
The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

author:Bonnie Butler

Another wave of "monkeypox" in May is breaking out in many countries in Europe and the United States.

Since the first case of monkeypox was detected in the UK on 7 May, confirmed and suspected cases have been found in 21 countries, including the UK, Canada, Spain and the United States.

The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

According to the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, as of May 25, there have been 226 confirmed cases of monkeypox worldwide.

Before this outbreak, almost no attention was paid to the monkeypox virus.

Although it has existed for nearly 70 years, it is still very powerful as a close relative of the "former poison king" smallpox virus. But there is no threat to the vast majority of countries.

Prior to this outbreak, monkeypox was only "flowing" in the rainforest areas of central and western Africa. There has never been a large-scale impact, and at most more than 500 cases have been transmitted at a time, and they are all transmitted in a small range. Even in Europe in 2003, there were only sporadic cases.

The reason why the monkeypox epidemic has attracted global attention is because the spread is too large and has spread to more than 20 countries.

This can't help but be curious.

How did the virus that had been "circulating" in Africa suddenly spread to Europe and the United States? Was this outbreak sudden, or was it intentional?

This reminds the little butler of a message released by Bill Gates last year.

In early November 2021, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft in the United States, said such an inexplicable sentence: "In addition to naturally occurring epidemics, countries should also be prepared for bio-terrorist attacks." "

He also made a deliberate assumption, "If someone took the smallpox virus to 10 airports, how would the world react to it?" ”

Why did Bill Gates specifically point to the smallpox virus? Is it a coincidence?

Let's look at another news item that came out at the same time.

A U.S. pharmaceutical company was found to have 5 bottles of smallpox virus and 10 bottles of cowpox virus in its laboratory.

The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

It is said that after the smallpox is eliminated, these samples should have no commercial value, so what are the pharmaceutical companies going to do with these "invalid drug primers"?

What is even more puzzling is that smallpox virus samples are not only preserved in national laboratories in the United States and Russia? How did the private U.S. pharmaceutical company get these samples?

But these unusual things were not particularly taken seriously at the time, and it is only now that monkeypox has erupted that people remember another news story.

In January, the CDC was transporting 100 monkeys for research when a traffic accident caused four monkeys to escape.

Coincidentally, these monkeys are all from Africa, the base camp of monkeypox, and it is even more coincidental that they are also carriers of the monkeypox virus.

The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

We don't know what happened to this runaway monkey in the end, and there is no specific evidence of whether anyone was infected by it.

But when studying the monkeypox strain, some "hammer" evidence was found that these latest monkeypox viruses have undergone 50 mutations in the past four years.

Monkeypox viruses are double-stranded DNA viruses, and their robustness makes the mutation rate of the virus very slow.

In general, the entire viral gene mutation 1-2 times a year is considered the normal range, and the current 4 years 50 mutations, that is to say, a dozen mutations a year.

This is by no means the result of natural evolution, and it is self-evident where these strains come from.

What's more interesting is that.

In March 2021, the U.S. FDA approved the production of a tablet and oral suspension for the treatment of smallpox.

The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

Looking at this pile piece by piece, it can't be said that it is just a coincidence. Is this another plan to create a new crisis, while releasing poison and making a profit? Or do you want to seize the hegemony of biomedicine by creating a virus?

However, no matter what the intentions of the United States this time, this wave of monkeypox epidemic will not have much impact on the mainland.

First, monkeypox does not spread as fast as the new coronavirus, and the route of transmission is mainly through a large number of respiratory droplets containing poison or direct contact with the body fluids of the infected person or the virus-contaminated items (such as clothing and bedding).

In the state that we have done daily protection, the chance of infection is not large.

Secondly, the mainland's border epidemic prevention measures are in place, and there are no reported cases of monkeypox, nor have there been any reports of the virus in animal hosts.

Since the spread of the monkeypox epidemic, the mainland has strictly prevented overseas imports and removed the probability of infection from the source.

The United States "lost" a monkey, and 4 months later "monkeypox" broke out in 21 countries...

At present, the mainland's external prevention measures against the new crown, such as the implementation of "14+7" or "10+7" for inbound personnel, have the same preventive effect on monkeypox.

The incubation period for monkeypox generally does not exceed 3 weeks. If there are indeed monkeypox infected people entering the country, they should be able to be detected.

In addition, the mainland's smallpox vaccine also has sufficient emergency reserves, and millions of smallpox vaccine emergency vaccinations can be provided at any time.

If the future monkeypox epidemic is serious, we can also get vaccinated in time for defense.

On the contrary, the United States has been making continuous moves in recent years, first provoking the Russian-Ukrainian war, then the financial war, and now it still wants to secretly poke and poke and engage in biological warfare.

After 3 years of "fighting" the new crown virus, the United States finally ranked first in the world with a high infection rate of 85 million confirmed cases and more than 1 million deaths. This time, don't lift a stone and drop it on your own feet.

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