
Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's original form was revealed! He visited the United States and confirmed his status as a "Taiwan independence."

author:Jiang Lei talked about the military

#KMT Chairman Zhu Lilun Leaves for the United States #What Does Taiwan's KMT Want to Do Zhu Lilun's visit to the United States will humiliate himself

According to Global Network news, a number of media in Taiwan recently reported that Zhu Lilun, the current chairman of Taiwan's Kuomintang, began a trip to visit the United States on June 2, and will stop in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles, and will visit the Hoover Institution of Stanford University and give a speech on the 6th, and will give a speech in Washington, D.C., on the 8th, unveiling a plaque for the KMT representative office in the United States, and restarting dialogue with the United States.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's original form was revealed! He visited the United States and confirmed his status as a "Taiwan independence."

At the regular meeting of the KUOMINTK central committee before Zhu Lilun's departure, he said that his purpose of visiting the United States was to tell the US political circles and overseas Chinese circles that "the KMT has returned" and that "the KMT's pro-US line has never changed." This is not just for the sake of the KMT but for the sake of Taiwan's security, so that everyone can see that the KMT is a responsible opposition party.

At the press conference arriving in the United States, Zhu Lilun made three remarks: First, the KMT's cross-strait policy is consistent with that of the US Government, and second, it welcomes the United States to maintain exchanges and communication with the Taiwan authorities. Third, the KMT will persist to the end and will never back down because of the mainland's stand.

He said that the KUOMINTANG's position of defending Taiwan and defending Taiwan will never change, and its demand for Taiwan's self-defense and the increase in military strength are consistent with the thinking of the United States. Zhu Lilun's above statement is obviously a gesture of courtesy to the United States, showing loyalty, and hugging his thighs, and preaching that the KMT's pro-US line has always remained unchanged and has not changed from beginning to end.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's original form was revealed! He visited the United States and confirmed his status as a "Taiwan independence."

In particular, the KMT, which Zhu Lilun has threatened, will persist to the end and will never back down because of the mainland's stand; this is all the more a major exposure of the spiritual world and policy orientation of the KMT and Zhu Lilun who are all-round pro-US, stubbornly opposed to the mainland, openly advocate separatism, and support Taiwan independence, and are also the most hateful and ignorant.

The purpose of Zhu Lilun's current visit to the United States is very clear, that is, to show loyalty and courtesy to the United States, to cling to this thigh of the United States, to look at the United States, a father who is thousands of miles away, to fantasize about being able to get the approval and support of the United States, and to create conditions for regaining power and win opportunities. At the same time, Zhu Lilun is also showing his goodwill to the Taiwan independence forces on the island, standing in line with each other, and making the statement that the KMT is also defecting to the United States, supporting Taiwan independence, and opposing the mainland; and by taking this opportunity, he has taken this opportunity to express his attitude and muscles to the rival Democratic Progressive Party, saying that he is also a Taiwan independence faction firmly opposing the mainland and a shield to prevent cross-strait reunification, and that the two have common goals and common enemies.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's original form was revealed! He visited the United States and confirmed his status as a "Taiwan independence."

The set of tricks played by Zhu Lilun during this visit to the United States is actually not clever, on the contrary, it seems to be very low-level and very chicken-

The result is that more and more people have clearly recognized Zhu Lilun's political features and political orientation, the Taiwan independence separatist forces facing the great task of realizing the reunification of the motherland, the complex and severe challenges they are facing, and these historical clowns like Zhu Lilun who move against the trend of the times and fantasize about the mantis arm blocking the car. In the great process of realizing the reunification of the motherland, these historical clowns will eventually humiliate themselves and be spurned and despised by everyone.

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