
In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

author:Sweets and sweets light

The rainy season is coming, and many places are raining for days, and the light time is reduced, resulting in a continuous decrease in the secretion of melatonin in the brain, and melatonin is an important factor in determining the quality of sleep. Long-term rain, people's mood ups and downs are very large, low mood will also cause a decline in sleep quality, resulting in the body is easy to exhaust, always listless. During the rainy season, the humidity is aggravated, resulting in liver fire, and the weakness of the spleen and stomach can easily lead to dry mouth, bad breath and other problems.

In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

Coupled with the rainy season, people have been in a humid and hot environment for a long time, and wet evil has entered the body, which can easily lead to aggravated disorders in the gastrointestinal digestive system. It is recommended that you must eat more vegetables and fruits in season to improve your physical fitness. For example, this kind of vegetable is currently on the market in large quantities, and some people may think that it tastes strange, so they have lived for thirty-four years, adding up to less than three times, but even so, it has not made this vegetable full of treasure disappear from people's sight.

In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

It is fennel, according to research, fennel is rich in vitamins, carotene, so that we get close to smell fennel, there is a distinctly spicy aroma. After consumption, the spicy properties of fennel can better stimulate the nerves and even blood vessels on the stomach and intestines, which is conducive to human digestion. Fennel in addition to making a dish, is also widely used in the production of wine, fennel because of its spicy quality, so after making wine, people drink, can play a role in cold and pain relief and other effects. For southerners, it is time to eat more fennel during the rainy season.

In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

Rainy season,

Southerners can't do without "this dish",

2 pieces a pound,

Get rid of moisture with ease.

——Scrambled eggs with fennel——

In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 handful of fennel, salt to taste


In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

Step 1: Prepare 3 eggs and beat the beaten egg mixture, wash the fennel and chop them. Then pour the crushed fennel into the egg mixture, add the appropriate amount of salt and mix well.

In the rainy season, southerners can't do without "this dish", 2 pieces of a pound, discharge moisture easily

Step 2: Heat the oil, pour the fennel egg mixture into an iron pot and stir-fry, quickly slide and fry until the egg liquid solidifies and is put out of the pan.

The fennel scrambled eggs obtained in this way are soft and tender, and the texture that likes to be drier can be fried a little longer.