
On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

After entering the three volt days, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and those who have been engaged in heavy physical labor and outdoor sports for a long time are prone to heat stroke if they cannot take heat protection measures in time. #爱乐养生 #

Three volt day because the surrounding air is too hot, usually may wish to eat more than a few alkaline vegetables, the so-called seasonal eating, in order to spend the summer safely and comfortably, three volt days have arrived, the heat must eat less greasy and spicy food, diet as far as possible to light, in order to better maintain good health.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

There are several alkaline foods suitable for three volts to eat, see if you love to eat?


On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

Type 1: Lotus root

Lotus root has more holes, before eating lotus root must be cleaned in advance, to avoid bacterial residues, as a feedback of nature, lotus root is not only delicious and delicious, but also has a high nutritional value and health care effects.

Lotus root contains more vitamins, minerals than other vegetables, which iron is 5 times more than spinach, eat lotus root can supplement the iron required by the body, prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

Lotus root as a common alkaline food, whether it is fried to eat, cold mix to eat, or boiled to eat, are very delicious and delicious, summer can eat a little more lotus root.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

Type 2: Cucumber

Cucumber is a kind of high nutritional value and low calorie fruit, often by weight loss people as a weight loss meal to eat, whether it is eaten raw or fried cucumber, can be used as the most common anti-heat and pharyngeal ingredients on the three volt days.

As a unique alkaline food in summer, cucumber contains a variety of proteins, vitamins, carotene, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients, eating cucumber on three days can alleviate the body's dry heat is a good choice.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

Species 3: grapes

Grapes are a very popular fruit in summer, and the three-volt day is the best time to eat grapes, during this time to eat grapes with thin skins and sweet and sour meat.

Grapes are rich in nutritional value, and grapes with purple skin contain more anthocyanins, which can play a role in beauty and anti-aging, effectively eliminate the production of oxygen free radicals in the body, and fade pigment spots.

Grapes are a very high nutritional value of alkaline fruit, eat a little more in hot weather, can play a role in the heat relief effect, eat grapes can leave the skin of the grape boiling water to drink, nutritious and delicious can alleviate the dry heat in the body.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

Type 4: Kelp

As a common seafood, kelp is rich in vitamins with strong antioxidant properties, which can effectively eliminate the production of free radicals in the human body, reduce the production of subcutaneous melanin, fade pigmentation, and beautify the face.

Kelp contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and other trace elements, not only can maintain the body's acid-base balance but also enhance the body's immunity, obese people eat more kelp can improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the burning and consumption of fat, belongs to high protein and low fat food.

In summer, you can eat more kelp, it is recommended that everyone should be mainly cold mixed, so that eating can achieve the effect of clearing the fire and throat.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

Type 5: Diamond angle

Diamond angle cool, is one of the most recommended foods for everyone to eat in the summer, do not look at the shape of the diamond horn is peculiar, in fact, the diamond angle is rich in amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, a variety of vitamins and minerals, these substances can not only supplement the body with more beneficial nutrients, but also play a role in strengthening the spleen and stomach, enhancing energy to alleviate the production of dry heat in the body.

Diamond horn is an alkaline food, eat more diamond horn in summer, can supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also effectively survive the three volt days, improve the problem of internal heat and stasis, especially suitable for the elderly population.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily


How should I properly escape the heat on a three-volt day?

1, before you must do a good job of sun protection work, bring sunscreen tools, wear a sun hat, umbrella, sunglasses, pay attention to apply sunscreen, do not walk in the hot sun, and do not carry out heavy physical labor in the heat.

2, three volt days due to the surrounding weather is too hot reasons, we must pay attention to rest, itself is a long day and night short, sleep late and get up early, must reasonably regulate sleep, early bed and early rise is beneficial to health.

3, three volt days due to the hot weather reasons, sweating more, at this time must develop a good habit of drinking more water, do not wait until thirsty to drink water, at least 1500 ~ 2000 ml of water per day to ensure that the amount of water, carry a cup, thirst in time to drink a little, alleviate the body's dry heat.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

4, three volt days due to the hot and humid weather, heat prevention at the same time to pay attention to remove the moisture in the body, at this time the mood should not be too anxious and boring, must be reasonable to vent bad mood, pay attention to keep warm and wet.

5, three volt days if you feel that the body is too hot, you can spray water in the appropriate parts of the body, so that you can maintain the wetness of the body, achieve the effect of cooling, but also effectively alleviate the symptoms of heat stroke in the body.


What foods are not recommended for summer?

(1) Nut-based foods

In the summer, due to the fact that the weather is too hot, eating too many nut-like foods will lead to serious symptoms of physical fire, and it is best to eat less for health considerations.

(2) Eat less cold food

Summer because the weather is too hot, many people like to eat raw and cold food or drink cold drinks, heat relief, eat raw and cold food although can temporarily alleviate the body's dry heat, but if too much cold food, it will also stimulate the mouth, resulting in violent contraction of blood vessels in the body, salivary glands secrete a large number of stimulation of tongue taste nerves, resulting in periodontal nervous tension.

Food will increase the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to abdominal pain and bloating problems, but also a large number of cold moisture invade the body, increasing women's symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

(3) Spicy and greasy food

It is really hot, at this time it is best to eat less spicy food, especially the hot pot spicy hot, you can drink more soups with heat-clearing effect, such as mung bean soup can effectively alleviate the feeling of sweltering heat, reduce the symptoms of heat stroke.

(4) Meat food

When the surrounding temperature exceeds 35 ° C, its own blood will gradually become thick, and eating too much greasy meat at this time will only make the mood worse, and will also increase the cardiovascular burden and pressure, which is not conducive to health.

On three volt days, these 5 kinds of "alkaline foods" should be eaten more, so that the family can spend the summer healthily

The summer diet should be as light as possible, eat less greasy and spicy and irritating foods, and drink more light tea, which can effectively relieve the dry heat of the body and reduce the burden and pressure of internal organs.

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