
Domestic 5G mobile phone data statistics in the first quarter of 2022: Huawei is eye-catching


Although from the beginning of 2022, such as the sharp decline in smartphone shipments year-on-year, a number of mobile phone manufacturers have lowered the corresponding shipment expectations of the news, but the number of activated terminals and market share of 5G mobile phones continue to maintain an upward trend. According to the statistics of domestic 5G mobile phones in the first quarter of 2022, Huawei occupied the first position in the stock market share with 23.1%.

Domestic 5G mobile phone data statistics in the first quarter of 2022: Huawei is eye-catching

It can be seen that in the new 5G market, Zhonghua is the third seat in the market share, and the gap with Apple mobile phones is not small. However, Huawei has successfully captured the first place in the brand market share of 5G Android mobile phones of all ages in 25-45+, showing that Huawei's mobile phone brand is deeply loved by consumers.

Domestic 5G mobile phone data statistics in the first quarter of 2022: Huawei is eye-catching

Of course, for Huawei's high-end models (P series and Mate series), almost all of the models currently on sale only support 4G networks. At the same time, the market share of high-end 5G models conceded by Huawei is mostly eaten by Apple's iPhone series, rather than domestic brands.

Domestic 5G mobile phone data statistics in the first quarter of 2022: Huawei is eye-catching

In addition, according to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, from January to April 2022, the overall shipment of mobile phones in the domestic market totaled 87.425 million units, down 30.3% year-on-year, of which 5G mobile phone shipments were 68.469 million units, down 25.0% year-on-year, accounting for 78.3% of mobile phone shipments in the same period.

Some analysts said that the slowdown in smartphone shipments is mainly due to the slowdown in consumption upgrading due to the global epidemic; second, there is not much innovation to stimulate consumers, especially young people' desire to change machines. For huawei's fading out of the smartphone field, especially high-end 5G models, the innovation of the Android camp is indeed lackluster. Most domestic mobile phone manufacturers have opened the road of self-developed chips, but this can only be seen as a marginal attempt to deal with the neck of the chip stuck abroad, after all, the core chip (SoC) is not a few years, hundreds of millions of dollars of continuous investment to achieve localization.

Just imagine a few years ago, the Kirin chip can compete with Qualcomm Snapdragon. And multiple applications such as GPU turbo, Link turbo, EROFS file system, and AI have played a good role in the growth of mobile phone system software.

Domestic 5G mobile phone data statistics in the first quarter of 2022: Huawei is eye-catching

However, it is reported that Google plans to use EROFS as the default file system for Android 13 system partitions. That is, FORCing the use of EROFS is mandatory for all read-only partitions of Android 13 boot devices. It can be seen that huawei's hardware level acceleration system strength, this is the most good proof.

I hope that Huawei can solve the technical problems at the chip level earlier and earlier, coupled with the continuous maturity and improvement of the Hongmeng system, Huawei's high-end 5G mobile phone will one day return with colorful clouds.