
China's 19-year-old rising star has a big smile! After the French Open promotion, he was officially recognized and waited for the Grand Slam title

author:Da Da Jun, who talks about sports, is here

On May 24, 2022, the French Open will enter the third matchday, China's Jinhua Zhang Shuai and Wang Qiang joined hands to impact the second round of seats, respectively, against the 28th seed Giorgi and the 11th seed Pegula, so far the Chinese player only Zheng Qinwen has advanced, the 19-year-old rising star participated in the French Open for the first time, eliminating belgian Zanevska, the first victory.

China's 19-year-old rising star has a big smile! After the French Open promotion, he was officially recognized and waited for the Grand Slam title

This year's French Open has five Chinese golden flowers to participate, two match days ended, only Zheng Qinwen alone to promote, Zhang Shuai, Wang Qiang's game has not yet begun, the first round of opponents are stronger, it is very difficult to continue to move forward, whether it is Zhang Shuai, or Wang Qiang, have reached the Grand Slam women's singles quarterfinals, with the strength to defeat the seeded players, the victory or defeat still depends on the on-site play, the result is suspenseful.

19-year-old rising star Zheng Qinwen from Hubei, has been participating in low-level events until this year's rapid progress, not only into the tour women's singles final four, in the Australian Open is a breakthrough, the first time to participate in the Grand Slam adult group competition, on the second round, to the French Open Zheng Qinwen continued the previous good competitive state, 6-3/ 6-1 victory over Zanevska, two consecutive Grand Slam tournaments the first victory.

China's 19-year-old rising star has a big smile! After the French Open promotion, he was officially recognized and waited for the Grand Slam title

After the game, Zheng Qinwen updated the dynamics on social media, thanking everyone for their long-term support to themselves, many Chinese fans came to the scene to cheer for her, Zheng Qinwen smiled brightly, everyone took a group photo together, whether it was hard or red clay, the 19-year-old youngster showed a strong impact, the French Open official affirmed this, expressed expectations for Zheng Qinwen, and wished her good results.

In an interview, Zheng Qinwen is very modest, she said that she can come to the Grand Slam arena, compete with the top players, learn from them to improve themselves, feel very happy about this, has been enjoying the fun brought by the game, did not think too much about the results, is to strive to do the best, one by one to fight, Zheng Qinwen maintained a good attitude, confident to continue to move forward.

China's 19-year-old rising star has a big smile! After the French Open promotion, he was officially recognized and waited for the Grand Slam title

As long as there is no cold, Zheng Qinwen's opponent in the second round should be the 19th seed Romanian star Halep, who once won the French Open championship, the two sides had a fight in Melbourne this year, when Halep eliminated Zheng Qinwen to advance, the competition between the two sides was very exciting, although Zheng Qinwen lost the game, but Halep did not win easily at that time, and had a chance to come to the Grand Slam.

Of course, There is a gap between Zanievska and the seeded players, so the first round is relatively much easier, and the next opponent is stronger, hoping that Zheng Qinwen will continue to cheer, can maintain a stable competitive state, and strive to continue to break through himself in the Grand Slam arena.

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