
How to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in summer?

author:Nine Pai Health

As the saying goes: strong spleen and stomach, good summer. Due to the hot climate in summer, high humidity, active bacteria, food is susceptible to pollution, coupled with fast metabolism in summer, digestive function is relatively weak, is a high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. So, how do we prevent gastrointestinal diseases and spend the summer safely? Zheng Caihua, an expert in the Department of Spleen and Stomach of Shijiazhuang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave the following health advice.

Gastrointestinal disorders are common in summer

Common gastrointestinal diseases include various gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, food poisoning, etc., patients usually manifest as bloating, abdominal pain, belching, acid return, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea and other discomfort, some are also accompanied by chills, fever, headache, systemic poisoning symptoms.

Food poisoning is also one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. Common food spoilage, salmonella and botulinum toxin in summer can cause food poisoning, with symptoms such as vomiting up and down diarrhea and high fever. When symptoms develop, you can ask people who have eaten with you if the same problem is occurring; if so, you should see a doctor in time and report to your doctor to find the source of the disease. Food poisoning is more dangerous for older people and requires immediate medical attention. There is also bacterial dysentery, which, although now on a downward trend, is still common in the emergency department. Symptoms are fever, diarrhea, pus and bloody stools, or a feeling of unclean bowel movements. Bacterial dysentery can be transmitted to others through leftover food, hand contact and contaminated food utensils, items, etc., so if bacterial dysentery is found, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time, and close contacts also need to pay attention.

How to prevent high summer onset

(1) Instructions for healthy people

1, water is the source of the spread of gastrointestinal diseases, daily water sources must be kept clean and fresh, do not drink raw water; In addition, iced drinks hurt the stomach; many people like to eat ice cream and drink iced drinks to relieve the heat, feeling cool at the same time, but the stomach suffered. After a large number of cold drinks enter the gastrointestinal tract, it will not only lead to the sudden contraction of blood vessels in the gastrointestinal tract, reduce blood flow, cause spasmodic contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cold stimulation will also interfere with the normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in digestive dysfunction and affecting the secretion of digestive juices. If you eat some indigestible food at this time, or unclean roadside food, it will form a double stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract; the average person may have stomach pain and diarrhea, but for patients with a history of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, it is easy to aggravate the condition, and even lead to perforation or gastric bleeding.

2. Open more windows when the temperature is high to circulate the air and keep the indoor air fresh.

3, food is light is appropriate, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and soy products, do not eat raw and cold deteriorated moldy food, clean melons and fruits with flowing clean water, do not eat raw and half-cooked meat, especially eat seafood should be cooked thoroughly, it is best to eat with ginger vinegar juice, white wine, perilla leaves, garlic, etc., to avoid bacterial infection, food poisoning and so on.

4. Properly preserve food: the foods that cause acute gastroenteritis mainly include meat, eggs and milk, soy products, fish and shrimp, pastries, etc. Because these pathogenic bacteria that contaminate food do not break down proteins, there is often no change in appearance, and it is easy to be ignored. It is recommended that in the summer, such foods should be eaten and bought freshly, as little as possible in the refrigerator, some people are accustomed to using the refrigerator as a "safe" for food, storing a large amount of food for a long time, and cleaning it irregularly. As everyone knows, food is stored in the refrigerator for too long, and all kinds of bacteria, especially E. coli, will breed and cause gastroenteritis. Similarly, do not cook too much for each meal, if you can't finish eating, it is best to refrigerate in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours, and be sure to heat it fully before taking it out and eating.

(2) Instructions for high-risk groups

1. Children and students and frequent tourists should be vaccinated to prevent diseases; For dysentery, oral dysentery bacteria can be used; typhoid fever injection VI typhoid fever bacteria vaccine can be used; hepatitis A can be injected with hepatitis A vaccine, and close contacts should be given gamma globulin urgently.

2. The items and utensils used by patients at home (especially tableware and clothing) should be washed separately, soaked with quick purification, bleaching, etc., and disinfected contaminated objects and places.

3. Patients with peptic ulcer belong to the category of typical psychosomatic diseases, maintain optimistic mood, regular life, and avoid excessive tension and fatigue. In addition, chewing slowly and slowly assists in salivary secretion, which in turn improves the mucosal barrier effect.

Precautions for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in summer for the conditioning of the spleen and stomach

(1) Scientific diet

In summer, the weather is hot, and diet is closely related to health. Eat regularly, eat three meals a day, and do so regularly. Summer temperatures are high, leftovers are easily contaminated with bacteria, it is best not to eat. If you eat it, it must also be treated at high temperature, and the raw melon and fruit should be washed and peeled. When making cold mixed vegetables, the dishes must be washed, it is best to blanch them in boiling water; the knives and plates used to cut cooked food should be separated from the cutting of raw meat and lettuce; when mixing cold, some garlic paste and vinegar should be put in place, which can not only increase appetite, help digestion, but also have bactericidal and detoxifying effects to prevent the occurrence of intestinal infectious diseases. When making cold drinks, use cold boiled water, not raw water.

Summer temperature is high, the human nerves are often in a state of tension, the function of some secretory glands is also affected, so there is often a weakened digestion, loss of appetite, should be appropriate to eat more light and easy to digest food, such as soy products, eggs, milk, chicken, fish, fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, etc., eat less greasy food. In summer, the human body loses more water and salt, so you should drink more water and drink some light salt water in moderation. However, do not drink too much water, so as not to increase the burden on the heart and digestive system.

(2) Appropriate exercise

Summer weather is hot, but should not stay in a cool environment for a long time, excessive comfort will be poor qi and blood, stagnant blood stasis, reduce the body's resistance, affect the recovery of gastrointestinal diseases. Appropriate physical labor and physical exercise help the operation and circulation of the body's qi and blood, and promote the recovery of gastrointestinal diseases; the elderly can choose to go to a place with fresh air in the early morning or evening after sunrise, when the weather is relatively cool, to take a walk and jog twice in a place with fresh air, or to play tai chi and practice baduanjin, so that the body sweats slightly. However, do not exercise excessively, must be selected according to their own physical conditions, overwork will consume gas and blood, easy to induce or aggravate cardiovascular disease, while sweating should be timely supplemented with warm boiled water.

(3) Regular work and rest

After the summer solstice, the sunshine time becomes longer, and people's sleep time can be postponed compared with winter and spring, and they get up early with the sunrise. After the arrival of summer, the late bedtime should not exceed 23 o'clock, because people who often stay up late often have a decrease in appetite, constipation and bloating. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, staying up late is easy to consume sperm and blood, aggravating insomnia, panic, depression and other symptoms, it is recommended to rest for about half an hour at noon to ensure adequate sleep.

【Source: Shijiazhuang Daily】