
History of Korea, Volume 1 (Click Reading)

author:Manna for two years

History of Korea, Volume I


  At the beginning of the East, there was no monarch. [There are only nine kinds of Yi] There are gods who descended on Mount Taibai [in present-day LiaoYao Province, that is, Miaoxiang Mountain.] Under the sandalwood, the people of the country were established as kings.

  Tang Yao twenty-five years ago.

  The name of the country is North Korea.

  In the land of the eastern table sunrise, it is called North Korea. Suo Sui Yue: There is a Shanshui, hence the name.

  The capital is Pyongyang, migrating to Baekdae, and later into the Asda Mountains. [Now September Mountain] is a god, for Tanjun, and the name is Wang Jian. Gu Jiyun: Lijun and Yao stood side by side, and in the eighth year of Shang Wuding, they were 4,008 gods. Ran Quan should make a poem recently: Passing on the generations does not know how many years to prevent more than a thousand, and the three years of the inheritance are not Tanjun Yuya.


  King Keshang of Zhouwu, With a Chinese of five thousand, entered Korea, and King Wu was enfeoffed, and the capital was Pyongyang, which was for later Korea. Teach the people to be righteous, weave silkworms in the fields, set up eight religions, kill each other to be appropriate, and pay for killing and hurting each other when they are paid for grain. Whoever steals, the male who is a slave to his house, the woman who is a maid, and the one who wants to redeem himself, half a million people, although they are exempt from the people, the common people are ashamed, and the marriage is not sold.

  In the end, their people did not steal from each other, there was no door closed, the woman was virtuous and not adulterous, the diet was based on beans, there was benevolence, and its descendants were slightly arrogant, Yan Nai attacked its western Manchurian Khan as the boundary, and Korea was weak, until the forty generations of suns belonged to Qin, the son Zhun li, for the sake of the temptation of The Full, floated south.


  The Yan people were confused because of Lu, [Han Gaozu, Shi Yan Wang was chaotic. Outlaws came to cross the waters. [Now datong river.] Lured Ji Zhun, according to Wang Jiancheng. [Present-day Pyongyang.] Still calling Korea, to Sun Youqu, not following the Han edict, Emperor Wu sent Gongsun Sui to extinguish it.

  Four counties

  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty divided the land into Lelang, [Pyongyang] Lintun, [Eastern □ County, and present-day Gangneung. ]菟,【Dongwo Depression City, present-day Xianjingdi.】【【Dongwo Depression City,】 True. 【Lei County】

  Two provinces

  Emperor Zhao of Han made Pingna Commandery the Governor of Pingzhou. Lintun Lelang County, is the capital of Dongfu.


  Mahan, [present-day Jeolla.] Ji Zhun avoids The Man, floating in the sea, and lives in Jinma County, Handi. [Present-day Yishan County] The King of Han, whose people knew silkworm mulberry, made cotton cloth, was brave in nature, lived in an earthen house, and his head was upwards, ruling the country fifty-four, and the later King of Baekje, Wen Zuo, and merged it.

  Since Miko died, more than a thousand years.

  Tatsuhan, [present-day Gyeongju. After the fall of Qin, people avoided Han, and Han cut off the eastern boundary with it. It is often used by the Mahan people as the master, the five grains of the land, the common silkworm mulberry, the good cloth, the riding of cattle and horses, the difference between men and women, the walkers give way, and the rule of the twelve.

  Ben Han, [Ben, Yi Zuo Bian.] Present-day Pyongyang. The country was founded in Handi, and it is not known that its ancestors belonged to Chenhan and unified the twelve kingdoms.

  Quan Jinyue: The Book of Later Han believes that Bian Han is in the south, Chen Han is in the east, ma Han is in the west, and its name is That Bian Han is in the south, covering the land of Liaodong in the Han Dynasty and Yun'er. It is not said that Bian Han is in Chen, Ma Er Han is in the south, and Cui Zhilu is called Ma Han and Li Ye. Bian Han, Baekje also, mistakenly.

  Three kingdoms

  The ancestor of Silla, Heju Shi, Li.

  Emperor Xuan of Han, The First Year of the Fifth Dynasty.

  In the beginning, Su Fagong, the mayor of Gaoxu Village, got a large egg in the Forest of Luojing, cut a baby, raised a ridge, and became a dreamer, and the six parts were different.

  The Korean remnants live on the east coast and are divided into six villages, or six parts.

  He was established as a monarch and lived in Xigan. [Dialect, Wang Also.] Duchen Handi, the national name Xu Luohua, with Park as his surname.

  It is common to take the urn as simple, and the egg is cut like a urn, so the surname is zhi.

  Li Fuying was a concubine.

  In the beginning, the dragon was seen in Fu Yingjing, the right side gave birth to a daughter, and the old woman raised it, named after the well.

  Concubines can be assisted internally, and people call them the second saint. Wang patrolled the six ministries, advised the governor of Nongsang, did not cut down the mourning of Ma Han, made the people respect and surrendered, Lelang came to invade, saw the night and did not attack, obeyed its way, led the troops to retreat, and Dong Wo was called a saint.

  Wo Frustrated is in the east of Lizhi, north of Ru Lou, south of Yu Qi, human nature is strong and courageous, now Xianjingdi.

  Send envoys to sacrifice horses, and Bian Han will surrender with the country.

  Quan Jinyue: The life of Luo Zufu Ying is strange and unusual. Is it not a land of the sea, where there are many living people, who are simple and ignorant, and there is a devious one, who believes in God, so that he may pass it on to future generations.

  Goguryeo, ancestor Zhu Fang, Li.

  Emperor Jianzhao of the Han Dynasty was in the second year, and the ancestor of Silla was twenty-one years old.

  First there is the East Buyeo King Golden Frog

  Buyeo King Xie Fu Lou, old childless, asking for heirs, sacrificing mountains and rivers, so the royal horse to Kunyuan, see the big stone opposite and tears. The turning stone has a child's gold, frog-shaped, happy and nurturing, known as the golden frog, and long, established as the prince.

  Dehe Bo Nu YuHua, in the Taibai Mountains South You Bo Shui. [In the present-day Ning Dynasty] hidden in the room, for the sun shadow to burn and be killed, give birth to an egg, the frog wants to dissect it, the mother wrapped in a warm place, there are men who break out, the bones are heroic, the seven martyrs make their own bows,  all in the middle, named Zhu Fang.

  Buyeo is commonly known as a good shooter, for Zhu Fang.

  The seven sons of the frog are jealous and want to kill them. Zhu Fangnai and Wuyi Shenfu Mo Li waited to cover up the waterproof. Wu Liang Zhu Yue: My Heavenly Emperor, The Nephew of Hebo, today's escape, the pursuers will be there, why not? So the fish and shrew formed a bridge to cross, the bridge was dissolved, and the pursuing soldiers could not reach it, and met the three sages in the Maotun Valley.

  Linen, coat, algae coat,

  Ju zhi Ben Buyeo, [present-day Chengchuan Province] his king was childless, his wife was a girl, Boiling Stream and Wen Zuo, Wang Xue, Zhu Fangsi, after calling himself Gaoxin, the state name Goguryeo, because of the surname Gao, when the boiling water on the Songyang state, the king came to the country and was given the title of Marquis of Duobei.

  Li Yu, the old king, for more than not.

  And destroyed the kingdom of the People.

  In the southeast of Taibai Mountain, that is, in present-day Sanzhi Province.

  and North Woj.

  A ditch Lou, north of Lou Lou, Lou Lou in the north of the Unsan Mountain, East Coast Sea, mountainous and dangerous, more courageous, cold earth, dwelling in the cave, bow length of four feet, ya with neem bluestone as a hammer, the ancient Su Shen clan also.

  The Queen Mother of Goguryeo, Yanhua, died in Dong buyeo, and her king, Jin Frog, was buried with the ceremony of the Empress Dowager and established a temple.

  King of Goguryeo, Zhu Fangxue. [King Dongming.] Prince □ Li, Li. Moved to the capital of the country, [now Uiju.] And built the rock city of Wei Na.

  Zhu Fang married the Li clan in Buyeo, and there was a concubine, and Zhu Fang was born after he went. There are knots, good projectiles, mistakenly draw women's pots, be scolded for having no father, ask the mother, know where the father is, search for the pillar, get the sword left by the father, hold the sword, see the king, and the king will be crowned with the broken sword he has hidden, and the fruit will be established as the prince.

  Silla sent gong to Ma Han, and king of Han made him a duke. Right: The mainland has been rejuvenated since the Second Saint Zhaoxing, and when the personnel are in heaven, and the cangyu are enriched, the people are enriched, and the people of Chenhan, Bian Han, Lelang, and Wu are all afraid and modest, and they send their ministers to hire and rebel against the anger and robbery, He Ye? The King of Han wanted to kill him, and the left and right emperors were also returned to the Gong. The Ben Wu people, who first crossed the sea with a urn, were called Yan.

  The ancestor of Baekje, Wen Zuoli.

  Han Hongjia for three years, Luo Shizu forty years.

  His father, Zhu Fang, the King of Goguryeo, made □ Li crown prince after marrying a woman of the Li clan during the reign of Dong Buyeo. Wen Zuo and his brother boiled streams, fearing that they were incompatible, and headed south. Boiling Stream Ju Mi Zou Kuo, [present-day Inju Prefecture.] Wenzuo Capital Henan Weili City, [present-day Jishan County] The national name Baekje.

  At first, ten people such as dried birds followed the line, so the name was Ten Ji, and later the people were happy to obey, and changed to Baekje.

  Later, he migrated to Hanshan City in the south, [present-day Guangzhou] and then to Pyongyang City in the south, and [present-day Hanjing] took Buyeo as his clan and tied out Buyeo, so he was cloudy.

  Boiling stream with its capital, the water and soil salty and wet, can not live, to the consolation, see the grandeur of the palace, ashamed to die.

  Baekje suffers from the invasion of tassels.

  In the north of the Buxian Mountains, it is bordered by the Northern Wo Depression, and the ancient SuShen clan kingdom, that is, the present savages, the three kingdoms, and are invaded by it.

  The father of the clan, Yi Yin, has intellect, is the right assistant, and entrusts military affairs. And the pawn, replaced by Xie Lou, the divine consciousness is profound, over seventy years old, and the strength is not ashamed.

  In baekje, there are old women who turn into men.

  Baekje sent ma han to move the capital to Hansan, still fixed the territory, north to the Hun River, south to the Bear River, west to the poor sea, and east pole to the soil.

  Baekje King, Lidong Mingwang Temple, and Guomu Temple.

  Shi Chen: Baekje and Goguryeo, who are separated from each other and establish the temple of Dongming, should not be matched with the mother of other countries, but not to worship their mother.

  Baekje Seoul people ma sheng cattle, one song and two bodies.

  The Sun: The ox has a two-headed body, and the king and neighbors should also be. Wang Xi, then has the ambition to annex Chenma.

  King Heju Sejong of Silla. [Reigned for sixty-one years.] Prince Nan Xie, Li. [The first four years of the Han Dynasty] number of the second male.

  Or Yun Ci Chong, Dialect, Wu. Cover god and fear.

  Silla has a former liberator, nine feet long, beautiful wind god, excellent intellect, specialized in learning, and geography, the king's wife is a daughter, thinking that he is a great assistant, entrusting military and state affairs, the king of Dobhona marries a female daughter, gives birth to a large egg, places it in the middle of the tree, floats the sea to Azhenpu, the old woman opens the tree, has children to raise, when the tree comes, there is a magpie that follows the song, and the provincial magpie takes the past as the surname, and comes out with the solution, name, dissolution.

  Invasion of Silla County.

  Since then, he has repeatedly committed crimes against Yao County.

  The king of Goguryeo moved the capital to The Rock City, and the prince Xie Ming did not follow, bullying and resenting his neighbors.

  Xie Ming left the capital HuanglongGuo, the king gave a strong bow, Xie Ming made it, bent it.

  The king gave death, and the prince knew: The father's life could not be escaped, but he was stabbed with a gun into the ground, and the horse touched the gun and died. [Year 21.] Wang Mang  Goguryeo soldiers cut down Hu, the king did not want to obey, Mang sent Yan You to surrender, and crowned the king as the Marquis of Lower Juryeo.

  King □ of Goguryeo, King Of Liuliming. The prince has no shirt and takes Otomoshi as his left assistant.

  Goguryeo King Northern Expedition Buyeo, The Beiming people were strangely invited by Dao to march, drew their swords and trumpets and marched straight forward, beheaded the King of Buyeo, and his brother [the son of the golden frog] established himself as king, moved the capital to the waterfront, and led the people from his brother to descend, and gave him the surname Luo.

  All have a network text, so also.

  King Silla Nam Jie. Left behind ByoShi, in order to be old, prince Confucianism, Standing. Han was the first two years old.

  The trumpet is now.

  Confucianism let Yu Xi dissolve, that is: Homo sapiens has many teeth, and Confucianism has many teeth and stands up. Nishijin, dialect, tooth reason also.

  Baekje's ancestor Wen Zuoshuo, prince Duolou Wang, Li, han Jianwu for four years.

  Silla is divided into six parts, and is still given the surnames Of Lee, Choi, Sun, Jeong, Bae, and Xue.

  Two parts have, will Su qu.

Every year, the queen daughter looks forward to it every year, and leads the women in the ministry to divide the six court performances at night, and until August 15, the school merits, the loser puts wine, called Jia Hai, composes Su qu, sings.

  Silla changed the official system and placed seventeen pins.

  Yi Fa Meal, Yi Zhi Meal, Yue Ying Meal, Yue Bo Zhen Meal, Yue Da Ah Meal, all of which are taught to the Straight Bone Royal Family. Yue A meal, Yue Yi Ji meal, Yue Sha meal, Yue Grade Cutting Meal, Yue Da Yu Ma, Yue Yu Ma, Yue Da She, Yue She zhi, Yue Ji Shi, Yue Da Wu, Yue Xiao Wu, Yue Zhao.

  The king of Goguryeo, with the greedy and wasteful boiling stream ministers Qiu Du, Yi Mao, and Burning Yong as his people, took Zou Bosu instead, and the three of them apologized for their sins. Qiu Du felt ashamed and did not return to evil.

  The Princess Yuan of Goguryeo, fearing the prince and the good child, snatched the concubine with love, was rude, the king doubted, or persuaded himself to release, that is, if I release it, it is the evil of the mother, the worry of the father, and the death of the sword.

  Baekje began to grow rice.

  The ancestor of the Luo Kingdom [now Jinhai Province], Jin Shoulu, Li.

  Nineteen years of Han Jianwu,

  The first nine thousand chiefs.

  There are nine thousand rulers, and each of them is a chief.

  There are six golden eggs, all of which are transformed into men, and Hu Wei grows up, and the people who push the first born are the main ones, and the surname is Jin.

  Because the golden egg is a surname.

  At first sight, the name is revealed. The name of the country, the big driver.

  Also known as Gaya.

  The remaining five people, each of whom is the five Gyalpo Lords.

  Yue Aroga, Yue GuningGa, Yue Daga, Yue Xingshan Jiawei, Yue Xiao Jiawei, Qiao Luo, later changed to Jin Guan.

  The Han sent troops to Fight Lelang, and its land was a county, and the north of Sashui belonged to Han.

  King of Goguryeo was the King of The Great Martial God. Wang Bawei rebuked Qiu Du with greed, to know that he could praise Bo Su, to enlist Gai Ma, to extinguish Lelang, to run away from himself, to hook tea and fear Wei and come down, but inside the letter, to prevent the killing of virtuous children, xi ye. The prince relieved his worries, and the younger brother Xie Yizhu and Li.

  Twenty years of Jianwu

  King Xie of Goguryeo, Xue, king of Min Zhong. Former crown prince, relieved of worries. In the twenty-fourth year of Jianwu, he was violent and unkind, did not sympathize with state affairs, sat and borrowed people, lay on the pillow, wavered, killed, shot by those who advised, and complained about the people.

  Trudeau, King Muben. [Reigned for six years.] 】

  The people of the country welcomed the womb of Prince Liuli's rethinking and established it.

  Jianwu twenty-nine years

  It is for King Taizu

  King Ru Lixue of Silla, Wang Cun asked widows and widows to be lonely, to help the elderly and sick, and the people of the country heard about it, but from the father's chaotic life, the death of the former clan, not the way of the Yan wing. 【Reign of thirty-four years】

  Past dissolution, standing.

  The second year of the Han Dynasty

  Nan Xie, Wang Son-in-law also. Shi Chen: The Silla Pak clan is the king, the Shi Xi clan is the king, the Eight Kim clan is the king twenty-eight, it is the Silla of the Kim clan of Silla, not the Silla of the Pu Dynasty, is it not because of the chaos of the Southern Liberation, the Confucian reason is not appropriate?

  With gong as the taifu, Qipu [Que] was divided into prefectures and counties, and the lords and lords of the prefectures were counties. King Silla was raised as a son by the Kim clan.

  In the beginning, Wang Ye heard the west of Jincheng, the first forest, there was the sound of chickens, the public view of the urn, there was a small golden treetop, the white chicken chirped underneath, opened the tree, there was a child, Wang Xi was raised as a son, the name Fu Zhi, the surname of Jin, changed the first forest to a chicken forest, because it was a country, the number was near. A: When a traitor sees the king, he gains the kingdom with a god, so he also deceives his son, and commits deception and steals the country, such as Huang Xie and Lü Buwei.

  Baekje King Doro, Tsutomu. 【Reign of 40 years】

  Prince Lou has been Lou, standing.

  Silla frees Wang Xue. The son-in-law of the king nan Xie did not stand up, and confused the jin, so that the heavy weapon was returned to the Jin clan, but the son of Confucianism was good. 【Reign of 24 years】

  Pasa King, Stand.

  Prince Of Confucianism, Emperor Zhang of Han was founded in the first five years

  Wang frugally loved the people, persuaded Nongsang, trained soldiers, asked Gao Nian, gave gu, dispatched ten people, Qicha Prefecture County, deposed those who did not work diligently, built the moon city, moved the capital, reigned for thirty-three years, Xue.

  The prince only stands

  Emperor An of Han was in the sixth year of the first year

  The King of Goguryeo and the Lu Qi attacked the Han Dynasty.

  The land of The Han Dynasty, south with Chenhan, north with Goguryeo and Wofeng, east of the poor sea, west to Lelang, Emperor Yuanshuo of the Han Dynasty for five years, Emperor Lu of the Han Dynasty rebelled in the south, surrendered to Han, with its land as Canghai County, which is present-day Gangneung Province, and Qi is present-day Chuncheon Province.

  The king of Goguryeo and his brother became the commander of the army and state affairs, the Maruto earthquake, Wang Mengyi leopard and tiger tail.

  The occupier; The tiger is the chief of a hundred beasts, the leopard is the same as the □ and the small one is also, the tribe of the king of the will is □, and there is a conspiracy, and the queen of the king is the one who is behind the king? The king was displeased, and asked Gao Fuzhang, who said: If you do good, you will be blessed with disasters.

  Goguryeo took MuDulou as the left assistant and Gao Fuzhang as the right auxiliary, and the defense was formed, and the political degree Lou knew that Suicheng had a different heart, saying that the disease was not shi.

  Baekje King Lou, Xue. 【Reign of 51 years】

  Prince Gailou, Standing.

  King Silla, Samadhi. 【Reign of twenty-three years】

  Prince Yisheng of Confucianism, Li.

  Hanyang Jia for three years

  King goguryeo, passed down from his brother Suicheng, GaoFuzhang: Suicheng endured but was not benevolent, today he was zen, tomorrow he harmed the descendants of the great king, and the king did not listen.

  Shi Chenyue; On the day of the Marudu earthquake, or the time of the dream, Fukujo said that the blessings were good and the evils were obscene, and when he lost the opportunity, although he asked for advice, it was too late.

  Done, set. 【Year 76】

  The first year of the Han Dynasty

  The king of Goguryeo then became king and killed the right assistant Gao Fuzhang, and sighed: "Now that the king kills a loyal subject with unrighteousness, it is better for me to die quickly than to be punished instead of being born in the absence of a way."

  King Goguryeo then killed Mogen, the son of King Dazu, and his brother Mogan, fearing harm, hanged himself.

  King Yisheng of Silla, the king of the government office, the embankment to open the field, and forbade the use of gold and silver beads. 【Reign of 22 years】

  Son Adaro King, Stand.

  Han Yongxing for two years

  Silla is located in Yingri County.

  There are two people on the east coast, the husband is Yingwu, and the wife is Xiaowu. Yingwu drifted to the small island of Japan, and his wife, Xiaowu, sought her husband, drifted to his country, and became a concubine, with Yingwu and Xiaowu as the essence of the sun and the moon, and to the end, set up Yingri County.

  Kaizhuling Road【In Fengji County】

  Former royal palace of Goguryeo, Xue. 【Shou Bai Nineteen 嵗】 Linming Tsufu Killed his King Suicheng, the second king, set up his brother Bogu, Bogu is Linming Tsufu as the minister of state, the former crown prince Zou An, as the monarch.

  At the beginning of the difficulty of the husband, Zou An escaped, and when he apologized for his sins, the king gave The Dog Mountain Lai and Lou TouGu the second house and made him a prince.

  Baekje wives and go to Goguryeo with their husbands.

  King Gailou Wen Du Mi's wife Yan Liu, Du Mi made his close subjects deceive the king, want to be a private wife, please change clothes and deceive a concubine, recommend the king, know the deception, falsely accuse Du Mi of sin, look at the two eyes, put a small boat on the river, and even more want to mess with his wife, the wife entrusted the menstruation, fled to Quancheng Island, met her husband, and ran to Goguryeo.

  Baekje Gailou King Xuezi Xiaogu Wang Li

  Han Yanxi for nine years

  Han Dynasty Taishou Geng Lin attacked Goguryeo with a large army, and Tsufu was led back by his soldiers, and chased after him and was defeated.

  King Bogu of Goguryeo, Xue[. Reigned for fifteen years] as the new king.

  Prince Otake, Ritsu.

  Han Guang and two years

  The posture is majestic, the matter is broken, the fierceness is in the middle, and the clan is behind.

  King Silladhara, Samadhara. 【Reign of thirty-one years】

  King Wuhu, Li.

  Disengage Wang Sun.

Hanzhong Ping first year

  Zhan Fengyun: Foreseeing the flood and drought and frugality, and knowing that people are evil and righteous, people are called holy. Goguryeo Zuo Ke was worried about rebellion and ambushed.

  In the beginning, the Zhonghuang Dafu Pei was a commentator, Zuo Ke was worried about foreign relatives, held the handle of the country, and committed many acts of injustice, the people of the country were resentful, the king was angry, Zuo Ke was worried, and other rebels, gathered a crowd to attack Wang Du, and Wang Ke bing to seek peace. Goguryeo hired the virgin Yi Ba Su as minister of state.

  Ba Su Kui Duck Valley, the nature of the resolute, the wisdom of the deep, the Eastern Capital Yan left to recommend, in addition to the Minister of State, Ming Politics and Religion, faith reward and punishment, the people are at peace, there is nothing inside and outside.

  Establish a loan law

  From March to July, every year, the official valley was issued to provide loans, and to the winter month to repay the loss, thinking that it was a fixed pattern.

  King Sillavahu, Syrup. 【Reign of fifteen years】

Xie Wang Li.

  The first year of Han Jian'an.

 The second son of King Vashu and the son of Imaid.

  Goguryeo Homeland, King of Chuan, Xue [reigned for nineteen years]

  Yu Hou was posthumously ordered to establish The King's brother Yan you.

  Wang Xue,The Queen's Secret Does Not Mourn, Night's Brother Fa Qi Di,Yue:王無後,子宜嗣之. Fa Qi did not obey, and rebuked: The woman walks at night, courtesy? After the shame, he also yan youdi, Yan you welcomed in, drank, then took Yan You's hand into the palace, and the next day, corrected his fate.

  The male martial brother Fa Qi, asked the Liaodong Taishou Gongsun Kang to ask for Yan You's brother, and Qisu led the army to the Imperial Family with the king's order, and Fa Qi did not take the throne, and committed suicide.

  King Yanyou of Goguryeo, Princess Liqian, was the queen of the Yu clan.

  The first sign of the king of The Rock, the pawn. 【Shou 158】

  The Silla people do not enter the Shiyan Mountain

  Bejizi tasted from the prince's merits in saving the garo kingdom and won a lot of battles and did not see The hammer was carried into the Shiyan Mountain by the beard and did not return

  King Lizi of Goguryeo was crown prince.

  At the beginning, the suburbs fled to the barrel village, there was a daughter who was stubborn, the king smelled different, Wei Xingxing was fortunate to have his daughter, who gave birth to a son, because of the suburban feng and named, known as the suburban, later changed its name, excellent position.

  Baekje Shaw Ancient King, 薨. 【Reign of 49 years】

  Son of the King, Stand.

  Nineteen years of Jian'an

  King Of Goguryeo, Yeon Yoo-seok, was the king of the mountains. 【Reign of thirty-one years】

  The prince is superior and standing.

  Emperor Ming of Wei and the first year of the reign

  Silla Shukon King, Silla. 【Reign of thirty-five years】

  Help the King, Stand.

  Too and four years 

Assist king Ofehu, Crown Prince Bone Zhengzi.

  Baekje hated the first king, Xue. 【Twenty-one years on the throne】

  Brother of King Xiaogu, King Gul, Li.

  Wei Qinglong was two years old

  Silla Helper King, Samsara. 【Eighteen years on the throne】

  Brother dipped the king, standing.

  Wei Zheng was eight years old

  Feng Father Bone Zheng, as the god Gewen King.

  Silla posthumously crowned the king, all known as King Gewen.

  Wei dispatched Youzhou to assassinate Shi Yiqiu Jian, Tu Goguryeo Pill Capital, Wang Bennan Wo Frustrated, Wei Bing retreated, Wang Returned the Kingdom, and moved the capital to Pyongyang.

  The first king went to Zhuling, and the soldiers did their best to defend. The easterners recruited the dead soldiers, fought with the enemy, the king was able to escape, the Wei army chased after it, the easterners Niu Yu surrendered, entered the Wei army, hid the knife and eating utensils, assassinated the Wei general, and died with it, the Wei army retreated, the king returned to the country, and on the merits of the two people, it was the first.

  Goguryeo Dongchuan Wang You, Xue. 【Reign of 22 years】

  Prince Ranfu, Stand.

  Wei Zheng was nine years old

  Dongchuan No. Yuki, the people of the country are mournful, and the close subjects want to commit suicide to be martyred, and buried in the tomb, and there are many self-deceased.

  The Uighur envoy Geye right hired the king of Silla, so that the old man in the past, Yu Lao zhi, yu old joke, sooner or later with the king of Ru as a salt slave, the princess as a concubine, the lord of the Uighur heard about it, sent the general to cut Silla, Yu Lao Yi had already made a gift, rode alone to the Uighur army to thank, the Uighurs insisted on burning it, and then the Uighur envoy came, and the old wife asked the king to eat privately, and his drunkenness made people insist on burning it, and yu Lao Yu dismissed the prince, and the father of the king, the kingdom of Ganwen Shar, and had meritorious service.

  King goguryeo, killed his wife Guanna.

  The queen rafters feared the favor of the king. After passing through that fear, he rebuked the king, and the king was angry with the sac and threw himself into the West Sea.

  Hyakuho Kaikan System, Okiuchi Subject Sahei [掌宣纳事] Uchiha Sahei [掌库藏事] Uchiha Sahei [Palm Rei Matter] 衞士 Sahei [掌宿衞事] Morning Court Sahei [Palm Punishment Affairs] Military Officer Sahei [Palm Outer Soldier Matter Roku Sahei, 并一品] Also, 置达率 [Two Articles] Grace Rate [Three Items] Tokusatsu Rate [Four Items] Fan Rate [Five Items] 柰率 [Six Items] Shotoku [Seven Items] Shitoku [Eight Items] Solidity [Nine Articles] Seasons [Ten Items] Shōtoku [Ten Items] Shōtoku [Eleven Articles] Bundō [Twelve Items] Martial Governor [Thirteen Items] Satsumi [Fourteen Items] Zhenwu [Fifteen Items]

  King Silla, King Xue [reigned for fifteen years]

  Taste Zou King, Stand

  Wei Jingyuan's second year 

The king's surname was Jin Fuzhi VII Sun Shu ben, the king took the wife of a daughter, Wang Xue had no heirs, and the people of the country established it.

  Baekje was forbidden to commit stolen goods.

  Whoever receives wealth and thieves is tripled and imprisoned for life.

  Silla took Yi Yan Liangfu as Shufu Handan, and knew both internal and external soldiers and horses.

  King of Goguryeo Nakagawa, Ranfu. 【Reign of twenty-three years】

  Sub-medicine Lu, Li.

  Jin Tai began six years

  Kill his brother Yiyou Bosu.

  The first two falsely claimed to be ill, and Wen Yang played with no restraint and made disobedient remarks, and Wang Linglishi insisted on killing him.

  Su Shen invaded Goguryeo, Tu Yaomin, Wang Sent his brother Dajia Vazhi, and ba tan lu city, killing its chief. Feng Dajia was the Prince of An.

  King Zou of Silla, King Xue [reigned for twenty-three years]

  King of Confucianism, Standing

  Jin Taikang for five years

  Wei Zou asked Gao Nian, pro-government punishment, petitioners suffering, not running the palace, someone king's devotion.

King of Baekje Gul, 薨. 【Reign of 55 years】

  The Son rebukes the King, Standing

  Seven years of Taikang

  Goguryeo King Xichuan Yaolu, Xue [reigned for twenty-three years]

Prince Aio, Tachi

  Jin Yuan Kang 2 years

  His uncle An Guojun Dajia, who has great merits, is relied upon by the people of the country, and it is also said that his brother is stubborn and has a different heart, and he kills him, and the people of the country know that he is innocent and regret it.

  Murong Yan repeatedly invaded Goguryeo, and the minister of state, Kuraura, recommended the eldest brother of the northern brother Gao Nuzi, who was too guarded for the new city, and the good governance had a prestige, and the plague did not come back to invade.

  Issei's homeland [present-day Cheongdo Commandery] attacked the new kingdom of Jincheng. The Silla Imperial Palace could not be conquered, suddenly there were foreign soldiers all of them were bamboo leaves, helping the Luo army to pick up thieves, breaking it, and did not know where to go, people or saw tens of thousands of bamboo leaves, accumulated in front of the tomb of King Wei Zou, because of the number of bamboo, Changling.

  Shi Chen: The kingdom of Isi was destroyed by Silla in the eighteenth year of Han Jianwu, and fu attacked Silla Jincheng in the seventh year of Jin Yuankang.

  The king of Silla gave yinguan and signed the tune, and the two knights.

  The first seal view is sold in the city, the department is bought in the valley, and also, suddenly there are kites, fallen to the seal guan family, the seal view is taken back to the sign, the sign is adjusted to the heavens, but it is not accepted, the seal is returned to its own valley, the sign is sold for a long time, rejected and abandoned in the city, the city official smells it, there are officials.

  The King of Baekje blamed the soldiers for being killed [reigned for thirteen years]

  ZifenXi Wang Li

  Yuankang eight years

  Silla Confucian King Xue [reigned for fifteen years]

  Help the benedict sun ji lin wang li

  Yuankang eight years

  Goguryeo state minister Cangkura helped li, deposed his king Xiangfu, and established Yifu as king.

  The first year of Jin Yongkang 

The son of Yi Fu Xiangfu's brother, Chu Shui Shui, mu mu family of mu mu village, domestic servant.

  Han Lelang sent assassins to assassinate Fenxi, the king of Baekje. 【Reign of seven years】

  Biliu King, Stand.

  Jin Yongxing in the first year

The sons of Fenxi are all young, and the people of the country have set up a vendetta against the prince Biliu, who has been in the folk for a long time, and loves people with kindness.

  King Kilin of Silla, Syrup. 【Thirteen years on the throne】

  Explain the king, stand.

  Jin Yongjia for four years

The horns are dry in Lao Tzu, handsome in appearance and courageous in heart.

  Forgetting the father's curse, the island of the island, and finally being insulted, the ancestors of the former clan, so the silk.

Goguryeo Mikawa Wang Yifu, Xue. 【Reign of Thirty-three Years】

  Prince Siyu, Li. Renamed Zhao.

  Jin Xian and six years

  Murong Hao, the King of Yan, attacked the city of Marudu, sent the tomb of King Meichuan, carried his corpse, and captured the queen mother and princess.

  Later, the king was declared a vassal, and the tribute was returned to the mother, and the corpse of the father.

  Baekje Biliu King, 薨. 【Reign of forty-one years】

  Qi King, Stand. Prince of Fenxi. 

Jin Jianyuan 2nd year

  Baekje Chi King, 薨. 【Reign of three years】

  Kinxiao Koo, Li. Prince Hiryu .

Jin Yonghe ii years

  King Silla, Silla. 【Reign of 47 years】

  King, Stand.

  柰勿, surnamed Jin, is the last enemy of The Younger Brother of Wei Zou. 

Yonghe twelve years

  The LiJin clan was a concubine. 【Taste Zou Girl】

  The king of Baekje invaded Goguryeo in a big way, the king refused to fight, and the middle stream was ya, and xue. 【Reign of forty-one years】

It is for the original king of the homeland.

  Prince Chufu, Stand.

  Emperor Wen of Jin's first year of Xian'an

  Move the capital to Hansan.

  The King of Qin, Jian Jian, sent envoys to Futu Shundao, as well as Buddha statues and Buddhist scriptures in Goguryeo. Goguryeo Buddhism began here.

  Baekje Near Shaw Ancient King, 薨. 【Reign of 30 years】

  The prince is close to the head of the enemy, standing.

  Jin Ningkang for three years

  Since the founding of baekje, there has been no writing, and Kosogu has been happy to be a doctor and has a secretary.

  Baekje is close to the first king, Xue. 【Ten years on the throne】

  Pillow Ryū King, Ritsu.

  The ninth year of the Jin Dynasty

  The Hu monk Moro was in the palace and honored him.

  Founding of universities and promulgation of laws.

Goguryeo Little Beast Lin King, Xue.

  Brother Ilian, Stand.

  Taiyuan 9th year

  Baekje Pillow Flow King, 薨. 【Reign of three years】

  Dichens, Stand.

  Eleventh year of the Taiyuan Dynasty

  It is defended from Aoki Ridge, north of Bakun Castle, and west of the sea.

  King Iren of goguryeo, the king of the land. 【Nine years on the throne】

  Prince Talks About De, Stand.

  Seventeenth year of the Taiyuan Dynasty

  It is to open up the king of the earth.

  The Baekje king was in Inuhara and the palace. 【Eight years on the throne】

  King Ashen, Stand.

  Eighteenth year of the Taiyuan Dynasty

  With his uncle Zhenwu as his left general, he entrusted military affairs, and Wu Shenyi had a general plan.

  Silla Kabe King, Silla. 【Reign of 47 years】

  The heirs are young, and the people of the country are holy.

  Jin Yuanxing first year 

Shi Sheng, grandson of Kim Fu-chi.

  The king took Wei Si pin as Shufu and entrusted him with military and state affairs.

  Baekje King Ah Xin, Xue. 【Fourteen years on the throne】

  Prince Shy Branch, Standing.

  The first year of Jin Yixi 

The shy branch is the uighur, the middle brother trains the regent, waiting for the prince to return, the ji brother disci kills the training to train the self-reliance, the shy branch hears the obituary of the king, asks the uighur lord to return to the country, the uighur lord returns, sends the soldiers to the border, smells the island, the countrymen kill the dish ceremony, and welcome the king.

  King Wen of Silla placed his camp on Tsushima Island and plotted to attack it, but did not stop at it.

  The King of Goguryeo talks about Toku, 薨. Wang Zhen ordered the worship of the Buddha to seek blessings, the establishment of the National Society, and the temple of Emperor Zongzong. 【Reign of 22 years】

  Zi Ju Lian, Stand. It is for the longevity king.

  Nine years of Yixi

  The only king of Singolona [Prince Kabebe] is the Holy King of Shishi, self-reliant, and the number Ma Ligan. Take the name of the epitope. 

In the beginning, king Yube was really holy in Goguryeo, and he was really holy, and he wanted to harm his son for the king, and only to repay him, and only to complain about the king.

  Silla defended Liangju on the Puti and died unyieldingly.

  In the beginning, the brothers of the king of Ne only, Bu Hao, Goguryeo, Wei Si Xin, and Wang Li, si saw the second brother, heard that Liangzhou was brave and conspiratorial on the Park Causeway, summoned to ask, asked, asked the king of Goguryeo, wandered with the King of Goguryeo, returned with Bu Hao, and invited the family members of the prisoners, deceived the traitors into the Uighur kingdom, the Uighurs did not doubt, so that they were in the same place as Wei Sixin, and one day on the embankment made Wei Sixhin sneak back, and the Lord of the Wo was angry  on the embankment, and the lord of the Wokou became more angry, stripped of his feet, and shaved the leaves, so that he would go up, and asked even more, as it was, it was burned and killed. The king heard the sorrow, and gave the great feast, so that Wei Sixin married his second daughter, and the king saw his second brother, and drank wine with great pleasure, and composed a lamentation, and his wife on the embankment went to the eagle Shuling, and wangGuo wept and died, still for the god of the fish.

  Baekje Shy Branch King, 薨. 【Sixteen years on the throne】

  Zigulsin, Li.

  Song Gaozu Yong first year

  Eight years, Blah.

  The Son has, stands.

  Song Yuanjia four years

  Twenty-nine years, Sis.

  Zi Yuqing, Li, is the king of The Halogen.

  The Silla sect teaches the people's ox cart method, the prince retires in The South Hall, the valley is poor, and the Silla is only king. 【Reign of 42 years】

  Son Mercy King, Stand.

  Song Daming ii years

  Navishin,As a concubine.

  The Goguryeo king Julian attacked Baekje and killed his king Yuqing.

  Chufu Tu Daolin, recruited for false offense, died in Baekje, Wang Haoqi. Lin Yue: The courtiers are quite wonderful. Wang Zhao and Qiao, Guo Guo Hand, Sui Xin Nickname, Lin Nai Qiao Wang Yu Cheng Guo, Gong Gong Room, Steamed Earth to build the city, made a stone rafter to bury the father's bones, the warehouse was exhausted, the people were poor, Lin fled and told the King of Li. Baekje, besieging Wangdu, the king died in the army.

  Ziwen Zhou, Li.

  Song Yuanhui for three years

  Move to Kumazu. 【Present-day Gongzhou】

  The kingdom of Thanh Ra [present-day Jeju] came to offer offerings to Baekje.

  In the South China Sea, there were no figures at the beginning, and three people poured out of the ground, long: Liang Yina. Second: Gao Yina. Three: Fu Yi Na. One day, three people hunted the seashore, got the stone letter opened, there were three daughters and the calves, the five grains, so they married three daughters, began to sow five grains, raise colt calves, and became rich every day, or Tammu luo.

  Baekje military officer Zuo Ping relieved his enmity against Junwen Zhou, and made prince Sanjin at the age of thirteen. In the second year, Wang Ordered the True Old Man to kill and solve the revenge, and for three years, Wang Xue.

  Dongcheng Wang Muda, Standing.

  Song Shengming for three years 

Mu Dawen Zhou Wang's brother Kun Zhizi, with excellent courage and good shooting.

  Rising from the Pavilion in the east of the palace, five feet high, and through the pool to raise birds, the courtiers resisted neglect and did not report, afraid that there would be repeaters, and closed the palace door.

  Silla has a hundred knots, a family extremely poor, a hundred knots, a person of the time, and a period of time. People often follow themselves with the piano, and all things that are happy, sad, and uneven will be proclaimed by the piano. The widow will be twilight, the millet in the valley, and his wife hears the sound of the pestle, and knows: Everyone has millet to scoop, I am alone, why should I die. Mr. Yang Tian sighed: Death and life have a destiny, riches and nobility are in heaven, and their coming is also irresistible, and their perseverance cannot be traced, so why is ru hurt? It is the sound of the drum and the piano as a pestle to comfort it, and it is passed down through the generations as a music.

  King Mercy of Silla, Samsara. 【Reign of twenty-three years】

  Zi Zhi Wang, Li.

  Nine years, the beginning of the postal, post, city, wanton.

  For ten years, Xing Tianquan Pavilion received the Book of Wu Guan, the Princess of the Archery Box, and the Burning Monk of the Inner Temple.

  Wang Xing Tianquan, there is a book of black titles to sing, get his book. Outside the clouds, open to see two people die, not open one person to die. Nichikazu Singyun, one person, Junya. The king opened his eyes, the book, the violin box, the king entered the palace and shot it, and if someone was a burning monk in the inner temple, the princess led and the infiltrator also, they were all ambushed. Since it is a national custom, it is a day to sacrifice the U, and it is also the difference between the dragon horse and the pig and the mouse, and every time it is set up on the first day, noon, sea, and sub-day, and the Pepsi is forbidden, that is, it is said that it is pitiful.

  Goguryeo longevity king, Xue. 【Reign of Seventy-Nine Years】

  The grandson Luo Yunli was the King of Wen.

  Qi Yongming nine years

  Silla Wangna, female of The County of Shilla [present-day Rongju].

  In the beginning, Wang Xingjun, the county man Bo Lu dedicated his daughter Bihua, Wang Bu Na. After remembering, after repeatedly reaching his first fortunate, he saw the old woman on the road and asked: Why do the people of the country think that the king is like this? The Lord's concubine said: The multitude thinks it is holy, but the concubine is suspicious. Wang Xingbo Road Girl, repeatedly dressed in small clothes, Fu Long for the fish, made by the fisherman, now the king does not care about this, but for the holy, who is not holy? Wang Daxiao, hiding his daughter, na palace.

  It's winter, Wang Wei. 【Twelve years on the throne】

  No heirs from the brother again, Zhi Da lu, li.

  Qi Yongyuan 2nd year

  Four years, the name of the country was determined.

  Silla reigned

  Formerly, it may be called Silla, or Slu, the new one, the new one, the new karma. Luo, the meaning of the four sides.

  Martyrdom is prohibited

  The former king was martyred with five men and five men, and it was forbidden.

  Pro-Ding prefecture, county, county, with Jin Yifu as the military lord of Achenluo Prefecture, cut down in the mountain country [in the east of Minzhou, the island is named Mangling.] Descended, reigned for fifteen years, Xue. Wisdom testimony.

  The Silla Dharma begins here.

Ganlu 2nd Year: Anti-word, all wrong words.

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