
"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

author:Four seasons spring garden

French sycamore (Platanus orientalis Linn.) generally refers to the three-ball plane tree, also known as split-leaf plane tree, Kumarosh tree, plane tree in the family Sycamore family is a deciduous large tree, is the parent of the two-ball plane tree. It is 30 meters tall and has a broad bell-shaped canopy, and its dry bark is grayish brown to off-white, flake-like and flaky. The young branches and young leaves are densely covered with brown stellate hairs. Leaves palmate 5-7 lobes, deep lobes up to the middle, lobes grow larger than wide, leaf bases are broadly wedge-shaped or truncated, leaf margins have toothed teeth, palmar veins; Round collar with leaves. The inflorescence is head-shaped, yellow-green. Most nuts are spherical in whole leaves, 3-6 balls in a bunch, the flower pillars are long, spiny, and the stalk is long and droopy.

"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree
"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

Native to southeastern Europe and western Asia, french sycamore has been cultivated for a long time, and has been introduced in the Jin Dynasty of China. Prefers light, prefers humid and warm climates, and is more hardy. The soil requirements are not strict, but it is suitable for growing in slightly acidic or neutral, well-drained soils, and although slightly alkaline soils can grow, they are prone to yellowing. The root system is shallow and is susceptible to damage and tilted during typhoons. The anti-air pollution ability is strong, the blade has the effect of absorbing toxic gases and stagnant dust, and has strong resistance to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine gas.

"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree
"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

French plane tree shape majestic and dignified, leaf shade, dry skin smooth, strong adaptability, and resistant to pruning and shaping, planted on both sides of the Yongdao, especially majestic, but also because of its summer cooling, dust, noise, absorption of harmful gases, improve the relative humidity of the air, adjust the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen, improve the atmospheric quality effect is remarkable, is an excellent street tree species, is widely used in urban greening, has the "king of sidewalk trees" is called.

"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

But the flying feather problem has always been a controversial shortcoming of the French plane tree. Once the French plane tree enters the flying period, there will be a few months of flying feathers, which are very small, and it is easy to cause allergies when it enters the respiratory tract or sticks to the skin, which is very headache.

"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

Although the flying feathers are a headache, but the french tree has a beautiful shape, strong ability to adapt to the environment, can purify the air, reduce urban noise pollution, in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so the law tree as a street tree will not be eliminated, and now the relevant departments are also studying through various ways to reduce the flying feathers, as an excellent street tree variety, the status of the French plane tree is still quite stable.

"King of the Street Tree" – French plane tree

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