
Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

author:Director of Entertainment

In 1991, Dao Lang held his 40-day-old daughter in a small rental house.

He was stunned, because his wife Yang Na quietly left,

And the daughter in his arms is still waiting to be fed, he does not know what he did wrong and will be abandoned by his wife.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

The departure of his wife Yang Na made Dao Lang sad, but at this time, Yang Na did not regret it at all.

After Dao Lang's friends learned of this, they all felt that Yang Na was incomprehensible.

For whatever reason, innocent children should not be left behind,

In their opinion, Yang Na did this, and sooner or later she would regret it.

Now that more than 30 years have passed in a flash, does Yang Na regret her decision to leave in the first place?

Why did she abandon her husband and daughter in desperation?

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

1 Encountering a lover's first experience in a bumpy life

Dao Lang's real name is Luo Lin, the second child in the family, and he has an older brother above him.

Dao Lang's parents are engaged in literary and artistic work,

My mother was a dancer, and my father was responsible for behind-the-scenes choreography.

When Dao Lang was young, his parents were very busy working in the literary troupe and had no time to take care of him.

The responsibility of taking care of him fell on his brother's shoulders.

But the brother is only a half-grown child, and he has no patience for the noisy younger brother.

The brothers often quarreled at home, and sometimes the brother would beat him twice with his tallness.

This made Dao Lang very unconvinced, but he had no choice.

But later, when he grew up a little, his parents would occasionally take him to work.

There Dao Lang forgot the unhappiness with his brother, but accompanied his father to play backstage in the performance,

He also fell in love with music and over time developed the idea of making music.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Dao Lang's cousin works at a local cultural center and makes a living composing music.

He felt that Dao Lang had a talent for making music, so he told Dao Lang's parents about it.

For this reason, his parents specially took out three hundred yuan to buy him an electronic keyboard and let Daolang learn music.

At this time, he did not know that Yang Na, who would have a marriage with him in the future,

I am practicing dance hard and look forward to one day being able to perform on stage.

As Dao Lang grew up day by day, he had more and more ideas of his own,

When I was at home, I also fought with my brother more and more, and I always wanted to "get revenge" on my brother.

Dao Lang's brother made a girlfriend when he was 20 years old, and he heard that his brother's girlfriend had many exes.

In order to anger his brother, he deliberately ran to his brother and said that his girlfriend was inappropriate.

It happened that the parents knew about it, and they thought that their brother should not look for such a girl.

My brother had a big fight with his parents and ran out of the house.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

My brother had been away from home for less than a week before bad news came, and he died in a car accident.

The young Dao Lang was devastated for a while, and he regretted that he had not been able to get along with his brother before he died.

For a long time after his brother's death, Dao Lang developed the habit of sleeping with the door open.

Because when his brother left home, his mother told him to keep the door for his brother and not to go home.

In this way, Dao Lang spent a difficult time with guilt for his brother.

The brother lost his life because of a love, but Dao lang did not expect,

In the future, he will also suffer because of love.

At the age of 17, Dao Lang's yearning for music became more and more intense, so he decisively abandoned his studies.

He knew that his parents would not approve of his approach, so he had to leave a family letter and leave home.

Years later, Dao Lang said in an interview that when he left home,

It's actually about going somewhere else and learning how to make music.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

After the underage Daolang left home, he had a very hard time.

He didn't have much money on him, and he wanted to make music at a high cost, so Dao lang had to go out to work.

He didn't graduate from high school, so he could only do some very tired work.

For example, to move goods under the scorching sun, or to serve dishes in a noisy restaurant.

In order to learn more music, Dao Lang also ran to the dance hall as a waiter.

Because this kind of place has a long-term band singing,

Dao Lang also learned other instruments besides the electronic keyboard with the band members.

Dao Lang is busy doing business, while Yang Na is struggling for marriage at this time.

At this time, Yang Na, who has become a dancer, often quarrels with her husband,

She was not satisfied with her husband's financial resources, and she was tired of living with this man,

So the idea of divorce arose, and she wanted to find a better life.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

There are many young people in the dance hall, and Daolang is very talented,

He also made a lot of friends, and soon after he and his friends formed a band.

Through the stage of the bar dance hall, Dao Lang and the friends of the band performed several times,

But soon, because there was no income, they disbanded.

Just when Dao Lang was bored because of the loss of the band, Yang Na walked into his life,

It is said that the name Yang Na first appeared in a magazine,

And Yang Na is not the real name of this woman, but a pseudonym,

It's just that the story has been passed down for a long time, and everyone thinks that this is her name.

At that time, Yang Na had just ended a failed marriage, and she was heartbroken for it.

He often went to the dance hall where Dao Lang worked to borrow wine to dispel his sorrows.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Yang Na is generous in appearance and tall, so she attracts many suitors.

Dao Lang can often see the beautiful Yang Na sitting in the corner, and her heart for beauty is also stupid.

Later, by chance, Dao Lang and Yang Na chatted a few times, and the two became friends.

After that, they often chatted together, and Dao Lang would take Yang Na out for a walk.

Yang Na is actually the same as Dao Lang's mother, both dancers,

Probably because of this fate, Daolang and Yang Na have a lot of common topics,

Over time, the two developed a fondness for each other and naturally came together.

Yang Na's income at that time was good, and she spent a lot of money, she liked Daolang,

I didn't care too much about how much money this man had, at least Dao Lang because he loved her,

She would often spend her small income to make her happy.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

2 Heartbreakingly abandoned by his desperate ex-wife

After learning that Dao lang and Yang Na were in love, Dao Lang's parents did not approve of it.

In their opinion, Yang Na has been married once,

And Dao Lang is still in his youth, and it is not good to marry a second-married woman to go home.

However, Dao Lang's love for Yang Na is beyond the imagination of his parents.

The most important thing is that before Dao Lang's parents forced him to break up, Yang Na became pregnant.

The children are all there, daolang and Yang Na are married, and it is natural to come naturally.

But marriage is realistic, Yang Na after marriage,

Looking at the upcoming child, the frugal Daolang fell into contemplation.

You should know that before getting married, Yang Na has always been very casual in spending money.

She also likes the life of those drunken fans,

But it was clear that these were things that Dao Lang couldn't give her at the moment.

And Dao Lang is still trying to make music, and there is no stable income.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

During the pregnancy, Yang Na still accepted to live with Daolang,

After all, she really needs to be taken care of with a big belly.

It's just that Dao Lang's care and love have not been able to warm this woman,

She yearns for a rich and comfortable life all the time,

There is also a growing desire to leave Daolang and find a richer man.

In 1991, after the birth of the child, Yang Na looked at her infant daughter worried.

But after 40 days, the idea of pursuing a new life overcame the psychology of not being willing to give up her daughter.

Yang Na left her daughter, who had just turned the moon, and chose to run away from home.

She didn't take anything from the house, leaving only a note for Dao Lang:

"I'm sorry you can't give me the life I want. I'm gone, don't look for me. ”

In just a few words, Yang Na personally broke all her friendship with Dao Lang.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Busy outside, rushing home to think of his wife and children hot kangtou daolang,

I didn't find my wife anyway, only the indifferent note and the daughter waiting to be fed.

He thought that Yang Na might be angry with him for some reason, so he would run away from home to change his mood.

Dao Lang thought that Yang Na was angry, and he coaxed her to make her change her mind.

So he began to look around for Yang Na's traces, but the phone could not be called, and his friends could not be contacted.

It wasn't until 3 months later that Dao Lang contacted Yang Na,

At this time, he was physically and mentally exhausted, but Yang Na still told him desperately,

Make him wait another 8 days, and after 8 days she will give Dao Lang the final answer.

Dao Lang thought that Yang Na asked him to wait for these 8 days, which meant that he still had feelings for him.

Everything still had a turnaround, but 8 days later, Yang Na still did not give him a reply.

Dao Lang's heart was cold, and he knew that this marriage with Yang Na was completely over.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

After that, Daolang received a notice from Yang Na to sue for divorce, and the custody of her daughter was left to Daolang.

In those days, Dao Lang was depressed all the time,

In addition to the fact that he can still smile a little when facing his daughter, the whole person is decadent and emaciated a lot,

Because Yang Na's departure hit him too hard.

He knew that his current lack of financial resources would make Yang Na unable to live an ideal life.

This made him feel very remorseful, and Daolang was still immersed in the frustration of being abandoned by his wife.

But no matter how much he suffers, life will always go on,

Dao Lang still has to perform, and he has no time to take care of the children,

So he had to send his daughter to his parents' house to help take care of her.

At this time, Yang Na had not contacted Dao Lang for a long time,

She was looking for new happiness in another place, looking for a richer husband.

As for her daughter, Yang Na doesn't seem to care, maybe for her,

Being informed of the existence of a daughter by the candidate for the next husband is not good for himself.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

The sullen Dao Lang went to many places with the guitar on his back, and he sang in the bar,

Nestled in a small room to write songs, burying the loss and inability of life in the notes.

In the early days, Daolang's works were most deeply affected by divorce,

In particular, the song called Child was written by Daolang to Yang Na.

Many people say that "Impulsive Punishment" was also written by Daolang to Yang Na, but later Daolang responded,

He said that the song was not made for Yang Na, but was invented by the author concerned.

At the same time, the deeply devastated Daolang did not improve his career.

Although I have been writing songs, it is still difficult to have a foothold in the music world.

But fortunately, Dao Lang has not been discouraged, because of the frustration of love,

He can only pin all his emotions on music, as if this can escape reality.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

3 Remarriage career harvest encounters difficulties

Accompanied by music, Dao Lang walked out of the haze,

He traveled to many cities, and music gradually gained market recognition.

Along the way, Dao lang walked to Hainan, where he met like-minded friends,

Formed a band with them, and he was responsible for writing songs as a keyboardist.

Soon after, the band made a name for themselves in Hainan, and Daolang's life improved.

In 1993, when performing in Hainan, Daolang saw a woman sitting on the side of the stage.

She has a unique temperament and deep facial features, and after asking her friends,

Dao Lang only learned that the woman's name was Zhu Mei, and she was a beautiful woman from Xinjiang who had come to be their host this time.

Through several performances, Daolang and Zhu Mei gradually became acquainted.

Zhu Mei is also very interested in music, the two talk about music together, and I didn't expect to talk about feelings.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Dao Lang and Zhu Mei talked about their failed marriage,

He thought that Zhu Mei would dislike him because of this, that he had divorced, that he had taken a daughter.

However, Zhu Mei never thought like this, she admired Dao Lang's dedication to music,

Also sympathetic to the story of his abandonment by his ex-wife, as for Daolang's daughter,

Zhu Mei was not disgusted, and she even vaguely looked forward to meeting this little girl.

Although Zhu Mei did not mind this, Dao Lang was somewhat inferior,

He felt that with his conditions, he was somewhat unworthy of Zhu Mei,

Just like his parents felt that Yang Na was not worthy of him.

Just when Dao Lang and Zhu Mei's relationship fell into an embarrassing situation,

A car accident turned them around.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Dao Lang often rides a motorcycle with friends in his spare time,

Unfortunately, one day, he was riding on the highway and accidentally had a car accident.

Fortunately, Dao Lang was wearing a helmet, and only some lacerations and abrasions were left on his body.

However, hospitalization is still required for a period of time.

After hearing that Daolang had an accident, Zhu Mei rushed to the hospital.

When Dao Lang looked at her anxious eyes, he was moved, and he let go of his psychological baggage,

Want to give this woman who cares about him a warm home.

Far away, Yang Na married for the third time,

This time, Yang Na thought that she was much better than Daolang at that time.

But with the passage of time, Yang Na was once again defeated by chai rice oil and salt,

She is gradually dissatisfied with her current life, she wants to live better.

But helplessly, there is no better way out, she can only endure this marriage.

As for Dao Lang and her daughter, Yang Na had long forgotten everything.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

When Dao Lang recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he and Zhu Mei were officially in love.

At that time, Daolang wanted to go to Beijing to seek greater development opportunities, but Zhu Mei did not want to go with him.

It turned out that Zhu Mei's mother suddenly fell ill, and the old man was old and inconvenient to move.

So Zhu Mei wanted to go back to her hometown in Xinjiang to live with her mother and take care of her mother.

However, she is not willing to stop Daolang from pursuing his dreams, nor is she willing to be separated from her lover.

After hearing this, Dao Lang decided to follow Zhu Mei to Xinjiang, and he could suspend his trip to Beijing.

So in 1995, Daolang accompanied Zhu Mei to settle in Xinjiang.

The customs and customs that have never been experienced before surprise Daolang,

In the new environment, his creative inspiration is infinite.

Two years later, Daolang and Zhu Mei's lives stabilized, and the two were also licensed to marry.

He finally completely got out of the haze that Yang Na gave him and decided to be reborn in a new marriage.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

When he got married, Dao Lang was not yet famous, just an obscure singer,

But Zhu Mei always told him not to be in a hurry, and to persevere there would always be a day when he would be seen.

Shortly after the marriage, Zhu Mei applied to Daolang with a nervous mood,

Let Dao Lang and his ex-wife's daughter live with them and promise to treat their stepdaughter as if they were their own.

Dao Lang had thought that Zhu Mei would have a hard time accepting the child, but he was grateful to hear her say this.

After her daughter received her, Zhu Mei took care of her with all her heart.

With the passage of time, the little girl also recognized Zhu Mei, and the two got along like mother and son,

Zhu Mei used her actions to make up for the little girl's missing maternal love,

After all, Yang Na, who wanted to live a rich life, never went to see her daughter.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Soon after, Zhu Mei became pregnant, and she also gave birth to a daughter,

However, she did not love her stepdaughter because of this, but treated her two daughters equally.

At this time, Dao Lang's career gradually entered a good state, and began to record some tape discs,

Although sales were mediocre, they even lost money to make an album.

Dao Lang felt very indebted to Zhu Mei, and at the same time he looked at the two young children,

Knowing clearly that he must work hard, he wants to give the best life for the person he loves.

Dao Lang worked harder and harder, if Yang Na was willing to share the happiness and hardships with him,

Perhaps at this time, they will not be separated from each other and have different marriages.

However, Dao lang did not regret it, because Zhu Mei was too kind and sincere to him.

As for Yang Na, she is still worried about marriage and has unrealistic dreams of getting rich all day long.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

4 The heart calmly loves his wife and daughter for the rest of his life

Daolang's persistence and efforts have been rewarded,

In 2002, he touched the scene and wrote "The First Snow of 2002".

In order to make this work more perfect, Daolang changed it for two full years.

Kung Fu pays off, and in 2004, when the song was released with the album,

Dao Lang finally became popular, and the album sold about ten million copies.

Daolang therefore received a lot of commercial performances, and the concert began to prepare,

The once poor life was gone, and he bought a car and a big villa.

In order to assist Daolang in his work, but also to take care of the two children,

Zhu Mei chose to resign and stay at home to meet her husband and godson.

After that, Dao Lang hit the iron while it was hot, and launched a series of songs such as "West Sea Love Song",

His popularity grew stronger and his money became more and more, and at this time a person who had not been seen for a long time found him.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

On the day when Dao Lang was desperately trying to catch the announcement, Yang Na, who was sitting in front of the TV set, was bored,

Suddenly found that the person singing on the TV was not his ex-husband who was extremely disgusted at that time?

Now that he is so successful and a singer, he will definitely make a lot of money.

If Dao Lang could remember his old love and reconcile with her, wouldn't she be able to do Kuota directly?

Yang Nasi came and went, and decided to divorce her current husband.

She didn't know if Dao Lang had a wife at this time, and even if she did, she was sure that dao Lang would change his mind.

After all, when she left, Dao Lang was so grief-stricken to redeem herself.

However, Yang Na still kept her eyes, she was afraid that it would be too abrupt to directly find Dao Lang to compound,

So she remembered the daughter who hadn't bothered to ask questions for many years.

It is said that after several twists and turns, Yang Na got the contact information of Dao Lang,

She called and asked Dao Lang if she could go to his house and see their daughter.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

But Yang Na did not think about it, she has not cared about her daughter for so many years,

How ridiculous the concern at this time should be, and sure enough, Dao Lang directly rejected her.

Because Dao Lang knows that he can have the results he has now, in addition to his own efforts,

The person who should be thanked the most is his wife Zhu Mei, so the person who will add to Zhu Mei's blockage will not be seen.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Dao Lang continues to live happily with Zhu Mei, but the tree is a big move,

Dao Lang's rapid popularity has made some musicians very uneven,

They had never been exposed to Dao Lang's musical style before, so they were extremely repulsive to him.

In 2010, Dao Lang sold a super high album,

Selected into the list of influential singers in the Music Chart,

But As a judge, Na Ying criticized Dao Lang's songs,

As Na Ying's good friend, Wang Feng also stood up and said that Dao Lang's songs would affect the public's musical aesthetics.

The outside world has been disturbed, this time Daolang did not pay too much attention,

He insisted on making his own music, after all, this was his dream for many years.

A year later, Dao Lang sang more than 30 songs at his solo concert and spent 3 hours with countless fans.

But after this, Daolang slowly faded out of the public eye, not singing or participating in activities.

Until 2016, he said he would no longer participate in commercial performances, and if he came back, he would inform fans.

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Since then, Dao Lang has focused most of his energy on composing songs and cultivating his juniors.

Without the performance, Dao Lang's income will naturally decrease, but Zhu Mei does not care,

Because she supports all of her husband's decisions, she loves Dao Lang as a person, not his money.

After Dao Lang announced that he would not participate in the performance, he really did not hold a concert again.

Even he did not go on variety shows, but lived comfortably at home with his wife and daughter.

As for Yang Na, Dao Lang had long since left her behind, and the person who voluntarily left was her.

To this day, no matter how much she tries to save it, it will not help, the past will go with the wind, and they are all right!

On the other hand, Daolang has been very grateful to Zhu Mei over the years, and he once said in an interview:

"Since I met Amei in Hainan in 1993, she has been silently supporting me with her love and understanding.

We used to have very difficult days that others could not imagine. ”

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

Dao Lang's career path is bumpy, but this is not just his own cause,

After all, the two marriages had a huge impact on him.

Yang Na's appearance made him full of confidence in his career,

However, with Yang Na's departure, he also had doubts about himself, and his career was once depressed.

After that, Zhu Mei became the salvation of Daolang and led him to glory.

Zhu Mei's gentleness and sincerity have made Daolang's career and life,

Compared with her, Yang Na is narrow and selfish, she only covets money,

So she left the child who had just reached the full moon and left the daolang who loved her so much,

After Dao Lang became popular and wealthy, Yang Na, who loved vanity, wanted to come back to live a good life.

But fortunately, Dao Lang was not confused, he clearly knew Yang Na's purpose,

He also understood Zhu Mei's hard work over the years, so he would resolutely and resolutely draw a line with Yang Na.

Maybe now Yang Na has no regrets, but what she regrets is that she did not get rich with DaoLang,

Now it seems that Dao Lang's song is also given to Yang Na,

After all, the hasty divorce that year, and then the unsuccessful attempt to compound is her "impulsive punishment".

Daolang's ex-wife: She ran away 40 days after giving birth to her daughter, and now Daolang is happy and happy, has she ever regretted it?

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