
What are the main anti-nutritional factors in barley?

author:Qizheng barley food

The barley is mainly xylan and β dextran. In addition to these two main anti-nutritional factors, there are also anti-nutritional factors such as phytic acid and tannins.

What are the main anti-nutritional factors in barley?

The nutritional value of barley is extremely rich, and the barley flour contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins and a variety of mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and trace elements selenium, which are very beneficial to human health.

What are the main anti-nutritional factors in barley?

In addition to containing a large amount of dietary fiber content, barley also contains a unique starch, this starch is called amylopectin, which has a very important effect on inhibiting excessive gastric acid and protecting the gastric mucosa.

What are the main anti-nutritional factors in barley?

Barley is also the world's wheat crops contained in the β - dextran content of the most crops, it can be seen that the nutritional value of barley is very rich.