
How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

author:Kanshi Akiba

Friends who have learned about the history of the West may know that the rise of the West is not a path of peaceful development, but a road of plunder in the true sense. At that time, in order to promote the development of their own countries, the Western powers extended their evil black hand to Africa, which was still backward and ignorant.

By means of barbaric plunder from Africa and accelerating the development of the Western powers themselves, these unscrupulous black-hearted merchants only care about making money, but they do not think that because of their temporary mercenary intentions, they have created a racial problem that has lasted on the continent for hundreds of years.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

The sinful triangular trade made the black people in the Americas live in the depths of the waters for a time. However, the current descendants of black Americans may not be able to imagine what kind of tragic suffering their ancestors suffered in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The boom in industrialization

Strictly speaking, the world's earliest black slave trade actually originated in the 18th century, and in the context of the times, the pace of industrialization became rapid and vigorous with the invention of the steam engine.

At that time, Britain, which first set off the wave of industrialization, relied on advanced technology to transform the original manual factory into a mechanized factory, completing the greatest change in the history of human production.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

Watching Britain make a lot of money by the wave of industrialization, other Western powers are naturally extremely red-eyed and want to join this game to get a piece of the pie. We all know that the social development of the Western world needs to face a very real problem, that is, the problem of capital accumulation.

The Western powers can be said to do everything to the extreme for the primitive accumulation of capital, and even if they sell everything, they will pay the price for the accumulation of capital. However, they soon discovered that even if they were to throw everything into it in such a frenzy, it would be difficult to complete the primitive accumulation of capital in a short period of time.

As a result, these great powers simply threw aside their human nature, the most precious things of human beings, and launched a series of unconscionable acts such as war, just to complete the primitive accumulation of capital.

It can be said that the development of Western society is accompanied by the expansion of the dark side of human nature, and even the complete abandonment of human nature, they can be said to be doing whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

Soon, however, the Western powers thought of a faster way to complete the primitive accumulation of capital in their countries, but the bad tricks they came up with became the beginning of the years of suffering for hundreds of millions of African people.

The triangular trade of sin

Strictly speaking, since Columbus discovered the New World, people in the West have known about the existence of this part of the Americas. The Americas, especially the areas that are now part of the United States, were colonized by Britain, France, Spain and other countries at that time.

At that time, the Western powers had just begun to develop the Americas, and the Americas were in urgent need of a large number of laborers for the purpose of reclamation and other purposes, but they could not migrate enough labor from Western Europe to the Americas, so the Great Powers came up with an extremely vicious idea.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

Going to Africa to sell black slaves to the Americas as labor, and then transporting raw materials back to earn the difference in the middle, the idea of this trade is the famous triangular trade in history, and it is also the beginning of the lingering nightmare of black people.

Therefore, the so-called triangular trade is also extremely simple, that is, the Western powers carry cheap European handicrafts, weapons and other items to Africa, and use weapons to lure local black chiefs to war with other clans.

Having them catch their mouths as much alive as possible in battle, and then using cheap European crafts to exchange prisoners of war from the hands of these black chiefs, was the first thing the Western powers did in Africa.

In fact, as early as the very beginning, the Western powers used forced capture to acquire black people, but soon the Western powers found that this trick did not work. Although the weapons and other technologies of black Africans are backward, the ocean of anger of the African people is enough to drown them alive.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

This road will inevitably play with fire and self-immolation, so the Western powers have changed their thinking and adopted a more reliable way to obtain black slaves. After the acquisition of black slaves, Western slave traders would organize slave ships to transport these acquired black people to the Americas.

Because the Western powers are bent on pursuing profits, these black people are just moving commodities in the eyes of their self-interested people, and they are not willing to care about the lives and deaths of these black people.

Under normal circumstances, a ship "surviving" can only contain one hundred and fifty blacks, but these black-hearted slave traders can force more than four hundred blacks. It is not difficult to imagine what black people think of themselves as something.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

The tragic fate of the Negroes

Because of what these black-hearted guys did, the death rate of black people in the cabin was extremely high, basically reaching about forty percent, so that the ship swam in the water and walked behind the sharks.

Because those black slaves who died of illness were thrown into the sea by these black-hearted people, after a long journey, the black slaves who survived would have to face the next life that was worse than death.

After slave ships came to the Americas, these blacks generally did not worry about the market, because the Americas were in the development stage, and a large number of plantations needed cheap labor to work. Soon, therefore, these black people will be sold to the great plantation owners of the Americas, and their tragic fate will begin.

Most of the plantations in the Americas were mainly planted with cotton, and after slave ships sold the black slaves locally, they would transport a series of raw materials, including cotton, back to Europe from the American plantations.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

The difference in price after they sold these raw materials in Europe was the most important point of profit in the triangular trade, and the profit brought by a black man could be said to have doubled by dozens of times, and by relying on the evil triangular trade, Europe had completed the primitive accumulation of capital in a short period of time.

However, this trade is a nightmare for the black people who are trafficked to the Americas. As black slaves bought back by the farmers, they can be said to have no dignity, and they have to do the hardest and most tiring labor every day, but they do not get a little return.

Not only that, in addition to not being rewarded, they were also wantonly beaten and scolded by the farmers, and it can be said that the black slaves were never treated as a person with an independent consciousness, but as a cattle.

They will always have only tattered clothes on their bodies, eat the worst diet, and live in the most dilapidated houses. Worst of all, the situation of black women may be worse than that of black men.

How miserable were African slaves in history? Especially female black slaves, a black history has been revealed

Some beautiful black women may also become tools or playthings for farmers to vent, but their status has not changed at all. If they accidentally became pregnant, their children would still inherit their status as slaves and continue to work for the farmers.

How to describe the black slave trade? It is like the slave society of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period on the mainland, where slave owners dominate everything and black people live without any dignity, especially female black women.

Although later on, Abraham. Black slavery had been abolished during lincoln times, but the intellectual afterglow of this long time could not be passed in a short time. What do you think about that?

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