
Food safety consumption tips| mango wearing "leopard print" in the end

author:China Quality News

China Consumer Daily reported (reporter Li Jian) mango, rich in nutrition, tender and sweet, known as the "tropical fruit king" reputation. At present, it is the season of mango fragrance, and a hot search short video of "leopard mango" has aroused heated discussion. Mango wearing "leopard print", what is the matter? Eating mangoes, what else should you know? Hear what experts in the field of tropical fruit research have to say.

Wear "leopard print" because mangoes are sick

The golden peel is "dotted" with large and small black spots, which at first glance do have some resemblance to the "wild and domineering" leopard print. Recently, the Internet rumored that a fruit shop in Nanning, Guangxi Province, sold 2 yuan a pound of "leopard pattern mango", which really harvested a wave of traffic.

Mango wears "leopard print" because it is sick. Wu Jingbo of the Institute of Tropical Crops of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences analyzed in an interview with the "China Consumer Daily" reporter that there are many reasons for the appearance of "leopard print", the more common is "mango anthrax", which is an important disease of mango before and after harvest caused by the plant pathogen fungus anthracnose. It is a "destroyer" that can harm mango leaves, inflorescences, fruits and branches, resulting in pre-harvest losses; It is also a "lurker", the field seems to be disease-free fruit, often in the post-harvest storage period of the disease, the early stage of the disease on the peel appeared brown spots, surrounded by yellow halo, several spots after the fusion of the formation of large spots, there is a "leopard mango" on the market.

However, mango anthrax and human anthrax are completely different things, this pathogen that only infects plants does not endanger human life. For tropical fruits, "anthrax" is common. For example, in a ripe banana, there are many black-brown spots on the skin, which is also related to the "latent" anthrax bacteria on the peel.

In addition to the pathogenic disease of anthrax bacteria, which can cause dark spots in mangoes, some physiological diseases can also cause similar "symptoms", the most common being cold damage caused by low temperature storage or squeezed scars during transportation. Mango is a breath-skipping fruit with a strong cold sensitivity itself. At the same time, the mango peel contains polyphenol oxidase, after encountering the above two situations, the cells in the peel will be damaged, and the phenolic substances in the cells will be oxidized into brown quinones released to form small dark spots.

Therefore, "leopard mango" is not a new variety, but a manifestation of the decline in the quality grade of mango or the excessive storage.

As for whether this mango can be eaten, Wu Jingbo believes that it should be treated differently. If it is only caused by physiological diseases, in most cases the pulp is not spoiled, and it can be eaten with confidence after peeling off the epidermis. If it is a lesion caused by a pathogen, the black spots on the skin of mangoes are already the size of fingernails and are more distributed, or the peel has cracks and secretions oozing, it is recommended that you do not eat it again. Although the bacteria themselves or the metabolites they produce do not necessarily endanger human life, they may pose a threat to human health. Wu Jingbo reminds consumers that whether it is a physiological or pathological mango disease, it will greatly reduce the quality of mango. Accidental consumption of spoiled mango can cause food poisoning and symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and headache. Consumers who cannot identify the cause of "leopard print" should eat with caution.

Whether you are familiar with it or not, it is not enough to look at the color alone

When buying mangoes, many people favor the beautiful yellow color, and many people take the peel color as the "gold standard" to judge whether the mango is ripe. So, is such common sense reliable?

Wang Songbiao, a researcher at the South Asian Institute of Tropical Crops of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, said that there are many varieties of mangoes, about 2,000 varieties in the world, and the genetic diversity is very rich, and the skin color is green, yellow-green, yellow-green cover red or bright red. Although most mangoes ripen with a golden-yellow skin, there are also varieties that appear yellow-red, yellow-green, or turquoise. For example, katmangan native to the United States, the peel is mostly pale green, and the sunny surface and shoulders are reddish; Red ivory mango, the peel is a pale pink and green; Gui Qimang, Coconut Mandarin, and Thai green skin mang, the peel is bluish green when picking, and some are bluish green or greenish yellow during the post-ripening process.

Wang Songbiao further explained that the color change of mango peel mainly depends on the degree of degradation and synthesis of color pigments such as chlorophyll, flavonoids and anthocyanins contained in the peel. Generally speaking, in the post-ripening process of mango, the chlorophyll contained in the peel is degraded, while flavonoids and anthocyanins are not degraded or even synthesized. Therefore, some mangoes with green when they are just picked will turn yellow or yellow-red during the ripening process, and if the chlorophyll degradation is insufficient in this process, it is green or yellow-green.

Unlike the peel, during the ripening process of mango, the pulp inclusions are converted into sugars, and acidic substances are degraded and aromatic substances are formed. Therefore, the method of looking at the face is not reliable. To discern whether the mango is ripe, Wang Songbiao suggested that it is best to judge by touching, smelling and other methods.

Touch: gently press the shoulder part of the mango with your hand, when touching, you feel that the flesh changes from hard to soft or elastic, which indicates that the post-ripening is complete and can be eaten, if it is still hard and inelastic, it means that the mango is not fully ripe, and the edible acidity is higher and the sweetness is lower at this time.

Smell: In addition to touching, you can also use the method of smelling to judge. Ripe mangoes have a strong fruity aroma, especially near the fruit base, and the aroma is even stronger.

Most of the time, consumers may buy unripe mangoes in supermarkets, so what's going on?

Wang Songbiao explained that mangoes, like bananas, are breathing leap type fruits, not resistant to storage and transportation, if you wait until fully ripe and softened in the orchard, some varieties will fall fruit in large quantities, some varieties will even have rotten hearts, causing losses, and fully ripe picked mangoes can not be transported for a long time. Therefore, mangoes can generally be picked at 7 or 8 minutes, and then concentrated or unlatured at the place of transportation and sales are directly on the shelves, and the consumers themselves place soft cooks and then eat.

If the mango bought home is hard and not ripe, consumers can put it together with apples, bananas, peaches, etc. in cartons and other containers and seal it, and use the ethylene gas emitted by these fruits to ripen the mango. In general, it takes about two or three days to ripen, and the higher the temperature, the shorter the time for the mango to soften. Placed directly indoors in the summer, it can also become soft and mature.

Easy to allergies, eat mango is best cut into pieces

Mango not only has a good appearance and good taste, but also contains a variety of nutrients.

Wu Jingbo told the "China Consumer Daily" reporter that mango is a carotene, VC, selenium and dietary fiber content of high food, has eye protection, antioxidant, anti-cancer and prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other health care effects. At the same time, mango contains mangoside, quercetin and other components, which have an adjuvant therapeutic effect on cough, phlegm, asthma and so on. Therefore, eating mango in moderation and often is good for health.

When eating mangoes, many people are accustomed to peeling the skin and biting directly. However, Wu Jingbo does not recommend this kind of refreshing way of eating, eating mangoes, it is best to be "elegant", such as cutting into small pieces to eat.

Wu Jingbo explained that mango contains many substances that are easy to cause people's allergies, while the mainland mango allergy population base is large, and those with more serious allergies will have redness, swelling, pain and other phenomena. By biting directly into the mango, it is easy to get the juice on the edge of the mouth or on the skin of the face. When the juice remains on the skin for a long time, it will have a stimulating effect on the skin and easily cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when eating mangoes, it is best to cut the pulp into small pieces and send it directly into the mouth; After eating, rinse your mouth with salt water and wash your face with water in time to avoid juice residues.

Although the mango is delicious, it should also be noted when eating:

First of all, don't eat too much at once. Mango is very rich in protein and sugar, eat too much at once, easy to cause bloating.

Secondly, people with allergies eat with caution. Because mango contains more irritating substances such as fruit acids, amino acids, and various proteins, people with allergies or allergies are prone to allergies after eating, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, and erythema of the skin.

Finally, people with high blood sugar are advised to eat less. Mango has a high sugar content, eating too much can easily lead to high blood sugar, people with diabetes, high blood sugar should eat less.

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