
"Ten people and nine spleen deficiency", why do people have spleen deficiency? Nourish the spleen and remember the "2 should 3 taboos"

author:Medica Media

Weakness of the spleen can lead to physiological dysfunction, which can lead to associated pathological phenomena. There are many types of spleen deficiency, which need to be adjusted according to the induced causes, some people stay up late for a long time, eat inappropriately, have diseases that affect the body weakness, and the spleen cannot maintain health under its threat, which will make the acquisition of nutrients unable to absorb and utilize normally. It is necessary to understand the specific predisposing factors of spleen deficiency and actively regulate.

Some people's spleen deficiency continues because of lack of diet, insufficient nutrition supply for a long time, excessive physical activity and overdraft of the body, which will trigger temper deficiency. In addition, the mood swings are large, and the body will become weak if the worry is excessively reduced. Some people have insufficient long-term exercise and blood vessels cannot be kept open, which may lead to spleen deficiency. And these factors are found out and then adjusted one by one, which will naturally achieve better results.

"Ten people and nine spleen deficiency", why do people have spleen deficiency? Nourish the spleen and remember the "2 should 3 taboos"

What should I pay attention to when my spleen is weak?

1. It is advisable to eat foods that nourish the spleen and stomach

In order to improve the spleen deficiency, there are many important points to pay attention to, among which more spleen and stomach foods should be eaten, and the conditioning effect is good through this method. Yam, lily, lotus seeds, etc. are all helpful for spleen and stomach health, can warm the spleen and stomach, promote digestion, and make nutrients absorb fast. Some people have accumulated moisture after spleen deficiency, and they can also use red adzuki beans, barley, etc. to promote moisture excretion.

2, should exercise

Spleen loss should be properly exercised, because exercise is one of the ways to enhance physical fitness and regulate the body. Some people lack exercise for a long time, their physique is getting worse and worse, the possibility of disease when their resistance is reduced increases, and their physical state affected by the disease will deteriorate. When you devote yourself to exercise, your metabolic capacity is improved, your circulation is maintained well, and your adequate supply of qi and blood is helpful for the maintenance of internal organs. Compared with those who do not like sports, being strong is not a problem.

"Ten people and nine spleen deficiency", why do people have spleen deficiency? Nourish the spleen and remember the "2 should 3 taboos"

3. Avoid worrying

The maintenance of the spleen can not be overthinking, emotions are always fluctuating, there is pressure should be released in time, and every day to maintain optimism and happiness. Those who learn to cultivate themselves calmly and calmly deal with things, try to make themselves happy, regulate the endocrine in this way, and persist in the internal organs can also improve their function. If you are always sullen and depressed, pessimistic and depressed, there will be mental health problems.

4. Avoid staying up late

The maintenance of the spleen can not often stay up late, and many organs of the body need to be rested when sleeping at night, in order to enhance their function and not be overdrawn. Some people's body is not well protected at all, overworked, do not understand the importance of sufficient rest time, long-term lack of sleep in addition to poor mental state, but also reduce resistance, and even affect the endocrine. It is difficult to maintain such a spleen.

"Ten people and nine spleen deficiency", why do people have spleen deficiency? Nourish the spleen and remember the "2 should 3 taboos"

5. Do not smoke and drink alcohol

Resolutely do not stick to tobacco and alcohol to the health of the body, many people do not leave the body, do not know that in this process of a variety of harmful substances to reduce not only the resistance, but also let the blood vessels be damaged. While blood vessels are the medium that transports nutrients, blood, this channel is blocked and multiple organs are damaged. Therefore, we must strictly restrain ourselves to resolutely do not smoke, do not drink, not only away from diseases, but also prolong life.