
Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

author:History is easy to remember

Australian Aboriginal peoples are probably the oldest human group living outside of Africa. The theory is that they migrated here by boat about 70,000 years ago. Australian Aboriginal people are considered to be the first people of Australia, who have lived on the continent for more than 50,000 years. To date, there are 250 defined language groups in Australia.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians
Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

The Australian Aborigines were divided into two groups: the Aborigines who had already inhabited Australia when the British began colonizing Australia in 1788. As well as the Torres Strait Islanders, the Torres Channel Islanders are part of Queensland, Australia.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

All Aboriginal Australians are associated with Indigenous Australian groups. Although the use of the term indigenous is controversial because it is a collective term for the original inhabitants of the island, it is an official term. Legally, "Aboriginal Australia" is considered "a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ancestry who considers himself to be An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted by the community in which he [or she] resides." ”

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

In 2017, genetic studies of the genomes of 111 Australian Aboriginal people showed that modern Australian Aboriginal people are all associated with a common ancestor who was part of a population that lived on the island 50,000 years ago. It is believed that humans regularly migrated from Asia to northern Australia using ancient ships. Modern theory holds that these early settlers left Africa about 70,000 years ago, making Australian Aborigines the oldest population to live outside of Africa.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

In 1788, when the British began colonizing Australia, it was estimated that 750,000-125 million Australian Aborigines lived there. Soon, the epidemic devastated the island's indigenous peoples, and British colonists occupied indigenous lands. Despite some Aboriginal australians refusing to obey, an estimated 20,000 Indigenous people were killed in violent clashes on the colonial border, most of them massacred as British colonists seized their land.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

From 1910 to 1970, Assimilation Laws in the UK resulted in between 10 and 33 per cent of Aboriginal children in Australia being forced to leave their homes. These "stolen generations" are placed in adoption institutions and families and are forbidden to speak their native language. They always use different names in order. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a national apology for the abuse of Australian Aboriginal people in 2008. Since then, Australia has worked to narrow the social gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

In 1967, Australians voted for the first time that federal laws should also apply to Indigenous Australians. Most Australian Aborigines did not have the right to vote until 1965. The struggle continues to this day, with 3% of Australia's population owning An Aboriginal heritage. Australian Aboriginal people are still fighting for the right to preserve their ancient culture and for recognition from the Australian government.

Demystify a brief history of The Aboriginal Australians

The City of Victoria is currently working on a new treaty with its Aboriginal people recognizing the rule and interests of Australian Aboriginal people. But Australia has never had such a treaty, establishing it as the only country in the Commonwealth that has not signed a treaty with its indigenous people. #我要上 Headline ##History#Toutiao History ##去看更大的世界 #

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