
In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

author:Love to talk about life

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, may wish to understand!

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Hot summer, humid and hot weather, outdoor ultraviolet intensity is getting higher and higher, many people will do a good job of sun protection, in fact, in addition to skin care, summer eye protection is also very important, summer sun like fire, ultraviolet raging, our eyes are always threatened, at this time, if not protected, the nutrients in our eyes will accelerate the loss, and then hurt our eyes. Therefore, it is very important to protect the eyes in the summer, in addition to bringing sunglasses when we go out, in terms of diet, we must also eat more eye-protecting foods, so that the effect will be better. So which foods are more beneficial for the eyes? I summarized 5 categories, of which deep-sea fish ranked last, the first place is familiar to everyone, but many people do not know, interested friends may wish to understand it!

Fifth place, deep-sea fish.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Deep-sea fish is rich in DHA, EPA, collagen and unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote the development of the retina and is very good for protecting the eyes. Therefore, our summer diet can prepare more deep-sea fish for the family, such as salmon, tuna, catfish, cod and other fish, which helps the family to protect their eyes.

Recommended ingredients: [Steamed cod]

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Main ingredient: Cod meat.

Seasoning: Chives, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine.

Operation method: 1, wash the cod after thawing, slice and put on the plate.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

2, Add water to the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, and then add the cod.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

3, cut the green onion and ginger into thin strips, place on the fish, drizzle with a small spoonful of cooking wine, half a small spoon of soy sauce, steam on high heat and you can get out of the pot.

Fourth place: foods rich in vitamin C.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Vitamin C is a necessary nutrient for the human body, but also one of the important factors to maintain the transparency of the lens of the eyeball, when our body lacks vitamin C, it will make people's eyes blurred, blurred vision, therefore, usually we must eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, apples, loquat and so on. Let's say tomatoes, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients, because of acidity, so it has the effect of protecting vitamin C, summer we often eat tomatoes.

Recommended dish: 【Scrambled eggs with tomatoes】

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Main ingredients: tomatoes, eggs.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, chives, cooking wine.

Operation steps: 1, wash the tomatoes, peel off the skin, cut off the root, cut into small pieces and set aside. Beat the eggs into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. Green onion and a little cooking wine, stir well.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

2: Add cooking oil to the pan, heat the oil and sauté the egg mixture until solidified, then put out, add the tomatoes and fry until the tomatoes are tender.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

3, Then, add the scrambled eggs, stir-fry together, add a little water and a little salt to taste, boil on high heat to get out of the pot.

Third place, animal offal, egg yolk food.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Animal liver is not only rich in protein, but also has a relatively high content of B vitamins, and eating animal offal can protect the eyes. The egg yolk not only contains the above nutrients, but also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two nutrients that are recognized as good for the eyes, and can make the eyes brighter after eating.

Recommended dish: [Salted egg yolk baked pumpkin]

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Main ingredients: egg yolk, pumpkin.

Seasoning: cooking oil, table salt.

Operation steps: 1, peel and remove the pumpkin, cut into long strips with a width of about 1cm, add water to the pot and bring to a boil, pour in the cut pumpkin and cook for about 2 minutes, then fish out and set aside.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

2, Put the salted egg yolks in a small bowl, crush them with a spoon to form a puree, pour a little cooking oil into the pot, heat up and pour in the egg yolks that have been pureed, fry until the egg yolks are evenly white foamed, and then pour in the pumpkin strips.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

3, Then, quickly turn the pumpkin, so that its surface is covered with egg yolk puree, and then according to the situation, add salt and stir-fry well to get out of the pot!

Second place, colored vegetables and fruits rich in B vitamins.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

We often eat colored vegetables and fruits, are rich in B vitamins, of which vitamin B2 is one of the necessary factors to maintain the normal metabolism of the conjunctiva of the eye, our common colored vegetables are purple cabbage, eggplant, grapes, blueberries, black goji berries, etc., let's say that the blueberries, which not only contain B vitamins, but also rich in anthocyanins, anthocyanins are also with the effect of activating the retina Nutrient Elements, often eat blueberries can eliminate eye fatigue, strengthen vision, prevent myopia.

Recommended dishes: 【Blueberry sauce】

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Main ingredient: blueberries.

Seasoning: Rock sugar.

Procedure: 1, soak the blueberries in lightly salted water for a while, then wash and put them in the pot.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

2, Cook until the blueberries are soft, add rock sugar, continue to cook until the rock sugar melts, remember not to add a drop of water.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

3, just boiled blueberry sauce is liquid, after turning off the heat and waiting for it to cool naturally, it can be loaded into a disinfected container, sealed and stored, within a month to eat completely no problem.

First place, foods rich in vitamin A.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

It is well known that eating foods rich in vitamin A can maintain the normal cornea of the cornea and protect our eyes. So what foods in life are rich in vitamin A? Generally there are eggs, milk, cod liver oil, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, etc. contain vitamin A, in addition, carotene in the body can also be converted into vitamin A, therefore, carrots have become a recognized eye food, also known as vitamin A protovitamin. If vitamin A is insufficient, the eye's ability to adapt to dark environments is reduced, which can lead to night blindness in severe cases.

Recommended dish: 【Garlic stir-fried carrots】

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

Main ingredients: carrots, garlic.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, chicken essence.

Operation steps: 1, wash the carrots, peel and cut into strips for later; After washing the garlic, cut into small pieces and place in a bowl for later.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

2, Add cooking oil to the pot, pour the oil into the carrot shreds and stir-fry evenly, fry until the carrots become soft, add the garlic and stir-fry well.

In summer, 5 types of foods to eat frequently, help protect vision, many people do not know, understand it

3, fry until the garlic seedlings are broken, add salt to taste, then add a little boiling water, bring to a boil over high heat, add chicken essence to freshen, you can get out of the pot.

The above is the summer, can protect the vision of the 5 types of food, deep-sea fish ranked last, the first place everyone is familiar!

About what foods to eat in the summer are good for the eyes, just share here, friends, does your family like to eat these foods? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, share with Aixi, cooking skills are limited, please give more advice.

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