
Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

author:Zhang Da hurriedly

In 2021, a video was exposed online.

The content is that Ge You went to a certain performance venue in a simple dress, and the staff next to him subconsciously spread their hands to protect Ge You in front of him to prevent accidents.

Unexpectedly, Ge You said directly to this staff member: Don't stop it like this, there is no one.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

After this video spread, it attracted countless netizens to praise it angrily-

"Geng Zhi", "With its own joy", "A little cute"

Uncle Ge's ordinary behavior can get a piece of applause from netizens, in fact, it has a lot to do with the bad atmosphere gradually formed in the entertainment industry.

Netizens have long been bitter "popular stars" for a long time!

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In recent years, the entertainment market has developed rapidly, and many young actors have realized the dream of becoming popular overnight and getting rich overnight.

If these young actors do not have enough cultivation and experience to support them, they can easily be blinded by huge interests and reputations.

What is manifested is often arrogance and unreasonableness towards people, frequent late attendance at events, and bad attitude towards interviews.

In the third season of the recently exploded variety show "Riding the Wind and Waves", some of the thirty sisters have been exposed to the behavior of playing big names.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Wu Jinyan

For Wu Jinyan, 2018 was a very special year.

In July of that year, the costume court drama "Yanxi Raiders" starring her detonated the whole network.

In just over a month, it has set a miracle of more than 15 billion views.

Later, this drama landed on Zhejiang Satellite TV and still ranked first in the ratings of the same period.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Wu Jinyan, as the first protagonist of this big female protagonist, has naturally become the object of attention of netizens.

She had just turned 28 that year and had graduated from college for five years.

Compared with other actors who start from dragon sets and supporting roles, Wu Jinyan is no different from belonging to the extremely lucky category.

With the popularity of "Yanxi Raiders", Wu Jinyan attracted the attention of CCTV6's "China Film Report" column.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

The early contact between the two sides was very smooth.

On the day of the interview, the staff of the column group arrived half an hour early.

Just as the column team members set up equipment at the designated location and waited for Wu Jinyan's team to arrive, they were suddenly temporarily notified to change the interview location.

The column team members hurriedly put away their equipment and ran to a new location more than ten kilometers away.

As a result, Wu Jinyan's team not only did not coordinate the venue, but also asked the column group to pay relevant fees.

Even in the case of insufficient time, the interview time was further compressed.

The column team members felt that they could not achieve the effect of the interview, and finally gave up the trip.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Three days later, China Film Report posted the story on social media.

This is also the first time that the column has complained about the actor's behavior.

Immediately after, CCTV played a big name with "Wei Yongluo", too deep into the drama or not enough artistic virtue? For the title, Wu Jinyan was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

On that day, the entry of "CCTV Network Comment wu Jinyan" occupied a hot search for a day on the Internet.

Wu Jianyan and the contracted brokerage company realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly apologized.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Later, some netizens explained that Wu Jinyan's team was too young and had insufficient experience in handling related matters.

At that time, Wu Jianyan went to the Internet in advance to check the dynamics of the column group, found that there were only a few hundred comments and forwards, and mistakenly thought that the other party was an unknown small media.

If this netizen's statement is true, it is more solid to "play the big card" statement.

The "Six Princesses" can't afford to provoke, and others can be bullied at will?

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

What is surprising is that this matter has not passed for too long, and soon the news of Wu Jinyan playing a big card came out.

In October of that year, some netizens photographed Wu Jinyan appearing in a shopping mall, surrounded by twenty security guards, full of style.

When these security guards held hands and surrounded Wu Jinyan in the middle, the entire passage was immediately blocked.

It seems that Wu Jianyan is an "imperial concubine" traveling, and other "ordinary people" have to quickly give in.

After this matter was exposed, Wu Jianyan once again ruined the popularity of passers-by.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Wu Mo worries

Compared with Wu Jinyan, Wu Moxuan's popularity time is earlier.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In 2012, Wu Mochou participated in the music competition program "The Voice of China".

At that time, there were very few such themes in domestic variety shows, so "The Voice of China" caused widespread discussion as soon as it was broadcast.

The unique turning and selection mode in the program, Liu Huan, Na Ying, Yu Chengqing, Yang Kun, the four mentors, many contestants who make people shine...

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

A variety of fresh elements make the popularity of this show high.

Except for the ratings of the first episode, which ranked second in the same period, the subsequent broadcasts were firmly ranked first.

Wu Moxuan, who was still in college at the time, participated in the show under the advice of his mentor Zhang Chuge.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

When he first debuted, Wu Moxuan ignited the audience with a song "Price Tag" and finally successfully entered the Yu Chengqing team.

In the following game, Wu Moxuan passed all the way and won the runner-up on the final peak night.

At this time, fate gave Wu Mochou a big gift - the champion Liang Bo studied abroad after the competition, and Wu Mochou, the runner-up, became the most concerned player.

Subsequently, Wu Mochou's signing company spent a lot of money to change Wu Mochou's image, hoping to build her into a "Chinese version of lady gaga".

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In marketing, all kinds of gimmicks are also full -

Invited to the studio of Lady Gaga's royal stylist Nikolai, a huge poster appeared on the big screen of New York's Times Square, won various golden melody awards...

After Wu Moxuan was transformed by Yitong, he found a place in the circle with his "different" style.

Later, it also successfully obtained endorsements from brands such as PepsiCo, Samsung, and Sassoon, with endorsement fees as high as 130 million.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In 2017, Wu Mochou was exposed to the information of playing a big card.

In the photo, Wu Moxuan is sitting in a chair, surrounded by three staff members who put socks on her.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Soon after, the news spread to all.

Although Wu Moxuan quickly explained this, the netizens' good feelings for her dropped by a large margin.

And since then, Wu Moxuan's resources have begun to decline significantly, and he even tore another female singer apart for the sake of a variety show's supporting singer.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In 2019, Wu Mochou suspended all work on the grounds that his mother was ill.

When she appeared in the public eye again, she actually played a small supporting role in the TV series "Great Song Palace Words".

Later, she returned to the stage of "The Voice" as an assistant mentor, and still did not make any waves.

In 2022, Wu Moxuan wants to fight a turnaround battle with "Riding the Wind and Waves 3".

As a result, in the third episode of the show, she was eliminated with the second-to-last popularity.

Turning red is a failure.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Mao Junjie

Mao Junjie, an artist, many people may not remember her anymore.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

She debuted very early, enrolled in the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama in 2002, and her classmates included Wenwen, Tang Yan, Bai Lily, Tong Yao and others.

Among the works she has starred in, the more well-known ones may be "Ugly Girl Invincible", "The Legend of Mi Yue", "Dragon Gate Flying Armor" and other TV series.

However, her coffee position in the play is not high, and at most it is the position of the second daughter.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In terms of works, Mao Junjie did not leave a particularly deep impression on netizens, but she still made a big news by herself.

In 2019, Mao Junjie publicly reprimanded customs officials on social platforms for their arbitrary attitude and deliberately delaying time.

He even posted positive photos of the staff in an attempt to use his "star identity" to guide public opinion.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Subsequently, some media found the relevant staff to verify, but what they got was a completely different statement.

In particular, the video surveillance released shows that the time to check Mao Junjie's luggage is only 9 minutes in total, and there is no deliberate difficulty, delay time and other behaviors.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Mao Junjie's intentional release of the staff photo is self-evident, and netizens have also begun to complain about her.

Faced with this result, Mao Junjie quickly issued an apology.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

However, this incident still affected Mao Junjie's reputation, and there was no work at all in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

In 2021, Mao Junjie plans to make a comeback and participate in the all-female talk show challenge show "Listen to My Sister".

However, it did not attract the attention of netizens.

In 2022, Mao Junjie participated in the recording of "Riding the Wind and Waves Season 3".

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Judging from the current heat, such as Wang Xinling, Yu Wenwen, Zhao Yingzi, Zheng Xiuyan and others, some rely on black and red to go out of the circle, and some rely on memory to kill out of the circle.

Mao Junjie has very few shots in the show, and there is no special place for the performance program.

If there are no accidents in the follow-up, she may become a eliminator in a certain round, after all, the show also needs actresses with a trend of turning red to bring attention.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Huang Xiaolei

Huang Xiaolei has always shown a big grinning personality.

In the past, she has starred in the 03 version of "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter", "Breaking into the Kanto", "The World" and other well-known film and television dramas.

He also served as the resident host of Anhui Satellite TV's variety show "Super Big Winner".

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

If you look at the heat, Huang Xiaolei actually does not need to turn red, after all, "The World of Man" itself was only broadcast this year.

She participated in "Sister Lang 3" probably because she wanted to brush up on a few more waves of existence.

In the show, she did get a wave of attention by explaining Chinese zheng xiuyan.

However, in 2017, Huang Xiaolei was also caught in a huge controversy.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

At that time, Huang Xiaolei led her 3-year-old daughter to Shanghai Disneyland.

After insisting on a long line for hours, the staff refused to allow Huang Xiaolei's mother and daughter to ride on the game device on the grounds that the child was not tall enough.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolei directly broke out, and also had a physical conflict with the other party.

Later, Huang Xiaolei posted on social platforms accusing the staff of deliberately embarrassing behavior.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

The parties also sent a counter-attack.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

The two sides came and went, and finally ended with Disney blacklisting Huang Xiaolei.

If it is a matter of fact, Huang Xiaolei's daughter was later measured by the staff and her height was 98 centimeters more than the 97 centimeters required by the project, and she was actually reasonable in this matter.

However, as a public figure, there is also something wrong with the conflict between the image and the staff, and even further guide public opinion to escalate the incident.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In the third issue of "Sister Lang 3", Huang Xiaolei was eliminated with the first to last popularity.

It is estimated that she will have other work in the follow-up.

Otherwise, from the perspective of existence alone, Huang Xiaolei is much stronger than some sisters who have almost no camera.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Na Ying

As a diva in the music scene, Na Ying has a strong personal strength, but in terms of passers-by, it can only be described as bleak.

All this is related to her strong personality.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In 2004, Dao Lang swept the Chinese music scene with a song "The First Snow of 2002".

In that era of gods, he secured the number one position with 2.7 million sales.

Even Jay Chou, Eason Chan and others can only sigh to themselves.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Later, Na Ying served as the chairman of the jury of the "Most Influential Musical Figures of the Decade" selection of the "Music Chart".

During the selection process, Na Ying expressed his opposition to Dao Lang very clearly, and even said bluntly -

"Daolang does not have an aesthetic point of view, and sales are not the only measure."

This remark not only punched Dao Lang in the face, but also punched the face of the netizens who bought the album.

From this point on, Na Ying's "silly big sister" personality began to be unpleasant.

Later, Dao Lang won the "Five One Project Award" many times, which caused netizens to mock Na Ying.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In 2011, Na Ying was also caught up in the controversy over the private use of public power.

At that time, Na Ying participated in a performance at a certain party, and when she arrived at the scene, she found that she did not have a costume with her.

So there was a traffic police officer who opened the way for Na Ying's assistant to go home and get the costume.

Later, Na Ying posted this matter on the social platform in a high profile, and even bluntly said that "the traffic police do not need to use it at this time."

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

This remark caused many netizens to be dissatisfied, after all, the performance is Na Ying's personal affair, and the traffic police open the road is an abuse of police power.

In the face of netizens' doubts, Na Ying did not feel that there was a problem at first, and even sent a text to anger back.

It wasn't until things got bigger that Na Ying deleted the two pieces of information.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

In addition, Na Ying also has a very famous "kick fan incident".

It is said that a fan was very happy to see Na Ying and immediately picked up his mobile phone to start the live broadcast.

Unexpectedly, Na Ying kicked in the back...

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word
Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Celebrities "playing big cards" will be reprimanded by everyone, in the final analysis, it reflects an injustice.

Some artists think that they are famous, rich and have fans, as if they are superior and should have privileges in doing things.

But now it is neither a feudal society nor a slave society, as long as it is a legitimate occupation, everyone is equal.

In contrast, the situation of "playing big cards" rarely appears in the old drama bones, but mostly with dedicated information.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

When Zhang Songwen played Li Dazhao, in order to show the heroic scene of heroism and righteousness, he used a rope to lift his neck over and over again.

After the scene was finished, his neck was red, but he did not complain in the slightest.

Zhang Jiayi suffered from spondylitis, still hanging Weiya during filming, even if he blushed in pain and could not stand up, he did not say that he would give up.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

Actress Zhang Kaili once focused on the issue of star morality during the two sessions, and she believes that acting skills are important, but they are far less important than art virtue.

Young actors are frequently exposed to the problem of "playing big cards", in fact, they are still unstable in temperament and have a loss of artistic virtue.

The short-term popularity obtained by luck will eventually be tossed into a passing gas with real strength.

Kicking fans and accusing customs of being difficult, these 5 sisters in "Sister Lang 3" are difficult to say a word

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