
Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

author:Half leaf red
Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The characteristics of the first generation of tea are multi-leaf and branch-stemmed state after brewing, also known as "hair tea"; the second generation of tea is characterized by a single-leaf branchless state after brewing, also known as "clean tea"; the third generation of tea is characterized by a half-moon shaped branchless stem and leaf vein-free state after brewing, also known as "half-leaf"

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

Su Senren, founder of the third generation of tea half leaf tea (Mr. Half leaf)

Guest Profiles:

Su Senren (pen name: Lin Sen) male Han nationality born in February 1982 in Anxi, Fujian (Xueshan Village, Hushang Township), ancestors moved from Wugong County, Shaanxi, is a descendant of Su Wu. Current positions: President of Anxi County Banye Tea Professional Cooperative, Marketing Director of Xinshan Brand, Deputy Director of China Tea Network. Because of his long-term enthusiasm for public welfare undertakings, he promoted the production process of Half-Leaf Guanyin at his own expense and was named "Mr. Half-Leaf".

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The founder of the "Half-Leaf Era", Su Senren, and his Half-Leaf Guanyin

The following is a transcript of the interview.

Host opening remarks: Hello audience friends, welcome to this issue of "Chinese Parlor", I am the host Yue Xuan. "Seven bubbles of Yuxiangxi moon dew, full of joy and joy in the mountains and clouds", it is said that anxi tieguanyin. Tieguanyin is a tea that we all love, but you may not have drunk such a Tieguanyin: it has only one leaf, removing the veins and branches, and such a tea is called "Half-leaf Guanyin". Today we invited the founder of "Half-Leaf Guanyin" to the studio, and let us welcome Mr. Su Senren, the "Mr. Half-Leaf" from Anxi, Fujian Province!

Su Senren: Hello host! Hello friends from the audience!

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

CCTV network "Chinese Parlor" program recording scene

Host: Today our studio smells fragrant, a small cup of "Half Leaf Guanyin", has been overflowing with fragrant tea, such a fragrance is all due to Mr. Su, first of all at the beginning of the program, we first come to taste this half-leaf Guanyin brought by Mr. Su. ... Smell the incense... It smells very soft and elegant, the soup is tender and yellow, the heart is breathtaking, I don't know how to taste like it? ... Drink tea...

It is really mellow and sweet, the aftertaste is endless, we know that Anxi Tieguanyin is very famous, its taste is fine, more sweet than we usually drink, less than some of the astringency and bitterness of tea. Very fresh and fragrant. It's like being in a mountain tea plantation. I'll take another sip... Drink tea..., this is cow drink.

Now I take out this leftover tea leaves, let's take a closer look, the leaves are really half leaf.

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

Drinking tea pays attention to "one bitter two sweet three aftertaste", this cup of tea I can not taste bitter, between the lips and teeth are all fragrant taste, very sweet, why is it different from the taste of Tieguanyin that we usually drink? ...... Regarding the behind-the-scenes story of Mr. Su Senren and Half-Leaf Guanyin and many mysteries, I think the audience, like me, are anxious to understand, so I asked Mr. Su to answer our questions one by one.

Su Senren: Okay.

Moderator (Q1): Speaking of which, we are half a peer, you are still a journalist, a businessman and a talent, there are many press releases in the newspaper, you have won journalism awards, and your income is good. I want to know, you did a good job in the newspaper, why did you go to the sea to make tea?

Su Senren: I officially went to the sea to make tea in March 2009, before going to the sea to make tea, I worked as a reporter at several newspapers in Quanzhou City, and then jumped to the Quanzhou reporter station of the Hong Kong Commercial Daily, mainly doing some economic news reports, winning five news awards, the work performance is quite OK, the income in the peers is considered to be the middle and upper level, the working hours are not long, and there is a lot of spare time. I've been doing it for six or seven years, and by 2007, I felt a little bored and did things with less and less passion. There are a few colleagues who go to the sea to do business, do business, do real estate, all do well, have busy things all day, live a very full life, quite yearning.

Since I am an Anxi person, relatives and friends around me are making tea, I gradually became interested in the hometown specialty Anxi Tieguanyin, and I had the idea of going to the sea to make tea, to see if I could find a breakthrough or develop a new product of Tieguanyin, it is best to make a splash. At that time, Anxi County and even the entire tea industry were clamoring for a Chinese tea super brand to create "Lipton" and surpass Lipton. I also wanted to make a tea brand, but I haven't found a very good selling point yet, so I haven't gone to sea for a long time.

It took about two years to study the Tieguanyin tea market, in 2008, I and a college classmate jointly opened an advertising company, after work, I and a few tea master tea farmers drove to most of the townships in Anxi, as well as the neighboring counties of Yongchun County, Zhangzhou, Longyan, Sanming and other Tieguanyin production areas to investigate the tea market, and tea farmers mingled together, and went to Luoyang and other places in Henan to investigate the sales market of Tieguanyin, gasoline money was used up for twenty or thirty thousand yuan, at that time our No. 93 gasoline was about 4 yuan per liter.

During this period of investigation, I found that due to the good sales, there are many places in the country that have grown Tieguanyin tea, and it is still large-scale, and the official statistics of Anxi County are that there are already more than 80 counties in the country. Because I had a certain understanding of the market and economics, I was worried that if this continued, the output of Tieguanyin would be too high, which would lead to oversupply, the market would fall, and even fall below the price of rice. I didn't expect the result to be really in my mind, after the autumn tea was listed in that year, there were many tea farmers who told me that although the output increased, but the market fell, the purchase price of the 2007 autumn tea ordinary Tieguanyin Mao tea was more than 120 yuan, and there was no way to sell 100 yuan, and now the buyer was only willing to sell the price of 80 yuan, and had no choice but to sell. By the time of spring tea this year, in the Anxi Tea Capital Trading Hall, the lowest price of Mao tea has fallen below the price of rice, 3 yuan a pound, tea farmers are bitter for days.

But in 2008, the market of Anxi Tieguanyin had not fallen so badly. At the beginning of 2009, more than two years of inspection, I think we have to use the business model to break through, to create a tea brand is a better way out, as to whether you can make new products, develop good products, I have always insisted on "practice out of the truth", just by thinking, it is definitely not OK, the road is by coming out, new products must also rely on practice to study out. So in March 2009, he officially resigned from the newspaper to concentrate on the study of tea, knocking and starting to make a shared tea brand called "New Mountain". At the same time, I was also constantly thinking about how to find a cracking method before the Tieguanyin market fell to the bottom, to avoid the occurrence of tea injuries to farmers and the end of a large number of tea mountains, and there was probably a hazy idea in my mind at that time, that is, "improving quality and reducing production".

Moderator (Question 2): When was Half-Leaf Guanyin developed? It is said that there is a beautiful legend about the origin of The Half-Leaf Kannon?

Su Senren: Yes. After starting the new mountain tea industry, in order to figure out the detailed production process of Tieguanyin, I spent nearly half a year personally visiting many tea factories and tea farmers' homes. After familiarizing myself with the entire production process, I finally found a new "breakthrough point" to improve the overall quality of tea.

The traditional Tieguanyin processing process is very complicated, I mainly classify it as "8 + 1" (8 is the normal production process before leaving the factory, 1 is the late refining process of tea selection): the first is "picking green", that is, the female worker goes to the tea mountain to pick green leaves, generally for three leaves and one bud, there are only single leaves; the second is "sunning green", that is, the green leaves picked back are poured into the sunbathing field, the main role is to let the green leaves suppressed in the tea or cloth bag be slightly sunburned through the sun to increase photosynthesis; the third is "shaking green", It is to pour the vigorous green leaves into the large bamboo tube after sunburning and roll over, so that the green leaves will produce cracks in the friction impact and accelerate the volatilization of water; the fourth is "cool green", spreading the shaken green leaves on the tea dustpan, so that they are fermented at a constant temperature in the air-conditioned room, emitting aroma; the fifth is "killing green", putting the fermented green leaves into a high-temperature green pot and stir-frying them, frying them to retain the aroma; the sixth is "kneading", wrapping the semi-finished tea leaves after the killing in a piece of cloth and wrapping them tightly with a kneading machine; the seventh is "kneading", The tea is wrapped on the plate machine and pressed, so that the tea leaves are kneaded into beautiful granules; the eighth is "baking", which spreads the semi-finished tea products kneaded into granules into the oven to bake to make the finished raw tea; this is the normal eight processes before leaving the factory.

In order to remove impurities to enhance the taste of tea, but also to refine the tea selection process, that is, by hand to see the hair tea and remove the branches and leaves, the hair tea is picked into a cleaner and cleaner finished product without branches, the locals call it "net tea", which is the ninth process "tea selection". "Tea selection" process for tea quality and price has a key significance, the price depends on the finished tea "net tea" degree of net work varies, for example, the general price of tea leaves to remove the coarse stem is 100 yuan per kilogram, if the workers are more careful, the red flakes and "granular head" (leaf vein head) is also removed, then the color of the finished tea is more uniform, the price can even be doubled, of course, the labor time and tea loss is even greater.

After countless visits and tastings, I found that there is still a cleaner room for improvement of tieguanyin tea products. Because the semi-finished tea products after each tea making process will produce some impurities such as rotten leaves and scorched black fragments, especially after the "shaking green", "cool green" and "green killing" processes, these impurities are more likely to be generated. In the traditional process, after the greening is completed, it enters the "kneading" and "kneading" processes, then some impurities will be wrapped in the leaves, and even if the tea selection process cannot remove them. The advantages and disadvantages of the semi-finished tea leaves after the killing are obvious, if the tea selection process is carried out in advance to the qingqing, it can not only easily remove all impurities, but also use stainless steel scissors to completely cut the leaf veins that lurk in the leaves and affect the quality of the tea leaves, so the advantage of processing is that the comprehensive quality of each batch of tea can be the highest, but the artificial time consumption and green leaf consumption will be huge and jaw-dropping, I put this idea with many tea masters, they are sure that the quality of the tea processed in this way is super good, and they also ask me back "Is this necessary?" How much money does the tea that is processed in this way have to be saved? ”

At the end of September 2009, after the on-site experiment of Wu Xian, a tea farmer in Jiandou Town, Anxi, after cutting off the leaf veins for the first time, the taste was better and verified, I decided to update the process to make this half-leaf tea, and studied with several tea makers how to give this new product a new name. The Tieguanyin was processed into half-leaf, and many tea masters present naturally proposed to name it "Half-leaf Tieguanyin" or "Half-Leaf Guanyin". "Half-leaf Guanyin, Half-Leaf Guanyin", how the name reads so familiar, I immediately remembered a legend in my hometown Xueshan Village, and unexpectedly found that this was a very wonderful coincidence.

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

My hometown of Anxi Lake, Fujian Xueshan Village, a strange village, surrounded by mountains on all sides, with abundant water sources and lush vegetation, like a natural "cornucopia", a small dragon river runs through the village, flanked by fertile small flat sources, and there is a Xianmu Palace in Xueshan Village, which enshrines the Half-Leaf Guanyin (Xianmu).

There are many versions of the legend about the half-leaf Guanyin Xianmu, among which there is a nearly 500-year-old legend about the salvation of the half-leaf Guanyin Xianmu: During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the area around Xueshan Village suffered a huge drought, and many victims fled to Xueshan Village to survive. At the critical moment when the victims were dying, a Guanyin Bodhisattva came to the sky above the snow mountain village with a treasure vase, sprinkled the nectar in the vase with a leaf, and suddenly the spring water overflowed, and the plant was reborn, in order to save the victims who were about to starve to death, the bodhisattva did not hesitate to tear off the leaf in the vase in half and turn it into food to save the people.

In order to commemorate the salvation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the villagers built a Xianmu Palace at the end of the village to enshrine this Guanyin Bodhisattva and honored her as Half-leaf Guanyin Xianmu.

I didn't expect that the new product half-leaf Tieguanyin tea that I had developed with my brain was so consistent with the legend of Half-leaf Guanyin, I suddenly came to my senses, and I felt that this tea product was very dramatic.

Moderator (Question 3): Compared with ordinary tea, what are the advantages of half-leaf Guanyin?

Su Senren: There are at least four advantages.

The first point: from the comparison of the production process links, due to the "tea selection" process in advance to the green after the killing, the rotten leaves, red flakes, branches, and froth impurities can be removed to the cleanest by the naked eye, and the semi-finished green leaves of high quality are easily picked out, and the astringent and miscellaneous bitter leaves remain the accumulation belt leaf veins are cut off, and the finished tea particles look more compact and meticulous, reaching the cleanest state. For example, making tea and stir-frying greens is similar, making ordinary tea is to make tea leaves into finished products and then remove the branches and stalk impurities, which is like putting the green vegetables bought from the vegetable market directly in the pot and frying, frying well and then removing rotten leaves and other impurities by hand, so that obviously there will be a lot of impurities still remaining in the tea leaves, especially rolled in the granules; and making half-leaf tea, it is equivalent to further technology, now do not wait for the tea greens to be fried and then remove the offal, I pluck the leaves of the leaves, remove all the leaves and various residual impurities, Wash it clean, and then put it in the pot and fry it, so that the fried vegetables can not be cleaner?

The second point: from the tea soup and taste comparison, due to the production is more exquisite, compared with the ordinary full-leaf tea, the tea soup of the half-leaf Guanyin is relatively no foam, the soup color is more clear and transparent, the ordinary tea is brewed for more than a minute, the soup color quickly becomes darker, the entrance is bitter and astringent, and it is difficult to swallow. Why? This is because the whole leaf tea has leaf veins, leaf veins remain a lot of astringency, astringency everyone knows, when I was a child, I ate persimmons, especially the one that was not yet ripe, the tongue teeth and throat and even the whole mouth felt like it was all pasted with transparent tape, there was a rustling feeling.

Many tea merchants who have drunk half-leaf Guanyin tell us that the contrast between half-leaf Guanyin tea soup and full-leaf tea tea soup makes people feel like filtered pure water and tap water with a bleached powder flavor, saying the same feeling. In addition, full-leaf tea has a very heavy bitter taste, while half-leaf Guanyin does not. Many tea friends may not understand that drinking tea is bitter and sweet, is the bitterness of tea still divided into pure bitterness and miscellaneous bitterness?

I'm here to tell you that there really is such a thing. As we all know, back to the sweet is a basic feature of good tea, after research we found that only the bitter taste on the leaves in the middle of the tea can return to the sweet, and the bitter taste in the branches and leaf veins is dead bitter, can not produce back to the sweet, so I call it "miscellaneous bitterness" here. After the entrance of ordinary full-leaf tea tea soup, it is necessary to wait for the astringency and miscellaneous bitterness to dissipate, in order to feel the sweetness in the tea, and the half-leaf tea is removed because of the astringency and miscellaneous bitterness that finally lurks, the leaf veins are removed, naturally more able to experience the sweet taste of the tea, two days ago a partner in Beijing said it was quite interesting, he said, "Do you still use it, the entrance of half-leaf tea is all sweet." The same is true.

The third point: speed up circulation and reduce transportation costs. As we all know, in the tea-producing area, most of the ordinary tea produced is Mao tea, in order to grab new tea, many tea merchants can not care about waiting for tea to be picked into clean tea and then buy, but directly buy Mao tea, mao tea into clean tea, remove the branches, a pound of Mao tea only six or two net tea, the other four or two branches of the logistics costs are wasted, plus now the logistics costs are getting higher and higher, the whole leaf tea sales market is more and more sluggish, so now there are many tea merchants to focus on the half-leaf Guanyin this tea.

The fourth point: the health effect is more prominent. As we all know, tea is rich in a variety of ingredients that are very beneficial to the body, and has been the first choice for the leisure and health of dignitaries since ancient times. And the half-leaf Guanyin tea is refined, but also the best of the best, many friends who do not understand tea, a look at the half-leaf Guanyin leaf bottom and tea soup, they love to let go, all say very clean, some health clubs not only take the half-leaf Guanyin to make tea to drink, some take it and cook with the food, boiled to eat, there are stewed ribs, there are also oil squeezed live shrimp, some ladies also take it to take a bath, take a tea bath, very good for the skin, tea itself has a sterilization and detoxification effect is more obvious.

Moderator (Q4): Everyone pays attention to diversification in the tea business, why since 2010, you have not earned money for other tea leaves, only half-leaf Guanyin tea leaves?

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The third generation of tea half-leaf Pu'er

Su Senren: I have to explain this, in fact, I am not making other teas, but I have not yet developed other tea products of half-leaf tea. I was originally a reporter, going to the sea to make tea to position myself is to make tea brands, not simply sell tea, I thought so at the time, or do not make tea, to do the best tea. Because there was no half-leaf tea before, I could only make Tieguanyin full-leaf tea at the beginning, and I just considered making other tea products. But after the new product development of half-leaf Guanyin was developed, and then I made the whole-leaf tea of Tieguanyin and other teas, I felt that it was meaningless.

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The third generation of tea half-leaf Anji white tea finished tea

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The third generation of tea half-leaf Da Hong Pao finished tea

Creating the "Half-Leaf Era" of Chinese Tea - Dialogue with Su Senren, the founder of the third generation of tea

The third generation of tea half-leaf Yongchun bergamot leaves are high and pure, and each leaf is in the shape of a half moon

For a new mountain brand that has spent a lot of effort to develop new products of half-leaf Guanyin, this is also a very rare opportunity, no one has me, which means that "New Mountain" has an exclusive chip that occupies a place in the future tea market brand competition, and many industry insiders agree that half-leaf tea such as half-leaf Guanyin will become the mainstream product of the tea market. I thought that only by devoting ourselves to the development of half-leaf Guanyin and other half-leaf teas could "New Mountain" have a leading position in the future competition in the half-leaf tea market. We not only want to do half-leaf Tieguanyin, half-leaf golden gui, but also to do half-leaf bergamot, half-leaf daffodils, half-leaf Dahongpao and other oolong tea, and even develop half-leaf Pu'er, half-leaf Longjing, etc., and Tieguanyin production process is similar to the tea first developed, and then expanded to other tea systems, we thought so at that time, there are conditions to make half-leaf shaped tea varieties to be developed, no conditions to make half-leaf shaped, only market recognition, there are customer needs, we try to develop, we do tea "only look for the market not to find the mayor", market-approved tea products And we'll do it harder.

Moderator (Q5): Half-leaf tea can be said to be a rare innovation in the industry, but what is more surprising is that the research and development of this achievement is actually an authentic post-80s, and its related production process should be highly confidential of the enterprise, why is the trade secret publicly known to the world, and make great efforts to promote the public welfare of the half-leaf Guanyin production process?

Su Senren: Including my relatives, friends and colleagues around me, many people do not understand that many new products and new technologies developed by companies are very confidential, and they are eager to install them in the safe, why do you promote the production process everywhere, not only in Anxi, but also to longyan, Zhangzhou and other tea producing areas, not only to the tea factory tea farmers' homes to give voluntary guidance, but also to invest millions of yuan worth of promotion in newspapers and online media to do public welfare publicity?

I want to answer these questions from two aspects, which is also related to my consistent principle of doing things and the original intention of going to the sea to make tea. Since I entered the work, I have always been based on the principle of "adult self-reliance", I first help others to get things done, and then talk about remuneration. The work assigned by the boss, the matter entrusted by the friend, whether it is a reward in advance, or a reward that has not been discussed, I try to do things well and then talk about the reward. So in the six or seven years of working, I have done a lot of things, paid to do, unpaid stickers also do, but after sticking to this, I found that I got paid more than expected. So here I just want to tell you a fact, heart to heart, no matter in which position, as long as you do things well, you will definitely get the reward you deserve.

It is with this principle of doing things, after more than two years of investigation and understanding, I went to the sea to make tea, with two purposes: one is to make a tea brand, and the other is to solve the problem of oversupply in the tea market.

In 2009, many tea farmers and tea merchants blindly expanded the scale of tea planting, resulting in tea production increasing several times a year, many tea merchants tea business conditions are obviously not as good as before, not only Tieguanyin, many teas have appeared in the problem of oversupply, I was thinking about how to solve the problem of the entire tea industry through their own practice, mainly to solve the big problem of oversupply. Later, after the development of half-leaf Guanyin, I looked at this point, if most of the tea-producing areas in the country come to update the production process, turn into half-leaf tea, improve the quality of tea, reduce tea production, then will not be able to solve this problem?

In 2011, that is, last year, I and China Tea Network jointly launched the "2011 Half-Leaf Guanyin Craft Culture Tea Expo" promotion activity, participating in the tea expo held in more than 10 cities such as Beijing, Xi'an, Jinan, Qingdao, Chengdu, Harbin, Wenzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen, Anxi, etc., at their own expense to promote the half-leaf tea production process and open up the half-leaf tea sales market. Every time you go to a city to participate in the exhibition, the return rate of half-leaf Guanyin is very high, many tea customers buy samples on the first day, and then rush to buy more tea on the last day, and the most heard sentence is "Half-leaf tea, the first time I heard it, try it!" Every time I hear this sentence, the feeling of being recognized is very good, don't say how happy I am, and I have more and more confidence in the market of half-leaf tea.

This year, I've continued to spend a large part of my time promoting the half-leaf tea making process. To tell you the truth, I am thinking about it now, I hope that by promoting the half-leaf tea production process, more and more tea factories and tea farmers will produce and sell half-leaf tea, I have made a rough calculation, if now the country has the conditions to produce half-leaf tea tea factories and tea farmers to update the process, then the national tea annual output is about one-third of the current, although the production cost has increased, but the sales and profits will increase several times. Take Tieguanyin as an example, now not only in the Anxi area there are tea farmers tea factories doing half-leaf Guanyin, in Longyan, in Zhangzhou there are also tea farmers doing half-leaf Guanyin, because the output is still very small, tea profits are generally above 100%, the proportion of production costs is 400 yuan, the general wholesale price can do 800 yuan, some tea farmers through the telephone and network sales of half-leaf Guanyin tea, the price is much higher than us.

This year's tea market fell even more severely, there are many local tea factories and tea farmers are developing half-leaf tea products, I believe that in a year or two, in addition to the half-leaf Guanyin, other tea products of half-leaf tea should also have a lot. At the same time, because half-leaf tea is not easy to counterfeit, is not half-leaf, after the tea is flushed, at a glance, the counterfeit is difficult to follow, so I think that in the future for a long time, once the half-leaf tea becomes the mainstream tea product, good tea also has a visible standard "half-leaf", everyone buys good tea no longer has to worry about being fooled, whether it is Tieguanyin or other tea, as soon as you see the half-leaf, you know that this tea is real.

Moderator (Q6): You are so young but have many titles, among which the most attractive to me are "non-mainstream economist" and "brand preacher", how did these two names come from? Is it related to the half-leaf Guanyin investment model, and what is the "half-leaf model"?

Su Senren: Mainstream economists are theoretical, non-mainstream economists are practical, in my opinion, many successful private entrepreneurs can be called "non-mainstream economists" because they have made more than one successful business case, and "Half Leaf Guanyin" is the case that I have persevered to do.

"Brand missionary" is related to my original intention of going to the sea to do business, I just went to the sea during the time, Anxi tea has a lot of good business, but all stay at the level of product management, can not be called the operation of the brand, I hope that through our efforts and exploration, to explore a can help everyone reduce the threshold, worth learning and reference to build a tea brand more effective model. The "half-leaf model" is that our tea industry is currently exploring a brand sharing investment model, mainly to promote the sales market of half-leaf Guanyin and cultivate agents. It is precisely because it is the same as the two half-leaf teas of half-leaf Guanyin, the merchants who cooperate with us can earn two halves of profits, half of which are tea leaves, and half of which are brands, not only can earn profits by selling tea, but also use spare resources to jointly invest in the official agency rights of Half-leaf Guanyin. Modeled on the current popular investment model in the tea market, it is rent-free for three years. According to the sales level of Tieguanyin tea, we have set aside a total of 51 first-level areas for agent business in the country, and the first one in each region that has the conditions for agency is issued to him free of charge, and the effective cooperation period is three years.

During the cooperation period, in addition to the agent through the sale of half-leaf Guanyin tea to earn profits, three years later, the official sales volume of half-leaf Guanyin is expected to increase hundreds of times, the tea industry will recover part of the first-level regional agency rights, through the bidding method to transfer the agency rights, the turnover of each partner will be shared with the tea industry corporation according to the "five-five ratio", that is, within three years, the partner can not only earn tea profits, but also earn three years of brand value-added profits, or "agency profits". For example, after three years, the transfer of the right of agency in the Beijing region is 500,000 yuan, then the first-level agent in the Beijing area can share the brand value-added profit of 250,000 yuan.

In order to ensure the interests of first-level agents and the appreciation of the agency rights, we have set a dead rule, where there are agents in the area, the tea industry will no longer sell a tea leaf to the region through any channel, including telephone and network, even Taobao, Paipai shopping mall and other online stores have stopped selling, some tea friends feel very strange, half-leaf Guanyin online so hot, the official Taobao store is also a diamond credibility, but has not yet joined the consumer protection, want to buy from the Internet to the official manufacturer's half-leaf Guanyin tea is difficult, in fact, because of this reason, In the final analysis, it is to protect the rights and interests of agents from being damaged, and to promote the increase in the value of official agency rights at the fastest speed.

Of course, this way of attracting business has also led to the confusion of many people. Let me give you an example to show our intention to do this: you may have a lot of people have planted trees on Arbor Day, after planting may not go to see it, and do not know what the trees that have been planted have grown, and the garden workers who are good at cultivating trees know how to cultivate trees, each small tree will continue to grow branches next to the trunk in the process of growth, if you do not cut down these branches, then the nutrition of the main trunk will be diverted, growing into a towering tree, only by constantly cutting off the branches, the trunk can grow rapidly, The value of the trunk can also be reflected in the shortest possible time.

Moderator (Q7): Anxi, Fujian Province, is a good place for individuals to excel, it is said that you are still a descendant of Su Wu, what influence has this family background brought to you?

Su Senren: Yes, the villagers surnamed Su in our village are all descendants of Su Wu, whose ancestors initially moved from Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, to Tong'an, Xiamen, and later to Hengyang Village, Changkeng Township, Anxi, and finally to Xueshan Village, Hushang Township. SuWu shepherd story is well-known, the ancestors of more than 20 years of "mighty and indomitable" spirit, deeply touched me, in the three years of making tea in the sea, for me can be described as a lot of hardships, suffered from all kinds of misunderstandings and criticisms, whenever I fell into trouble and wanted to retreat, I took the story of the ancestors herding sheep to warn myself: The ancestors have persevered for more than twenty years, what is my little difficulty. Thinking of him, I was full of energy and continued to face the difficulties.

Moderator (Question 8): I learned from the Internet that you don't seem to be just making tea leaves, what are your expectations for the future of Half-leaf Guanyin, what are your goals, and what are the ultimate development goals?

Su Senren: Yes, we do Half Leaf Guanyin to set different development goals according to each different time period. As early as 2010, we gave the positioning of Half-Leaf Guanyin as the "first case of brand planning", planning from 2011 to mid-2030, do not take the financing route, to "only to the market to ask for funds" as the marketing credo, starting from tea, gradually expanding to other industries, constantly developing new products for various industries to meet market demand, and finally developing supporting comprehensive brand group enterprises into "the world's top 500", the goal of Half-leaf Guanyin is not Lipton, but Woerma, it is expected that after 2030, "Half-leaf Guanyin" Supermarkets no longer sell just tea, but a wide variety of products with high quality and low prices.

In the 20-year predetermined planning, the "Half-Leaf Guanyin" shared brand will spawn a tycoon-level tea industry figure (Su Senren), a "China's First Tea Village" (Xueshan Village) with an annual tea output value of more than 1 billion yuan, a tea industry brand with annual sales of more than 10 billion yuan for half-leaf tea, a "half-leaf era" for the whole people to taste half-leaf tea, and a "fortune-500" brand group with annual sales of more than 120 billion yuan...

Judging from the development of the past two years, the "Half-leaf Guanyin" brand and tea bundle promotion, promotion articles throughout the flat TV, print, network and other hundreds of media, related records Baidu included as many as 220,000, half-leaf Tieguanyin products successfully sold to all parts of the country, production and sales compared with other tea products, the coefficients are far ahead. Therefore, we are still very confident in achieving these goals step by step.

Maybe by 2030, we can't expect to achieve the goal, but at least in this 20-year planning time, we will continue to work towards this goal, work hard, and work harder!

Thank you!

Attached: "Three Minutes Law" to identify tea quality (practical tips)

In Anxi and other tea-producing areas, whether it is a tea merchant to buy tea, or a tea king race, a tried-and-true way to identify the quality of tea is to soak the tea leaves for more than three minutes and then come out of the water, according to the degree of bitterness of the entrance of the tea soup color change to identify the quality of the tea, generally speaking, the more the color of the tea soup changes, the higher the bitterness of the tea, the more secondary the quality. If, you are a tea friend who does not understand tea, suppose you have bought a 500 yuan tea in a tea shop, and now the tea is almost drunk, you want to find another tea shop to buy tea at a price of 500 yuan, just bring a small package of tea that you originally bought, and the tea leaves that will be bought are brewed and compared, and then pour out the soup water after three minutes to identify, if the new tea leaves are more transparent than the original tea tea soup, the taste is more bitter and not astringent, then you may buy tea leaves that are more valuable than the original, if it is the other way around, then you have to be careful. It is very likely that you are going to be "slaughtered".

"Ask incense to read half a leaf"

"Asking incense to read half-leaf" is a super trick to distinguish between half-leaf tea and full-leaf tea. Tea masters can blindfold and determine whether tea is half-leaf tea or full-leaf tea by smelling the aroma of the finished tea, tea soup, and leaf bottom, and only some elite tea masters and agents in the original tea industry of half-leaf Guanyin have mastered this skill. Su Senren, founder of Half-leaf Guanyin, said that "asking incense to read half-leaf" in fact, tasting is the difference between the aroma of the leaf veins and leaves of the tea branches, there is a trick, the aroma of the whole-leaf tea is more miscellaneous, all the whole-leaf tea with the branches and leaf veins, after soaking in boiling water, the miscellaneous taste is particularly heavy, and the placement time is long, it is easy to have a smelly and bad taste; and the aroma of the half-leaf tea is more mellow, due to the removal of the branches and leaf veins, the placement time is long, and the tea base and tea soup will not produce a smell and a bad taste; this is also one of the important reasons why the overnight tea of the whole leaf tea cannot be drunk. And half-leaf tea, even after two or three nights, the tea soup is still mellow.

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