
Speaking of fighting in the NBA, the first evil man is also afraid of the chief! The Pistons of the 1980s were once known as the "Bad Boys' Army," with Rodman, Thomas, Rick Mahon, and a bigger than that

author:Ifrog Gonkai

Speaking of fighting in the NBA, the first evil man is also afraid of the chief!

The Pistons of the 1980s were once known as the "Bad Boys' Army," with Rodman, Thomas, and Rick Mahon, each fiercer than the other. But the worst of the bad guys had to be Lambier.

"You see him standing under the basket with a cold expression, you don't want to rush in to the basket, no one wants a layup to ruin his entire career."

Speaking of Lambier, Magic Johnson once said so.

Thugs, demons, axe-wielding men, murderers, this is what contemporaries say about Lambier.

But even such an evil man also has times when he suffers losses.

In Game 5 of the 1987 NBA Eastern Conference Finals, the Celtics' interior striker "Chief" Parrish knocked Lambier to the ground with two old punches, and Lambier completed the free throw in the face of a nosebleed and then went off the field to deal with it. In that conflict, the always fierce Lambier was unable to fight back, and there was no follow-up counterattack and retaliation later, which was really a big loss. However, when it comes to that series, Lambier overall is not a loss, because in a game before being beaten by Parrish, Lambier knocked down Celtics boss Larry Bird.

Think about the games at that time, and then look at the current NBA, although the degree of civilization is improving, but there are too many stories about grudges and grudges.

Speaking of fighting in the NBA, the first evil man is also afraid of the chief! The Pistons of the 1980s were once known as the "Bad Boys' Army," with Rodman, Thomas, Rick Mahon, and a bigger than that
Speaking of fighting in the NBA, the first evil man is also afraid of the chief! The Pistons of the 1980s were once known as the "Bad Boys' Army," with Rodman, Thomas, Rick Mahon, and a bigger than that
Speaking of fighting in the NBA, the first evil man is also afraid of the chief! The Pistons of the 1980s were once known as the "Bad Boys' Army," with Rodman, Thomas, Rick Mahon, and a bigger than that

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