If the bayberry smells if there is no smell, it means that it is not mature; If there is a faint smell of alcohol, it means that the storage or transportation time is too long. Choose bayberry that smells light and clear.

Three touches

You can gently touch the bayberry with your fingers to determine whether it is mature and spoiled. If the feel is relatively hard, it means that it is not fully mature; If it feels soft after touching and has a slight rebound, it can be judged to be mature. But if it feels particularly soft, it means that the possibility of arbutus about to deteriorate is relatively large, so buy it cautiously.

[ Editor: Zeng Xiuhua ]

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