
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog

author:Free Fish said

#Summer Flower Viewing Moment# #Youth is Different# Bowl Flowers on the Hun River【Original】

Take a walk.

Check out the following information:

Bowl flowers are also known as bowl flowers, small swirling flowers, face root vines, dog vines, seedlings, axe seedlings, trumpet flowers. A perennial herb that resembles but is not the same plant as trumpet flowers. Can be used in medicine, with spleen and qi, promote digestion, pain relief and other effects. However, it has a certain degree of toxicity, and it is eaten with caution.

Use rhizomes and flowers into medicine.

Dig up rhizomes in autumn and wash and dry them or use them fresh.

Summer and autumn flowers are rarely used.

It grows at an altitude of 400-3000 m on roadsides, wastelands, fields, ditches, hillsides and other places.

#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog
#Summer Flower Viewing Moments##Youth is Different #Bowl Flowers on the Hun River [Picture And Text Original] Take a walk with the photo. Check the information: Bowl Flower is also known as Bowl Flower, Small Spiral Flower, Face Root Vine, Dog

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