
Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

author:Xiaomi loves to plant

Now many people like to grow flowers, and regardless of men and women, young and old, raising flowers has become our biggest hobby, and many people are immersed in it, because it can bring us good enjoyment.

Beautiful flowers look pleasing to the eye, among the many flower varieties some people are hesitant to act, do not know which one to choose? Today I recommend you one, it is called bougainvillea.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Bougainvillea is perfect for novice growers, it is particularly easy to feed, and it has a strong climbing ability, if you choose to start planting flowers, choose it.

It can be grown to your heart's content, even a novice Xiaobai can wrap you up and grow the sea of flowers you want, this flower is native to Brazil, it is a climbing plant, when it grows vigorously.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

As long as it grows, it will bloom for you, and now many streets, on both sides of the road, in the park, in the courtyard of their own home are planting this flower.

Its appearance is high, the ornamental value is also high, it is very eye-catching, it has enough charm, can attract all passers-by to stop and watch, there is its place to become an Internet celebrity punch card, it is not an ordinary flower.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

The triangular plum blossom period is long, can last for more than half a year, and can bloom for about 200 days if the temperature is suitable. It is very easy to maintain, has a large root system, can absorb nutrients in the soil, no matter how poor the land, it can survive smoothly, it is better than the hanging orchid aloe vera to feed, and there is a good function of purifying the air.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

The bougainvillea is very beautiful when the flowers are in full bloom, and no one who sees it can come back from such a beautiful view. It is favored by people and sought after by many flower fans.

Its adaptability is strong, and the vitality is tenacious, hardy and drought-resistant, without our excessive careful maintenance, extensive planting can be without any worries, and now there are plantings all over the country.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Don't worry about its planting problems at all, but we choose to plant this flower, we have to take care of it carefully, here I explain to you the following matters of attention, for your reference only, so that people who love flowers can easily plant a sea of flowers, less detours, I hope to be able to help everyone.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

First, the choice of soil

As we said earlier, the bougainvillea is vigorous, and even if the barren land can grow well, it does not have high soil requirements. But we can't be too perfunctory when planting, all plants like fertile soft and breathable soil, then this flower is the same, it also likes fertile soil, we can give it proper fertilization.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

For example, adding some organic fertilizer or decomposed farm manure to the soil, chicken manure and sheep manure can be added to the soil, and then add some rotten leaf pine needles, which not only increases the permeability of the soil, but also has enough nutrients, which is very beneficial to its growth.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Second, the replenishment of water

Bougainvillea prefers to grow in humid environments, especially in the summer when the weather is hot, when the water evaporates easily and needs a lot of water replenishment. If the dehydrated leaves will become yellow and wilted, the whole plant will be squirming, and there will be loss of leaves and flowers, so be sure to add enough water to it.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Summer can be watered once in the morning and evening, other seasons can reduce the amount of watering and the number of watering, planting when the heart should be finer, you can observe the dry humidity of the soil, to judge whether it is time to water, watering can not be too much, appropriate can be.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Third, reasonable fertilization

In the process of growth, especially in the case of a large amount of flowers, the daily consumption of physical energy is relatively large, and it needs enough nutrients, at this time we need to supplement fertilizer to it.

In the spring, you can add nitrogen fertilizer to it, fertilize it about half a month, and supplement phosphate fertilizer when it is in full bloom, which helps flowering and growth, and can make it grow more vigorously.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

After the end of the flowering period, to reduce the amount of fertilizer, especially in the winter does not need to fertilize at all, the number of reasonable use of fertilization and concentration, remember that the concentration is not too high, maintain the principle of frequent fertilization and thin fertilization, it can grow healthily.

Fourth, lighting

All plants like sunlight, bougainvillea is the same, planting when choosing a place must choose the side of the morning sun, let it fully absorb the light, with photosynthesis can bloom a large number of flowers, and the color is more gorgeous, if planted in the cold north should also pay attention to cold measures, so as not to prevent plants from frostbite frostbite.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Fifth, proper pruning

After the end of the flowering period and before the arrival of winter, we must properly prune the bougainvillea. In its growth process, there will definitely be some messy branches, healthy branches, these branches must be pruned off, so that it is conducive to the next year to grow new branches, after pruning to clean the field, otherwise it will breed bacteria.

Bougainvillea imported from Brazil has bright flowers, long flowering period, simple and easy to live, and easy to plant for novices

Friends who like bougainvillea should not hesitate any longer, hurry up and start planting, regardless of whether there is a yard at home, even if it is a balcony, it can be planted. As long as we pay attention to water and fertilizer management, planting it can make you harvest a sea of flowers, let you live in a welcoming environment, every day will be very happy, living in such a scenery is a kind of enjoyment!

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