
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry

author:Small natural VLOG

April Eclipse Mulberry Ginseng, what do you call it in your place? Mulberries, mulberries, mulberries? It has a lot of aliases, and the name mulberry comes from the Book of Poetry more than 2,000 years ago, in which it is said: "The mulberry has not fallen, and its ye wo ruo." Yu Yu dove, no food mulberry. ”

Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry

This means that when the leaves of the mulberry tree do not fall, the whole mulberry tree is lush. Did you think it was strange when you first saw mulberry? How could it have grown like this, a polygon.

Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry

Mulberry trees are female trees and male trees are heterogeneous. It is often male trees that do not have mulberries; Each small flower on the female flower's inflorescence bears a small fruit and becomes this polyflora.

In addition to being a very delicious fruit, mulberry is also a medicinal herb in Traditional Chinese medicine, and its medicinal history can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, and it is recorded in the "Tang Materia Medica" In Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is called: "WenWu Shili Five Visceral Joints". Mulberry also has a small story in the story of "Twenty-Four Filial Pieties" called "Picking Up Leaves" is about the Han Dynasty, and there is a filial piety Cai Shun who can only pick up some mulberries to fill his stomach because of the famine. He put the black mulberry in one basket, and put the red mulberry in another basket and left the black one for his mother, and we all know that black is sweeter. So there is a small story in "Twenty-Four Filial Pieties", the ancients were particularly revered for mulberry trees, because mulberry trees carry our Chinese agricultural civilization.

Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry

April and May of each year is the season of mulberry ripening, the warm wind blows in early summer, the new mulberry leaves are emerald green, gently shaken with the wind, under the mulberry leaves are the mulberries that are gathered into three or five, slightly trembling in the wind, which is very tempting. There is a mulberry tree in front of my house. After the wheat harvest, the mulberry trees are full of mulberries, and when you look around, the stars are dotted, like rubies.

In recent days, green, red, and purple mulberries have been dotted with mulberry trees, heavy and crushing the branches. Every season, I climb up the tree to pick mulberries to eat, don't look at its shape like a fat caterpillar, black and black, but it tastes good when eaten.

Taste a grain of mulberry, sour, sweet, sweet and sour. I thought again of the mulberry tree at my grandmother's house in the distance. A tall mulberry tree, huge canopy, thick foliage. Whenever I came back from picking mulberries, my brother would call me to a corner and pull out some purple mulberries from his white pocket and give them to me, and because of this, he was always scolded by his mother that his clothes were dyed by something and could not be washed off.

Mulberries are red or cyan, cyan is not yet ripe, we are naturally reluctant to pick. The red ones are already ripe, but they are not yet cooked, and sometimes in order to adjust the taste, we will also pick a few to eat, and the taste is sweet and sour, and there is not much juice. The intoxicating green mulberry fruit is bitter and difficult to swallow, and only when it grows and becomes purple-red is the most delicious fruit.

After the summer, the mulberry fruit also changed from bright red to purple red, and a bunch of heavy mulberry fruits hung all over the branches, just like the lanterns in the festival hung all over the branches.

Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry

Walking on this road full of mulberries, looking at the small grains of mulberries that have struggled to unite, the red hair is purple, flowing with sweet honey, and there are infinite emotions in my heart.

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Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry
Ginseng in the fruit - mulberry