
How many calories is a melon equivalent to rice? Can I eat melon in moderation for weight loss?

author:Your good things recommended

Melon is a more common fruit in life, it is sweet and delicious to eat, high nutritional value, moderate consumption has certain benefits for the body, many people like to eat melon. The calories of a melon are not very high, and the calories of a melon are about 80 calories, which is about half the calorie of a steamed bun and the calories of a third of a bowl of rice.

How many calories is a melon equivalent to rice? Can I eat melon in moderation for weight loss?

The calories of one melon are equivalent to how much rice

One bowl of rice is equivalent to 2-3 melon calories.

Melon is a more common fruit in daily life, its calories are relatively low, the weight of a melon is about 300 grams, and there are less than 90 calories. After ingestion into the body, it can effectively promote metabolism, accelerate the discharge of water, and have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat and eliminating annoyance and diuresis. It has a good adjuvant therapeutic effect on the edema caused by metabolic problems in the body, which can accelerate the secretion of digestive juices in the intestine, can enhance appetite, and promote intestinal peristalsis. And the citric acid in it can clear the heat and eliminate annoyance, and the vitamin B group in it can nourish the nerves.

A bowl of rice is about 232 kcal of calories. Because the varieties of rice used in each household are not the same, the rice grains are different, and the preference for eating rice is different in soft and hard, so the amount of water added is different, so it is not accurate to use steamed rice to weigh the calories, or it is not very common, and it is relatively accurate to calculate with raw rice.

How many calories is a melon equivalent to rice? Can I eat melon in moderation for weight loss?

The calories of one melon are equal to several steamed buns

About half a steamed bun.

Under normal circumstances, the calories of a steamed bun are about one hundred and eighty calories. This means that eating only one steamed bun produces less than one-tenth of the calories people need for normal activities in a day.

Under normal circumstances, the southern steamed buns will be smaller, one is only about fifty grams, and some will be about one hundred grams. In the north, such as the northeast of the mainland, the local steamed bun may be around two hundred grams. These different weights of steamed buns, their calories are also different. Don't overlook this question when considering how many calories a bun contains.

Melons contain about 26 calories per 100 grams, and a melon has about 78 calories. Melon is high in moisture and low in calories, making it suitable for eating during weight loss. Chinese medicine believes that melon can cool down the heat, quench the thirst, facilitate urination, can clear heat and detoxification, relieve heat and annoyance, diuresis and reduce edema. Contains protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc., can supplement nutrition, provide energy, restore physical strength, but also contains fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, protect the liver, promote digestion, laxative bowel.

The calories of melon are relatively low, and the calories contained in each 100 grams of melon are only 26 calories, which is quite low compared with some other foods. So if we just eat it properly, it will not cause our body to gain weight.

How many calories is a melon equivalent to rice? Can I eat melon in moderation for weight loss?

Will you get fat by eating a melon every day?

It is not recommended to eat one melon a day.

Melon taste sweet and cold, into the stomach through the heart, and contains a large number of protein, lactose, glucose sugar and carbohydrates and other nutrient elements, with heat and detoxification, thirst, diuretic effect, moderate consumption can provide the human body with daily energy, is conducive to human health, but because the melon contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, excessive consumption and the human body can not be timely metabolism digestion, then these sugars and carbohydrates will be likely to be converted into fat, which will cause the human body to gain weight, is not conducive to human health , so do not lecture on eating one melon a day.

How many calories is a melon equivalent to rice? Can I eat melon in moderation for weight loss?

Can you eat melon in moderation for weight loss?


Melon is a common fruit in life, is the fruit of the gourd family climbing or creeping herbaceous plant melon, sweet and cold, which contains a large number of vitamins, fiber, protein, sugar and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other components, which nutritional value and edible value is relatively high, moderate consumption of human health has benefits.

For people during weight loss, due to certain dietary control, the body is relatively weak, and the nutritional value of melon is relatively high, which can supplement nutrition for people during weight loss, so people during weight loss can eat melon in moderation.

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