
Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

author:Luo navigation

Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of network disease is based on the experience of ancient physicians through the network and summarized, the different pathogenic factors of network disease, different stages have different types of clinical symptoms, the treatment of network disease drugs are classified according to the function, there are six categories of flow of air smooth network medicine, stasis through the network medicine, loose combination medicine, expectorant network medicine, wind dispelling network medicine, detoxification channel medicine, Rong Yang network and so on.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, flowing gas smooth network medicine</h1>

1. Spicy herbs: frankincense, incense, sandalwood


Indications for function: spicy incense, toning qi and invigorating blood, fixing pain and chasing poison.

Pharmacological effects: contains resin, gum, volatile oil. It can relieve analgesia, anti-inflammatory, and elevate white blood cells.

Clinical application: can be comfortable and stasis, mostly used for various pains, such as abdominal pain, fistula accumulation, etc.; and can also activate blood swelling and relieve pain, remove saprophytic muscles, often used for sores, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, intestinal carbuncles, etc.; modern clinical treatment of hepatitis caused by liver pain, breast nucleus, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Incense reduction

Indications for treatment: spicy incense, rationalization of stasis, pain relief and pain relief.

Pharmacological effects: monomers, dipers and cinnamene derivatives of isoflavone derivatives. It can promote plasmin activity, inhibit thrombosis, increase coronary blood flow, and slow down heart rate.

Clinical application: The main drug of Ye Tianshi's spicy fragrance, it is often used to treat the pain of the heart and abdomen caused by the obstruction of qi stagnation and blood stasis. Modern clinical use is often used for coronary heart disease angina, but also for cerebrovascular diseases and chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers caused by abdominal pain.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:


Indications for function: spicy and fragrant, qi and pain relief.

Pharmacological effects: α/β-sandalwood alcohol, α/β-sandalene, sandalpene, sandalpenone, etc. α-sandalwood alcohol, β-sandalwood alcohol have a central sedative effect.

Clinical application: it is often used for abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, and rib pain caused by other hepatosplenomegaly. Danshen drinks, which are compatible with danshen and sand kernels, treat abdominal pain;

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

2. Xinwen Tongluo medicine: fine spices, guizhi, xuebai

Fine spices

Indications for function: Xinwen Tongluo, dispel wind and cold, and relieve pain.

Pharmacological effects: volatile oils such as methyl eugenol, diplodontium or herb brain, sodium, potassium, magnesium and other metal elements. It can improve nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and anti-aging; it has a certain inhibitory effect on the formaldehyde and egg-white foot swelling of rats; inhibits the expression of IL-2 receptors on the surface of peripheral hemolymocytes by stimulating the expression of IL-2 receptors on the surface of peripheral hemolymocytes, regulates the body's immunity; reduces lipid peroxidation, reduces lipid peroxide (LPO) content, improves SOD activity, scavenges oxygen radicals and reduces the damage of free radicals to the body. Not used with quinoa, excessive single-drug dosage, or decisive decoction time can easily cause poisoning.

Clinical application: commonly used in the treatment of head and face pain, sputum drinking cough and wheezing, abdominal pain, rheumatic paralysis pain, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:


Indications for function: Xinwen tongluo, sweating and muscle dissolution.

Pharmacological effects: cinnamaldehyde volatile oil, ingredients after frying of cinnamon branches: trans cinnamon acid, coumarin, β-sitosterol, protocateic acid, potassium sulfate crystals and long-chain fatty acids. It can relieve pain, antispasmodic, antipyretic, asthmatic, anti-allergic and so on. It has antibacterial effect on E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.

Clinical application: Commonly used for the treatment of external stroke, chest palsy heartache, palpitations, phlegm cough and wheezing, rheumatism and paralysis, and the accumulation of symptomatic fistula.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

White (shallot white)

Indications for function: Xinwen Tongyang, unblocked qi, wide chest loose knots.

Pharmacological effect: mainly contains allicin, methyl allicin, garlic sugar, alcohol extraction can obtain prostaglandins. Decoction can inhibit dysentery bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus; 20% ethanol extract can inhibit the synthesis process of HELA cell phospholipids; can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, increase HDL-C, inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell hyperplasia.

Clinical application: the treatment of chest palsy, heartache medicine.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

3. Spicy opening medicine: musk, ice chips


Indications for function: spicy incense to open the trick, to break through the network, to disperse stasis and relieve pain.

Pharmacological effect: musk macrocyclic compound, long-chain compound, protein, a variety of amino acids, etc. 5 minutes after gassing can pass through the blood-brain barrier, prolong the survival time of mice with ischemia and hypoxia in hypoxia, showing a quantitative relationship, inhibit convulsions after gassing, alleviate cerebral edema caused by ice damage and hypoxia injury, and inhibit inflammation to varying degrees. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Clinical application: commonly used for cerebral air network lesions of delirium coma, limb air network lesions of acid numbness and swelling, trauma paraplegia is not used, chest paralysis heartache of choroid stasis, heat poison stagnation of carbuncle swelling and pain, sputum stasis accumulation of fistula, rheumatic paralysis obstruction of paralysis pain, internal and external use are rapidly absorbed.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:


Indications for function: spicy incense, pain relief, heat and detoxification, fire removal.

Pharmacological effect: mainly contains dragon brain, allosaurus brain, camphor and so on. It can resist the in vivo arterial contraction caused by epinephrine, has a two-way regulatory effect on central nervous system excitability, can reduce the adhesion of white blood cells to vascular endothelial cells during brain injury, is conducive to the recovery of cerebral edema during brain trauma, and protects brain cells; has antibacterial effects on Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus type B; has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Clinical application: Commonly used for the treatment of stroke dizziness, chest palsy heartache, accumulation of symptomatic fistula, sores and swelling pain, red eye membrane, mouth and tongue sores, head and face tips and cancer pain.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

4. Xin Channeling Medicine: Strychnine, Ephedra, Spiral Flower


Indications for function: spicy channeling, smooth flow of air, strong muscle strength, swelling and pain relief.

Pharmacological effects: mainly contains alkaloids, castrophylline (strynin), pseudo-papriki turtle, pseudocycline. (1) Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: it can inhibit the swelling of rat feet, granulation tissue hyperplasia, and adjuvant swelling of bilateral posterior toes. (2) Anti-arrhythmia: Strychnine has a protective effect on chloroform and calcium chloride caused by mouse ventricular fibrillation. (3) Isamezine nitrogen oxide can inhibit tumor cell growth. There is a large poison, pregnant women are prohibited, should not take more long and raw use, athletes should use caution, toxic ingredients can be absorbed through the skin, external use should not be applied in a large area.

Clinical application: numbness paralysis, weakness and weakness caused by stagnation or deficiency. Combined with other drugs to treat rheumatic stubbornness, crooked mouth and eyes, it can also be used for Green-Barre sequelae, peripheral neuritis and so on.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:


Indications for function: sweating and anti-table, xuan lung asthma, xinwen tongluo, water and swelling.

Pharmacological effects: pseudoephedrine has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects; ephedra polysaccharides excite parasympathetics and lower blood pressure; ephedra inhibits cellular immunity; pseudoephedrine has a certain excitatory effect on the central nervous system.

Clinical application: external typhoid fever to solve the surface of the cold; external phlegm wheezing to promote lung asthma; feng shui edema to facilitate water to reduce swelling; with guizhi external dispersion of wind chill; with gypsum to promote lung heat release; with white surgery to dispel wind and dehumidification; with appendages to dispel cold and dampness, with white mustard seed to dispel stubborn phlegm flow.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Spiral flowers

Indications for function: lower air communication, phlegm elimination soft and firm.

Pharmacological effect: mainly contains trinketrin, quercetin and so on. Decoction mouse intraperitoneal injection can be expectorant, anti-inflammatory, oral can be expectorant.

Clinical application: "Golden Essentials" Spiral Flower Soup medicine embodies "Xinwen Tongluo", "Active Blood Tongluo", "Expectorant Tongluo", etc., which are commonly used in the treatment of network diseases in later generations.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, stasis tongluo medicine</h1>

1. Blood nourishing and blood circulation medicine: chicken blood vine, angelica

Chicken blood vine

Indications for function: communicate with the blood, relieve the muscles and activate the network.

Pharmacological effects: contains isoflavones, triterpenes, and steroids. Multi-channel activation of the hematopoietic system, elevating red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc.; chicken blood vine decoction has a slight inhibitory effect on the heart, has a constrictive effect on blood vessels; chicken blood vine decoction can reduce cholesterol TC, can resist aortic atherosclerosis of the aorta and cephalic arteries.

Clinical application: often used for the treatment of coronary heart disease angina, stroke hemiplegia or limb numbness, rheumatism, limb weakness or numbness and swelling pain, anemia, women's menstrual irregularities, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:


Indications for function: blood tonic and blood circulation, menstrual analgesia, moisturizing and smooth intestines.

Pharmacological effect: contains neutral oil, acid oil, organic acid, sugar, vitamin and macronutrients. Ferulic acid in angelica can antioxidant and scavenge oxygen free radicals; act on the endogenous coagulation system, prolong the clotting time and anticoagulation; promote platelet aggregation and promote coagulation; promote the hematopoietic function of bone marrow and spleen, increase hemoglobin and red blood cells; angelica polysaccharide can enhance interleukin and interferon expression and enhance immune function; angelica polysaccharide can inhibit the growth of a variety of tumor strains, increase the number and phagocytic function of macrophages, and inhibit the proliferation of human leukemia cell line K562. Angelica polysaccharides can increase the pain threshold, the intensity of action is related to the dose; under hyperbaric oxygen conditions, angelica can reverse abnormal changes in amino acid neurotransmitters in the brain and resist convulsions; angelica extract can inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase in the hippocampus and alleviate memory loss.

Clinical application: various diseases with blood deficiency, often used for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

2. Xin run blood circulation medicine: peach kernel


Indications for function: activate blood circulation, moisturize and smooth intestines.

Pharmacological effect: contains liposomes, steroids, amino acids, flavonoids and glycoside compounds. The hydrolysis of amygdalin bitter amygdalase produces cyanhydric acid and benzaldehyde on the respiratory center, which can deepen breathing, reduce cough, and cough out easily. 40%-50% fatty oil improves the lubrication effect of intestinal contents on the mucous membrane and is easy to defecate. Peach decoction and peach kernel protein diagonal vegetable gel caused by foot swelling have significant inhibitory effects. The inhibition rate of the crude preparation of amygdalin aqueous extract on the JTC26 strain of cervical cancer is 50%-70%, and the free intake of bitter almonds to mice can inhibit the growth of Ascites carcinoma of Ai and prolong the survival. Pregnant women and people with loose stools should use with caution.

Clinical application: often used in the treatment of ischemic stroke, ventricular premature beats, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

3. Search and eliminate stasis drugs: leeches, flies, earth turtles, dung beetles,


Indications for treatment: dissolve stasis, break blood and stasis.

Pharmacological effects: salivary glands contain hirudin, secretions contain histamine-like substances and heparin, antithromboxane and so on. Leech decoction alcohol extract reduces the rate of apoptosis of brain cells after ischemia/reperfusion and has a protective effect on ischemic brain cells. Leech injection promotes the absorption of intracranial hematomas in rabbits. Leeches and their compounds protect endothelial cells. Leech injection can significantly inhibit thrombosis and reduce platelet aggregation and adhesion. It is a minor poison, and pregnant women and menorrhagia are contraindicated.

Clinical application: often used for the treatment of congestion blocking cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Earth turtle worms

Indications for function: dissolve stasis and penetrate the complex, and break the accumulation of stasis one by one.

Pharmacological effect: soil turtle decoction can reduce lecithin cholesteryl transferase activity, increase HDL-C, and delay the formation of arteriosclerosis. The total alkaloids of the earth turtle can significantly prolong the survival time of isoproterenol mice, and can significantly combat the ECG ST-T changes of acute myocardial ischemia in mice caused by posterior pituitary lobula. Earth turtle insects can reduce red blood cell aggregation, enhance the ability of red blood cells to deform, promote blood circulation and tissue blood supply, oxygen supply. Promotes the formation of blood vessels in rabbits with experimental fractures, improves local blood circulation, increases the activity and number of osteoblasts, accelerates calcium salt deposition and scab growth, and promotes bone healing. There is a small poison, which is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Clinical application: traditionally used for the treatment of fatigue and dry blood memory, women's blood dry menstrual amenorrhea, bruises, tendon fractures, pimples, modern clinical use in tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Fly (oxfly)

Indications for treatment: dissolve stasis.

Pharmacological effect: the main ingredient is a fly polysaccharide, which can interfere with the activity of endogenous coagulation factors, inhibit the production of fibrin, and prolong the coagulation time in mice in vitro. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Clinical application: coronary heart disease angina and other stasis obstruction pain.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Dung Beetle (Shit Shell Lang)

Indications for function: dissolve stasis and detoxify.

Pharmacological action: contains about 1% of the toxic ingredient (dung beetle toxin). After the dung beetle toxin is injected intravenously in rabbits, the blood pressure drops for a while, then rises, the breathing amplitude increases, and the frequency increases. It has an inhibitory effect on the toad's in vivo heart, perfuses the blood vessels of the toad's hind limbs, has a temporary dilation effect, has an inhibitory effect on the rabbit intestinal tube and uterus, and has a paralyzing effect on the toad's in vitro muscle specimens. Toxic, spleen and stomach deficiency and pregnant women are forbidden to take.

Clinical application: single use to treat nameless swelling, local swelling, constipation knots, pediatric convulsions, etc., there are also dung beetle compound treatment of refractory ulcers, prostatitis and so on.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3</h1>

Turtle armor, pangolin, curcuma, hawthorn nucleus, orange nucleus

Turtle armor

Indications for function: loose knots, nourish yin and clear heat, nourish yin and latent yang.

Pharmacological effect: mainly contains animal glue such as bone collagen, as well as keratin, iodine, vitamin D, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, etc. Reducing the hydroxyproline content of hepatic fibrosis rats, reducing the degree of liver fibrosis damage, inhibiting the growth of intestinal cancer cells, combined with fluorouracil on the growth of intestinal cancer cells is stronger.

Clinical application: treatment of cirrhosis of the liver ascites, tumors, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Pangolin (Class 1 Protected Animal)

Indications for function: loose knots, through the lower milk, reduce swelling and discharge pus.

Pharmacological effects: Pangolin alcohol extract and water extract have obvious anti-croton oil-induced ear inflammation in mice; pangolin decoction can significantly reduce the blood viscosity of rats, which also has a effect on reducing blood viscosity in mice, and can prolong the clotting time of large and mouse; pangolins can enhance the contraction ability of rat granules in vivo and have a positive inotropic effect. Pangolins can inhibit the growth of human leukemia cell line HL60 cells, induce apoptosis, and activate caspase-3 enzyme activity, reducing BCL-2 gene expression.

Clinical application: often used for the treatment of epilepsy, hard pain refusal to press; blood stasis and menstrual closure, less abdominal pain; rheumatic paralysis caused by unfavorable joints, numbness and cramping, women postpartum milk can not fall. Clinical medicine of rheumatoid, prostatic hyperplasia and breast diseases.

On 5 June 2020, China upgraded all species of pangolins to Level 1 protected wildlife. The 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (Part I) was not continued.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Zedoary turmeric

Indications for function: loose knots, broken blood and qi.

Pharmacological effect: mainly contains α-pinene, β-pinene, β-elecene, dragon brain, curcuminone and so on. β-Olive fragrance has an inhibitory effect on the growth of a variety of lung cancer cell lines, bladder cancer T24 cells, leukemia cells, etc. in vitro, and curcuma oil can inhibit the DNA synthesis and proliferative activity of liver cancer cells. It can reduce the decrease of peripheral blood leukocytes and red blood cells. It can reduce glomerular hyaluronic degeneration and sclerosis percentage, protein deposition percentage, etc. of animal models with chronic renal failure, reduce urine protein excretion, improve kidney function, change the specific viscosity of whole blood, hematocrit, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, etc., prevent platelet aggregation and inhibit thrombosis in vitro. Pregnant women and menorrhagia are contraindicated.

Clinical application: it can be used to treat the swelling pain of pimple block, malaria mother of long malaria, abdominal distension and pain of food accumulation, blood stasis and menstrual amenorrhea, abdominal pain and bruise pain, and also for tumors, liver fibrosis, etc.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Hawthorn core

Indications for functions: defolation, dispersion, communication.

Pharmacological effects: reduce TC, LDL-C, VLDL, and TC/VLDL ratio, reduce atherosclerotic plaque formation. Hawthorn kernel distillate showed strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects on E. coli, typhoid bacillus, dysentery bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Clinical application: the treatment of gastric accumulation for a long time, interdylemish lumps and decadence, etc., modern clinical compatibility for the treatment of uterine fibroids and cervical cancer.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

Orange core

Indications for function: loose knots, relieve pain.

Pharmacological effect: has analgesic effect, salt burning after analgesic effect is stronger.

Clinical application: treatment of hernia, breast clumps, compatible treatment of chronic prostatitis, cradle carbuncle and other diseases.

Commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Network Disease (Part 1): FlowIng Qi Changluo, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo, Dispersing Tongluo I, Circulating QiChangluo Medicine II, Dissolving Stasis Tongluo Medicine III, Loose Tongluo Medicine:

This article does not point out clinical drugs, but only summarizes the experience of drugs related to network diseases, broadens the thinking of drugs for clinically related diseases, for my own learning, and also for your reference.


WU Yiling. Principles of Treatment of Complex Diseases and Drugs[J].Journal of Intractable Diseases,2005,4(4):213-215.