
Wiggins, the enigmatic star

author:Crazy Red Hulk

Students, cheers for the college entrance examination!

On no match days, talk about "mouth brother" Wiggins.

Wiggins, the enigmatic star

安德鲁·威金斯‬,27岁‬,堪萨斯‬大学‬走出来‬的‬2014年NBA‬状元‬。 最佳‬‬新秀‬,新秀‬一阵‬,全明星‬。 生涯‬至今‬八年‬,从骑士‬换到‬‬森林狼‬再‬到‬勇士‬,职业‬生涯‬常规赛‬场均‬19.3分‬,被‬网友‬冠以‬“枸杞哥‬”、“控‬分‬小能‬手‬”等‬。

It is difficult to figure out him, say that his ability is mediocre, he is the champion who suppresses embiid, Jokic and other stars; You say that he is talented, he is young, playing health ball all year round, in the words of netizens: playing ball does not sweat. Embiid, Lavin and Jokic of the same draft are all cashing in on their talents at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he is still not in a hurry, using a very fashionable sentence: "He is strong and strong, the breeze blows on the hills, he crosses him, and the moon shines on the river." ”

但‬今年‬随着‬勇士再次‬‬杀进‬总决赛‬,有‬美国数据媒体StatMuse列出一组数据:“在本轮对阵‬绿军‬的系列赛中,威金斯防守对方‬核心‬塔图姆‬的55个回合中,使得‬“獭兔‬”共得到13分,投篮15中5。 ”(说实话‬有些‬对‬他‬的‬看法‬改观‬)。

Wiggins, the enigmatic star

This defensive ability, coupled with a very stable scoring ability, plus the top talent bonus in the draft report, and the 97% attendance rate of the career so far. Such a player, do you think he should be a champion? Really strong.

Wiggins, the enigmatic star