
If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible


1. The harm of leftovers

Leftovers, leftovers for a long time or improper storage will produce toxic substances, because many germs still multiply at low temperatures, such as Yellella, Listeria, etc., in the 4 ° C - 6 ° C refrigeration cabinet still "give birth to children". Under normal circumstances, by heating at a high temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, it is possible to kill certain bacteria, viruses and parasites within a few minutes. However, if food is stored for too long, the bacteria in the food release chemical toxins that cannot be eliminated by heating.

It is recommended that everyone should cook in moderation, ensure that each meal is eaten, if there are leftovers, the storage time should not be too long, it is best to eat within 5-6 hours.

If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible

2, the harm of ice drinking

Drinking cold drinks can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and heat stroke.

The temperature of ice drinks, ice water, cold drinks, etc. is generally 20 ° C to 31 ° C lower than the temperature in the stomach, if a large number of cold drinks enter the body, it is easy to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing vasoconstriction, mucosal ischemia, thereby weakening the gastrointestinal digestive function and bactericidal power, causing spasmodic pain, and even leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea. Moreover, the weather is too hot in the summer, and drinking a large amount of water will lead to poor catharsis of sweat pores, difficult heat dissipation of the body, and waste heat accumulation, which is very easy to cause heat stroke.

It is recommended not to drink ice water, after exercise or a lot of sweating, you can drink warm water, which will help relieve the heat and do not affect the health of the body.

If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible

3. The harm of cold mixed vegetables

Eating cold vegetables often will hurt the stomach and intestines, resulting in impaired gastrointestinal function, resulting in a decrease in gastrointestinal absorption energy, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, and severe cases will be malnutrition.

Cold mix is a dish that mixes food with spices and eats it cold. Cold mix is a dish made by adding ingredients such as red oil, soy sauce, and garlic grains after preliminary processing and blanching water treatment.

Recommendation: to clean thoroughly, there is no high temperature sterilization procedure for cold mixed vegetables, so special attention should be paid to hygiene, and mixing vegetables with garlic can also play a certain role in sterilization and disinfection. Pay attention to the intake of salt, the cold dishes sold on the street are easy to put more MSG, salt to enhance the taste, even if they are made themselves, they should be light.

If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible

4. The harm of fried food

Fried food is a traditional convenience food, which uses high temperature to expand food, and high temperature is easy to make food spoil.

Fried food is high in calories, relatively greasy, not easy to digest, easy to lead to obesity, endangering gastrointestinal health. Fried foods are easily carcinogenic after high temperature treatment to produce nitrate substances.

Recommendation: Eat as much light and digestible food as possible in your daily diet.

If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible

5, the harm of heavy spicy and heavy salt

Spicy crayfish, spicy hot and other foods are spicy and salty, which will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, increase the burden on the digestive system, and cause great harm to the stomach and intestines, and may even induce stomach cancer.

It is recommended to control the intake of peppers and salt in daily life and eat more light foods, so as not to cause too much burden to the stomach and intestines.

If the stomach is not good, please understand the following points as soon as possible

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