
1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

author:Grace Mama Academy

Whether the baby eats porridge or rice after the age of 1 and a half, many parents will be entangled in this, before the age of 1 and a half, most of them eat soft and rotten food, and do not know when to eat rice with a harder texture.

Some parents are worried that hard food is not easy to digest, or are used to eating soft and rotten food for the baby, they do not dare to try new complementary foods for the baby, there are many such phenomena around me, the baby is almost 2 years old and has been eating porridge, the parents' cognition and habits have not kept up with the baby's growth needs.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

In fact, 1 and a half years old babies have grown 8-12 teeth, and continuing to eat soft and rotten foods at this time is not conducive to exercising the baby's chewing ability. At this stage, the baby's complementary foods should be diversified, so as to meet the baby's nutritional needs, but also conducive to the exercise of the baby's chewing ability, to meet the baby's multi-faceted development needs.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

In addition to porridge and rice, there are many kinds of foods to choose from for 1.5-year-old babies.


Noodles are very suitable for babies at this stage to eat, it is not only easy to digest, but also chewy, can be cooked with a variety of vegetables and meat, such as tomato egg noodles, tomato beef noodles, green vegetable minced meat noodles, mushroom fresh meat noodles, etc., noodles with vegetables, meat to cook, nutrition is comprehensive, and for the mother who is busy with babies and doing housework every day, cooking noodles is quick and convenient, time-saving and labor-saving. Porridge, rice, and noodles can be made in turn for the baby to eat, which ensures nutrition and does not make the baby's diet too simple.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

Steamed buns

Steamed buns can also be used as a staple food for babies, especially at breakfast, a steamed bun or bun, with a cup of milk and some fruits and vegetables, is a nutritious meal. Worry that the steamed buns and buns bought outside are not real materials, so you can make them at home.

I am a southerner, since becoming a mother, but also learned to make steamed buns with noodles and noodles, in order to make nutrition more abundant, when making steamed buns, generally add pumpkin puree, purple potato puree, with milk, eggs and noodles, the steamed buns are beautiful in color, and more nutritious.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

Dumplings, wontons

Children at this stage are also suitable for eating dumpling ravioli, for children to eat vegetables and meat at the same time, when seasoning the filling, you can add carrots, mushrooms, or other vegetables, such as cabbage, celery and so on. Most children like to eat dumplings, wontons, a bite down, in addition to the skin, there are meat and vegetables, delicious and nutritious, if the child does not like to eat porridge, rice, you can eat dumplings or wontons every three to five to change the taste.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat


Now most families have pans, it is convenient to make pancakes, use flour to mix the paste, add eggs and some vegetables, put them in the pan and burn them, and the fragrant cakes will be good. My daughter doesn't like to eat vegetables and sometimes I make some vegetable pancakes for her, which are served with milk at breakfast, which the kids love. If you are worried about getting on fire, eat it once or twice a week, and it should be used to change the taste of the child to increase appetite.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

In addition to the above, 1 and a half years old baby complementary food has a lot to choose from, usually need parents to spend more effort to match, staple food can also choose sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, taro, pumpkin, etc., try to diversify food, so that the benefits to the baby are many.

On the one hand, it can meet the nutritional needs of the baby

After 1 and a half years old, the baby's complementary food should not only be porridge or rice, but should be diversified choices, diversified foods, more comprehensive nutrition, and more able to meet the baby's nutritional needs. Now that the living conditions are good, there are many types of foods to choose from, and the staple foods are not limited to porridge and rice, parents should change the traditional concept and prepare diversified ingredients for the baby.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

On the other hand, a varied diet is conducive to avoiding picky eating in babies

One-and-a-half-year-old babies eat too single, not only will affect the intake of nutrients, but also may be because the baby is exposed to less food, and later unwilling to accept strange food, causing picky eating. My daughter is less exposed to leafy green vegetables in the stage of eating complementary foods, and now she does not eat many green leafy vegetables, such as pumpkins, corn, and carrots that eat the most in the stage of eating complementary foods, and now she also likes to eat these things. Therefore, if you don't want your baby to be picky in the future, you should properly diversify your diet when conditions permit.

1.5 year old baby's complementary food porridge or rice? After reading this article, you will know what is best for children to eat

Seeing this, I think we must no longer be entangled in whether the one-and-a-half-year-old baby is eating porridge or rice, porridge and rice to eat, other foods should also be tried, try to achieve diet diversification, so that the baby can contact more food and obtain more comprehensive nutrition.