
Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

author:Quaint History

Historically, the process of people in the royal family vying for the throne has been extremely draining of national resources, so every chaotic time is always accompanied by a short but rapid change of the throne.

The Ming Dynasty also happened to have such an era of rapid change of throne, that is, the so-called "Five Dragons and the Same Dynasty" period in later generations, but this period occurred at the peak of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Gaoxuan was a lucky and unlucky prince in this period.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

He was unfortunate because he was always exposed whenever he did bad things, such as poisoning his father and emperor, and tripping his brother.

And his luck is that even if he commits so many crimes, he can still be gently let go, so that he can die well with two suspects of killing the king.

Such an experience is truly unique in the world, especially in the royal family, what is the reason that created Zhu Gaoxuan's ability to kill Ji, and what kind of experience gave him the courage to try to kill the king twice?

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

Ambition grows between pampering

On December 16, 15555, Zhu Gaoxuan was born in the Palace of The Prince of Yan in Beiping, and was the fifteenth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, the third son of the King of Yan. Due to Zhu Yuanzhang's large number of grandchildren, Zhu Gaozhuo was not the eldest son of the King of Yan, so he did not pay attention to Zhu Yuanzhang, and even when he reached adulthood, he did not receive a knighthood.

Although he was not concerned among Zhu Yuanzhang's grandchildren, he was the most favored young son among his brothers in the Yan Dynasty.

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, loved to fight and fight, and this preference was bound to become the criterion for judging his heirs, and this criterion would certainly affect his love for his heirs.

Zhu Di's second son, Zhu Gaoxu, did this particularly well, followed by Zhu Gaoxuan, but surprisingly, Zhu Gaoxu, as the first heir, was particularly unsure of this.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

This also led to Zhu Di not being very fond of this eldest son, and even because the eldest son's fat figure was vaguely disgusted, Zhu Di's fist and love for his son bypassed Zhu Gaozi and scattered on the other two sons, of which Zhu Gaoxuan was alone because of his young age.

Fathers love their brothers and eldest sons, which are placed in civilian families, which is the way to take trouble, not to mention in the Yan King's Mansion, which is about to be promoted to the royal family.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

It can be seen that his father's bias makes Zhu Gaofu often get misplaced favors, and over time this favor becomes an illusory ladder, which is connected and urges Zhu Gaofu to go further. This fantasy did not appear at first, until Zhu Di successfully ascended to the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and it often appeared in Zhu Gaoxuan's imagination.

However, it was not only Zhu Gaoxuan who had this illusion, but also his second brother Zhu Gaoxu, and his second brother gained considerable military power after following Zhu Di to lay the world. This advantage was overwhelming to Zhu Gaoxuan, so in the early stage, Zhu Gaofu could only wait for the opportunity, and then performed with his brothers.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

This can be understood, in the later period, Zhu Gaoxuan repeatedly tripped the prince, and dared to dare to take the courage to kill the king, where did it come from.

That was born from Zhu Di's excessive love for him as soon as he was born, and also from Zhu Di's excessive dislike of the eldest son in the subsequent growth process.

This unequal love for the son made the three brothers who should have been the closest have their own thoughts, and these kinds of thoughts will become more intense or gradually dissipated as Zhu Di ascends to the throne?

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

The child of the Yan King's Mansion, the cunning wolf in the court

In June of the fourth year of Jianwen, Zhu Di was proclaimed emperor, and the Yan Dynasty became a royal nobleman, zhu Gaoxu Zhu Gaoxuan was a prince, and it was supposed that Zhu Gaozi should be crowned crown prince after Zhu Di ascended the throne, but Zhu Di seemed to have forgotten him in Beiping and generally delayed summoning him back to Beijing.

This move has fully demonstrated That Zhu Di's displeasure with Zhu Gaozi, the reserve prince, is to observe the attitude of the scholars.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

This is the first game between the new king and the courtiers, the outcome of this game will directly affect the future direction of Daming, the crown prince is the foundation of a country, if it is not a long and non-concubine, then the legitimacy of Daming will no longer exist, so the courtiers cannot come from the nature of the king.

Although Zhu Di's momentary willfulness was not realized, the dissatisfaction with the crown prince expressed in it was still like a clarion call to charge in the hearts of the Zhu Gaoxuan brothers.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

In fact, it is no wonder that the two are so ambitious, it is really Zhu Di's own eccentricity. For example, during the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di said to Zhu Gaoxu, "I am sick, Ru is working hard, and the world is sick." ”

Such a guiding word was not explicitly stated for Zhu Gaoxuan, but he was extremely fond of him, and after he was crowned queen, he gave zhu Gaoxuan his "land of Longxing", and also specifically ordered Zhu Gaoxuan to "give Zhu Gaoxuan the power to "open up the queen's actions in government affairs".

The cake painting is too big, and the consequence of the carrot hanging too close is that Zhu Gaoxu refused to take Yunnan and asked for Tiance Wei for his own use, and the more he acted, the more he acted in a trespassing manner. Although Zhu Gaozhuan lived in Beijing, he often returned to Beijing, and every time he came and went, he had to be sent to Jiangdongyi by the crown prince Zhu Gaozi.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

The fact that the prince was softer to this point made Zhu Gaoxuan feel weaker and more deceitful, and he facilitated the alliance of the second brother to often frame the prince, but they forgot that the prince at this time was no longer the son of the Prince of Yan, and their father would no longer deal with the lawsuit between them with his own likes and dislikes, so Zhu Gaoxuan and Zhu Gaoxu were quickly punished.

In the seventh year of Yongle, Zhu Di killed Zhu Gaoxuan for attempting to take his wife, stripped him of his crown and killed him, and finally Zhu Gaoxuan himself pleaded with the crown prince before he was not seriously disposed of.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

In the fourteenth year of Yongle, Zhu Gaoxu was also reprimanded and stripped of his crown, imprisoned in the Xihua Gate and almost reduced to a commoner, and finally it was Zhu Gaoxu who interceded, only to reduce the punishment of the guards and killing his cronies.

In the fifteenth year of Yongle, Zhu Gaoxu changed his title to Le'an Prefecture and set off to take up his post on the same day, while Zhu Gaoxuan studied the way of being a vassal with Zhao Xiangdao and Dong Zizhuang of Guozi Temple.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

The two brothers, who know that today is different from the past, have not given up their ambitions, but have only whitewashed it as a pain to change their past wrongs.

For the two beloved sons to be able to restrain the horse from the cliff, Zhu Di also behaved very happily and often praised Zhu Gaoxuan with the prince, and it was indeed very beneficial.

However, can the tiger and wolf, who are raised by desire, really give up the fat meat that seems to be at their fingertips outside the cage? Did Zhu Gaozhuo really wake up because of this painless punishment?

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

Emperor Xuanzong succeeded to the throne, and King Zhao died well

Looking at Zhu Di's attitude from the previous lessons, Zhu Gaoxuan learned that his chances of becoming a prince were slim, but it was impossible to give up his plans for many years, so he only had to wait for an opportunity to skip the normal succession process, but this opportunity was really waited for by him for several years.

In the twenty-first year of Yongle, Zhu Di was seriously ill, and Zhu Gaoxuan, together with the escort commander Meng Xianqin Tianjian Wang, and Yang Qing, the adopted son of the internal servant, forged a will and testament in order to poison Zhu Di.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

However, what was secretly revealed by Gao Yizheng was revealed to his in-laws, Wang Yu, the chief bannerman, and a courtier who had not participated in the rebellion knew this secret and could be predicted what he would do. When Wang Yu heard this news, he immediately reported it to Zhu Di, and soon after Wang Yu was promoted to Liaohai Wei Qianhu, Meng Xian and other relevant personnel ambushed.

Zhu Di asked Zhu Gaozhuo in the hall whether he had done this, and Zhu Gaoxuan was dumbfounded and confused, seeing that the incident was about to be irreparable, Zhu Gaozhuo quickly interceded and plucked Zhu Gaoxuan out on the grounds that they were all subordinates.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

Perhaps it was Zhu Gaozhuo's anger that frightened Zhu Gaoxuan this time, or perhaps it was zhu Gaozhuo's magnanimity that greatly influenced Zhu Gaoxuan, and for a considerable period of time after that, Zhu Gaofu was very obedient both superficially and internally, and this obedience continued until Akihito Zhu Gaozhug ascended the throne without being broken.

Not only is Zhu Gaoxuan so even true of Zhu Gaoxu, who has always been crazy, of course, this may only be because Zhu Di died too hastily and they did not have time to react, just as the two of them did not create Zhu Gaoxu's reaction, which should also be related to Zhu Gaozi's reign of only one year.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

Although Zhu Gaoxuan and Zhu Gaoxu did not have time to rebel against Emperor Mingrenzong, it did not mean that they would call a yellow-mouthed child His Majesty, even if this child was their nephew who had grown up, of course, Zhu Zhanji may not have prevented these two uncles.

The Zhu family royal family has paid attention to cutting the domain since Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Zhanji is no exception, in fact, the kings of the various clans have no ability to threaten the Jingshi after experiencing the kings of the four dynasties, and the only two prominent clan kings in Zhu Zhanji's dynasty are Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, and Zhu Gaoxuan, the king of Zhao.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

It was clear that Zhu Zhanji had nothing to attract the two uncles except for the throne under him, so an unavoidable war began.

In August of the first year of Xuande,Zhu Gaoxu rebelled, and before the incident, Zhu Gaoxu had sent a letter to Zhu Gaoxuan, the purpose of which was naturally to win Zhu Gaoxuan's troops. Zhu Gaoxuan did not reply to the letter nor did he choose to report it upwards, he chose to stand by the river and watch the sandpipers and clams fight.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

Unfortunately, the course of the war did not go according to Zhu Gaoxuan's expectations, and Zhu Gaoxu was quickly put down by Zhu Zhanji's troops, and there was no defeat at both, only unilateral violent suppression.

The day when the results of the war had already come out and liquidated also came, in fact, Zhu Gaoxuan's wolf ambitions were not unknown to Wen wu, even if there was no evidence, he could not escape, and the existence of evidence was just a legitimate reason.

However, what was surprising was that Zhu Zhanji was not in a hurry to take action against Zhu Gaoxuan, and the emperor was not in a hurry to ignore the unstable factor of Zhu Gaoxuan.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

For a time, the folds of impeaching Zhu Gaoxuan's intention to rebel came like snowflakes, and Zhu Zhanji was very entangled; on the one hand, Zhu Gaoxuan did communicate with the King of Han, but on the other hand, Zhu Gaoxuan did not do anything. If you use this to get rid of King Zhao, it will not be enough to win the trust of the people of the world.

It was precisely because of this idea that in the face of Yang Shiqi's advice, Zhu Zhanji refused to convict Zhu Gaoxuan on the grounds of the friendship between Emperor Xian and King Zhao.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

After learning of Zhu Zhanji's decision, Zhu Gaoxuan, who was originally uncertain, almost thanked Shu Zero, but also very consciously requested to reduce his own guards. Zhu Zhanji was not embarrassed to see that he was interested, but instead left him a team of honor guards, and the two uncles and nephews could really see some of the true feelings when they pushed them down.

After this battle, Zhu Gaoxuan no longer had the power to rebel, and he successfully lived to the age of fifty after letting go of this desire for power, which was a rare good ending among the three brothers.

Zhu Gaoxuan: Poisoned Zhu Di and tripped Zhu Gaozhi, struggled for 30 years, and died for two major reasons

As the saying goes, "Parents love their children, and they have far-reaching plans for them." ”

After reading Zhu Gaoxuan's life, he had to sigh that this statement was very correct, if Zhu Di thought a little longer when raising the three brothers, and treated the three people a little more equally, he would be able to avoid the brothers behind him, and the uncle and nephew would fight.

It can be seen that the truth of not suffering from widowhood but suffering from inequality, even if you are an imperial prince and nobleman, cannot be exempted from its influence.