
Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

author:Liu Wanyue

01 United Nations

To date, the United Nations has been joined by 193 countries from all regions of the world.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, nine United Nations Secretaries-General have been produced.

Some of the nine UnProfit Secretaries-General are from the underdeveloped countries of Africa, some from the western part of South America, and some from the developed countries of Europe...

Successive Secretaries-General have come from all over the world, but none of them has ever come from China.

Is it because there is no suitable candidate in our country?

Of course not, the mainland is a country with a large population, full of talents, and there are high-end technical talents in every field. It is not difficult to find a qualified candidate for the United Nations Secretary-General on the mainland.

But in the 77 years since the founding of the United Nations, no one on the mainland has ever been the Secretary-General of the United Nations? Why is that?

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Moreover, in addition to China, the United States, Russia and other countries have never produced a United Nations secretary-general. Why?

It seems to have something to do with a rule, so what kind of rule will allow no representatives from China, the United States or other countries to be elected Secretary-General of the United Nations?

This is closely related to the original purpose of the Establishment of the United Nations.

Before we know the answer to this question, we must know in what context the United Nations organization was founded.

The establishment of any organization is not smooth. In the process of building, there will always be all kinds of failures. The establishment of the United Nations also underwent such a tortuous process.

The predecessor of the United Nations was the League of Nations.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

The League of Nations was founded thanks to the idea of a peaceful international community put forward by Immanuel Kant at the end of the eighteenth century, and he was the first to propose it.

In 1795, Immanuel Kant first proposed the idea of "representative government and world federation" in his book On Perpetual Peace. This is an important theoretical basis for the establishment of the United Nations.

The outbreak of the First World War in the twentieth century was an important event that led to the formation of the League of Nations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the European continent was divided into two camps: the Allies and the Allies. No one expected that the opposition between these two camps would gradually evolve into the First World War.

After four years of war, the First World War finally came to an end. The impact of the war swept through all european countries, and the social systems, economic systems, and political systems of various countries suffered great blows.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

In such a depressed international situation, "anti-war" has become the consensus of the people of European countries who have experienced war.

At the same time, there was a proposal to establish an international organization, in the form of cooperation among States, to jointly resolve disputes between States by peaceful means.

Thus, the League of Nations organization came into being.

During the 26 years from 1920 to 1946, the League of Nations did not forget its original purpose: to settle international disputes peacefully.

In the 1920s, the League of Nations succeeded in resolving minor disputes between countries.

However, in the 1930s, conflicts between countries intensified and the international situation was grim. The League of Nations could do nothing about it and watched as World War II broke out.

The outbreak of World War II also left the League of Nations as an organization in name only, leaving only an empty shell.

There is an urgent need for the emergence of an international organization with a real capacity to resolve contradictions among States. Under such circumstances, many countries have proposed the creation of a new international organization to promote world peace and development.

In 1946, the League of Nations was dissolved and it was replaced by the newly formed United Nations.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

As early as 1943, in order to establish the United Nations, countries carried out two important activities related to it.

The first is the signing of the Moscow Declaration, and the second is the holding of the Tehran Conference. Both activities share a common goal, which is to establish the United Nations as soon as possible in order to maintain world peace and security.

On 24 October 1945, the United Nations was born. Since then, 24 October has been celebrated as United Nations Day every year to commemorate the birth of the United Nations.

The birth of the United Nations represents a new era in the world, which is the era of peace.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

The countries and peoples who have experienced the two world wars have long hated the war to the bone.

War has never brought them anything happy except disaster, suffering, displacement and eternal loss of love.

The United Nations was established precisely to maintain world peace, promote common development among all countries, and make the world a better world. The United Nations will always move towards that goal.

In order to reach that goal, everything the United Nations does must be fair and equitable, with all states treated equally.

02 Secretary-General of the United Nations

The United Nations is a very large Organization. In this organization there are representatives from various countries around the globe. In addition, there are several institutions under its name that need to be managed.

So who will manage such a huge organization?

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

All this is inseparable from the Chief Administrator of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is recommended by the Security Council and is the chief executive of the United Nations.

We should be aware that the main task of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is to bring to the Council any matter that he considers a potential threat, that is, a threat to the peace and security of the regions or the world, so that it can receive the attention and attention of the United Nations.

At the same time, he is also entrusted with the tasks entrusted to him by other bodies, such as the Security Council or the United Nations General Assembly.

Moreover, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, it is necessary to strengthen ties with other countries, promote friendly exchanges between countries, speak out for weak and small countries, and protect their due rights and interests.

The post of Secretary-General of the United Nations is therefore very important in the Organization.

Such an important position definitely requires an excellent person to take up.

And Chinese talented, there has never been a shortage of outstanding talents, why has there never been a Chinese to serve as the Secretary-General of the United Nations?

It is precisely because of the importance of the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations that the election of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is very strict.

The term of office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is five years. If the previous Secretary-General performs well and has passed the vote, he may be re-elected.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

The selection of the Secretary-General of the United Nations needs to pass through a series of severe barriers, and those who can be selected to the end are very good talents.

Candidates who can be selected should themselves have the following conditions.

First, they are capable enough and highly respected to be competent for all kinds of tedious work in the United Nations.

Second, we must have the awareness and concept of peace, and implement this concept to the end, so as to contribute to the promotion of world peace and development.

Third, it is necessary to master one of the six official languages of the United Nations and to be able to communicate without any obstacles in order to facilitate the follow-up work.

The above three points are the most basic requirements for candidates running for election.

These three requirements seem to be able to find many people in China who meet the above requirements.

But the mainland has never had anyone serve as Secretary-General of the United Nations, for the simple reason that it has to do with the election process for the Secretary-General of the United Nations and some unwritten rules.

The process of electing the Secretary-General of the United Nations is cumbersome.

First, before the end of the term of office of the current Secretary-General, candidates who want to run for secretary-general of the United Nations must first inform the countries of the world of the candidates elected by their own countries.

Second, when the list of candidates is all out, it will be in the hands of the members of the UN Security Council. The list will be submitted to the UnAnnowledge only with the consent of all members of the Security Council.

Then, the final stage of the candidacy, in which all unused member states vote on all candidates. Ultimately, the person with the highest number of votes will become the next UN Secretary-General.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

In the second link, five countries have a veto. These five countries are an organization within the United Nations, which we call the "Permanent Five".

The five permanent members refer to the four great powers in the anti-fascist camp during World War II, in addition to France, which participated in the anti-German alliance, the five victorious powers of World War II.

These five victorious countries paid a heavy price for the victory of the world anti-fascist war in exchange for a peaceful world. Therefore, in recognition of the tremendous contributions made by these five countries, the United Nations has appointed them as the five permanent members.

The five countries are China, the United States, Russia, France and the United Kingdom.

China is banned from electing its own country's candidates because, in order for candidates to participate in the final vote, they must pass the votes of the five permanent members and obtain five votes of "approval".

But if any one of the five countries— China, the United States, britain, Russia, and France — cast a negative vote. The candidate must then re-vote until all agree.

But if candidates from the five permanent members are running, it is difficult for these five countries to be fair and impartial, because each country wants its own candidate to be selected.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the five permanent members are simply prohibited from competing for the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

That is why no representative from china or the United States has ever been elected Secretary-General of the United Nations. But the ban on the five permanent countries from competing for the UN secretary-general is not limited to this.

There are also unwritten rules that prevent the representative of China from becoming Secretary-General of the United Nations.

First, candidates for secretary-general of the United Nations generally come from small and medium-sized countries.

This is to avoid contradictions and balance the interests of various countries. Only by allowing countries that are not so strong to run for secretary-general can we truly promote peace in all countries of the world.

Today, in today's world, China is a big country with international influence, both in terms of military strength and economic strength.

His every move is highly likely to change the world situation that is now relatively calm.

Everyone loves their country and wants their country to develop better.

If candidates from China, the United States and other countries are allowed to serve as the secretary-general of the United Nations, the secretary-general may do something unfavorable to the international community for the benefit of his own country.

Its national strength is already strong, and under such a black-box operation, the balance between countries will be broken, and the world pattern is likely to change again.

The United Nations, on the other hand, existed to promote world peace and development, and such a thing runs counter to the original purpose of the establishment of the United Nations.

Secondly, the secretary-general of the United Nations cannot be consecutively appointed by people from the same continent.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

That is, if for ten consecutive years, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is from Europe, then in the next election of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the new Secretary-General must be from continents other than Europe.

Although it is an unwritten rule, not all countries agree with it.

In 2007, article III was challenged during the election of a new Secretary-General of the United Nations.

At the time, outgoing Secretary-General Kofi Annan was a Ghanaian from a country in West Africa. It stands to reason that the next Secretary-General should be selected from among Asian candidates.

But some Western countries, led by the United States, have questioned that the next secretary-general does not necessarily have to come from Asia. They claim that this unwritten rule can be broken.

This move has aroused discussion within the United Nations.

If the U.S.-led country really breaks this unwritten rule, the election of the UN Secretary-General will change dramatically from now on.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Fortunately, after compromise and consultation among the countries concerned, they decided to abide by this unwritten rule. As a result, Ban Ki-moon from South Korea was elected as the next SECRETARy-General of the United Nations.

03 A shift in the provisions for the election of the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Earlier, we mentioned that the secretaries-general of the United Nations are generally from small and medium-sized countries.

But at the beginning of the United Nations, this was not an unwritten rule.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Of the nine UN Secretaries-General, two of the first three UN Secretaries-General are from developed countries, and only U Thant is from developing countries.

At that time, the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations seemed to be monopolized by the developed countries of the West. The rest of the weaker developing countries are out of touch with this position.

His delegation had made great efforts to change that situation so that candidates from developing countries could become Secretary-General of the United Nations.

And this huge change has also made the United Nations hear the voices of more and more developing countries.

This great transformation took place in the early 1980s.

In 1981, the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations was about to become vacant, which meant that a new Secretary-General of the United Nations must be born immediately.

In this campaign, Kurt Waldheim chose to run again. He had previously held the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations for ten consecutive years.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

If Kurt Waldheim were to run again, the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations would most likely be in his pocket again.

Because during his tenure, Kurt Waldheim made great efforts to maintain the balance between large and small countries, giving people a higher level of trust in the United Nations.

Kurt Waldheim's achievements during his tenure were enormous and highly recognized. In the international community, Kurt Waldheim has a high prestige.

That is why the United Nations awarded him the United Nations Peace Prize, thanking Kurt Waldheim for all his efforts for world peace.

At the end of 1971, the new election began, and Kurt Waldheim participated as a candidate.

After a series of selections, Kurt Waldheim stood out from a group of candidates with excellent performance and was elected Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

This is inseparable from the support of all countries for Kurt Waldheim and the expectations of him, who believe that he can make a difference in this position and contribute his part to the world.

But in 1981, when Kurt Waldheim ran for the third time, the Chinese representative cast 16 consecutive negative votes against Kurt Waldheim.

According to the situation at that time, Kurt Waldheim had already received the support of the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and this election should be unquestionable.

No one expected that China would cast a vote against it.

The long-term appointment of candidates from developed countries as Secretary-General of the United Nations is not conducive to the development of world peace, and the united Nations should be allowed to participate in the stage of the United Nations and listen to the voices of developing countries, so that the world can gradually develop in a beautiful direction.

Therefore, China does not want the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations to be held by representatives of developed countries in the West.

In this campaign, China has a supportive candidate, and he is Salim from Tanzania.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Salim's country, Tanzania, located in eastern Africa, is one of the least developed countries in the world.

If Salim can be elected Secretary-General of the United Nations, it will be of great help to the development of the backward countries in Africa, and he will be able to listen to their demands and make great contributions to world peace.

Therefore, during the five permanent voting sessions, the Chinese representative cast 16 consecutive negative votes against Kurt Waldheim.

But the United States seems to hold the opposite view of us, and the United States does not want Salim to become secretary-general of the United Nations. So using a veto, the United States has been voting against Salem.

Kurt Waldheim and Salim had been given a negative vote, and the situation was deadlocked, resulting in delays in determining the list and the final voting process.

In desperation, Kurt Waldheim announced his withdrawal from the election. After that, Salim, a representative of africa supported by the mainland, also announced his withdrawal from the election of the UNITED Nations secretary-general.

The withdrawal of the two allowed the election to proceed smoothly.

Why can't Chinese be secretary-general of the United Nations, not even the United States? The reason is simple

Eventually, the new Secretary-General, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, came from a developing country in South America, Peru. Such a situation is exactly what the Chinese delegates had hoped for.

After this campaign, more and more candidates from developing countries were elected Secretary-General of the United Nations. Developing countries are no longer a marginalized group in the world, they are gradually moving to the center of the world stage.

It is also for this reason why the United Nations stipulates that representatives from the five permanent countries cannot be elected Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The peaceful development of the world cannot be achieved by relying solely on those big countries, but should pay more attention to the development of small and medium-sized countries. In this way, we can make the world more and more beautiful.

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