
The victory of the negotiations is not at the negotiating table but on the battlefield, showing The Emperor Pu how China is talking to the United States

author:zy ploughing the heavens and the earth

China negotiated between North Korea and the United States, and finally the United States signed the Korean Armistice Agreement without winning the war. This depends not only on negotiation skills, but also on victory on the battlefield.

Now that Russia has occupied the Azov Steel Plant, the whole of Mariupol is completely under Russian control. As the war tilts towards Russian victory, the U.S.-controlled Ukrainian government will certainly negotiate with Russia next.

Since the Russian army cannot overthrow the current Ukrainian government, Ukraine cannot drive out the Russian army. The only option, then, is to negotiate an end to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

How to take the initiative in the negotiations, bring the current Ukrainian government, which is controlled by the United States, back to the negotiating table and obediently sign an armistice in favor of Russia?

Let us look back at how China controlled these things in those years and promoted peace.

The autumn offensive launched by the US military in Korea and the simultaneous air strangulation war did not achieve the purpose of seizing military superiority and changing the strategic stalemate.

In the continuous offensive of the "United Nations Army" for more than a month, the casualties on the east and west fronts were heavy, and the casualty ratio between the Volunteer Army and the "United Nations Army" was 1:3.

On the 250-kilometer front, the "United Nations Army" advanced an average of less than 2 kilometers, and there were still more than 400 kilometers away from the Yalu River in a straight line.

The U.S. Chief of Staff contacted The Chairman of the Council, Bradley, who was quite annoyed by the situation in Korea and was dissatisfied with Ridgway's command. He joked: "If we continue to fight with this method of warfare, It will take at least 20 years for Ridgway to reach the Yalu River." ”

Many years later, Ridgway himself admitted: "No one who has a clear understanding of the military situation at that time will believe that with this limited force in our hands, we can win any comprehensive victory." ”

Ridgway's words were a bit of an excuse for himself.

What he called "this limited force" is actually not "limited strength", but the most powerful war machine in the world, aircraft, artillery, tanks, warships, in terms of its degree of modernization, no country's army can be compared with the "United Nations Army", moreover, there are 16 countries involved in it, concentrating the manpower and material resources of the world's most powerful countries, how can it be said that it is "this little power"?

It seems that Ah Q's spiritual victory method is not an exclusive invention of the East, and the Yankees on the other side of the Western ocean also like to use it to find face for themselves.

   The victory of the Chinese and DPRK armies in the summer and autumn defensive operations was achieved under such serious unfavorable conditions as the defensive warfare of the positions that had just been carried out, the fortifications were not strong, the flooding was flooded, the enemy planes were bombed, and the supply of grain and ammunition was insufficient.

In the extremely fierce and cruel defensive battle, the volunteer army did not have the right to control the sea, the air power and even the artillery was very few, the soldiers insisted on using the will to fight like steel, not afraid of sacrifice, heroic and tenacious fighting spirit, vowed to coexist with the position, resisted steel with flesh and blood, continuously smashed the fierce offensive of the "United Nations Army", and annihilated more than 157,000 enemy personnel in the entire defensive operation.

The volunteers also paid a heavy casualty price, with more than 33,000 casualties.

The "United Nations Army" occupied 646 square kilometers of land.

Since then, in the entire long-term confrontation, the "United Nations Army" has never launched a large-scale all-out offensive.

   The U.S. military's rhetoric of "letting machine guns and cannons debate" did not have the desired effect, and they returned to the negotiating table to bargain.

On 25 October, armistice talks resumed at Panmunjom, with discussions continuing on the military demarcation line and demilitarized zone.

In the negotiations, the United States abandoned its plan to seek 12,000 square kilometers of land between China and North Korea, but proposed a new military demarcation line plan, requiring China and North Korea to withdraw from 1,500 square kilometers of land, including the withdrawal from the Kaesong area.

The reason for the US side is that Kaesong poses a threat to Seoul, and if Kaesong is not a neutral zone, the "United Nations Army" would have occupied it long ago.

This means that the US side is very respectful of the safety of the neutral zone, otherwise Kaesong would never be occupied by China and North Korea now. He also said that he would exchange kaesong for a number of islands off the west coast of northern Korea occupied by the "United Nations Army".

   The Chinese and DPRK delegations have resolutely rejected this request from the US side.

On October 26, China and the DPRK proposed a new plan to comprehensively adjust the line of contact as a military demarcation line according to the actual line of contact. In this way, the two sides have advanced and retreated from each other, and the areas in which they retreat are roughly equal.

However, the US representatives insisted on their own plan and were determined to win against Kaesong.

   The negotiations did not give in to each other and once again reached an impasse.

The fact that many negotiations have reached an impasse shows that if you don't hurt it, it won't sit down honestly and talk.

In order to break this stalemate, the 50th Army of the Volunteer Army used fishing boats to cross the sea from November 5 to 30, capturing more than a dozen islands on the west coast of Korea, including Dahe Island, and eliminating the secret service of the South Korean Army on the island.

KPA also captured several nearby islands at the same time.

For the first time in the history of this sea crossing operation, the Volunteer Army dispatched aviation units to participate in the battle, and for the first time, the Air Force directly cooperated with the Army in combat. Air Force fighters took off to cover the ships crossing the sea, and bombers took off twice to bomb the size and islands.

   The capture of the islands made it impossible for the United States to exchange islands off the west coast of North Korea for Kaesong, because those islands were no longer under the occupation of the US military, the chips were gone, and the exchange could not be discussed.

   In order to strengthen the negotiations, increase the pressure on the US side, and break the deadlock in the peace talks, the six corps on the front line of the Volunteer Army launched 34 consecutive offensives from October 30 to November 26, each with the goal of annihilating one company and one battalion of the enemy, capturing and consolidating 9 positions.

   In order to smash the attempt of the "United Nations Army" to capture Kaesong, Peng Dehuai ordered the 65th Army to strengthen the defense of the Kaesong area and the west of the Rinjin River, and if it encountered an enemy attack, it would resolutely counterattack, not abandon an inch of position, and push forward as much as possible, waiting for the opportunity to annihilate a small group of enemy troops.

The 63rd Army was ordered to advance northeast of Kaesong in mid-November to join forces with the 65th Army to resist the enemy advancing towards Kaesong.

The 119th Division of the 49th Army was ordered as a reserve for the defense of Kaesong.

   In accordance with Peng Dehuai's instructions, the 65th Army conducted two sweeping operations, expelled the South Korean troops occupying the area south of Kaesong, west of the Shacheon River, and north of the Han River, controlled the favorable terrain on the north bank of the Han River and the west bank of the Shacheon River, and pushed the front forward by 280 square kilometers, making the defense of the Kaesong area more stable.

   In this battle to promote peace, Mao Zedong's "zero knocking on the candy" tactic has been brought into full play. On 4 November, the 64th Army of the Volunteer Army launched an attack on Mount Maliang.

This time, for the first time, the Volunteer Army organized a multi-service joint operation.

Infantry, artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, tanks and engineers work together, and multiple arms work closely together.

The Volunteers changed the practice of night combat and unexpectedly launched an attack during the day.

First, 60 cannons destroyed the enemy fortifications and suppressed the enemy's firepower, and then the tanks drove to the front of the US positions and directly bombarded the enemy's position fire points with tank artillery, and fired at the air with dense anti-aircraft artillery fire to prevent the enemy planes from participating in the battle in the air above the front.

Under the cover of strong firepower, the infantry launched a continuous strong attack, and after 4 hours of fierce fighting, a whole battalion of the British 28th Brigade was annihilated and the position of Maliangshan was captured.

Subsequently, it resolutely defended and repelled the "United Nations Army" counterattack many times, and the position was as stable as Mount Tai.

In this battle, 1740 British soldiers were killed and wounded.

   On November 4, 11 companies of the 47th Army of the Volunteer Army, supported by 114 artillery pieces and 11 tanks, launched an attack on The West Hill of Jeongdong, defended by 3 companies of the 1st Cavalry Division.

After 3 hours of fierce fighting, the 3 companies of the 1st Cavalry Division occupied the west mountain of Jeongdong.

On 5 November, the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division launched a counterattack with 2 battalions of troops, intending to retake the position of West Hill in Jeongdong.

The 47th Army of the Volunteer Army took the initiative to withdraw from its position after repelling six Attacks by the American Army.

The U.S. troops reoccupied their positions and cheered.

The 47th Army of the Volunteer Army took it by surprise and suddenly launched a counterattack with 3 battalions.

The 1st Cavalry Division was unstable, the strength was disparity, it rushed to battle, the position was once again lost, and it was driven down the hill by the volunteer army.

In this counterattack, one battalion after another of the US 1st Cavalry Division was annihilated, creating an example of fighting a small annihilation war in a position offensive battle, and providing valuable experience for other volunteer armies to carry out positional offensive and defensive warfare.

   The operations from August to November had a major impact on the course of the Korean War and the development of the Volunteer Army's strategic, tactical, and campaign guiding ideology.

At the beginning of the volunteer army's entry into the DPRK, there were still doubts at home and abroad, and there were many problems.

Initially, it was worried about whether the volunteers could fight in Korea, and later they were worried about whether they could defend.

The question of whether or not to fight was resolved in the first and second battles, and through these two battles it was proved that the volunteer army could fight and win in Korea.

Then there was the second question: whether the volunteers could hold their positions in the face of the enemy's overwhelmingly superior firepower. The success of the defensive battle in the autumn positions also gave a satisfactory answer to this question. The volunteers were not only able to defend, but also annihilate the enemy in their defense.

   The island intended to exchange Kaesong was lost, Kaesong could not be captured, and the volunteer army continued to engage in skirmishes and constantly consume the strength of the "United Nations Army".

Under such a strategic posture, the US side no longer has the chips and reasons to delay sophistry.

On 27 November, representatives of the two sides reached an agreement on the military demarcation line and the demilitarized zone.

The Volunteers won the victory with the strategy of promoting peace.

   The agreement provides for a military demarcation line based on the existing line of physical contact between the two sides, from which each side will withdraw two kilometres to establish a demilitarized zone during the armistice.

If the Military Armistice Agreement is signed 30 days after its ratification, the above-mentioned military demarcation line and demilitarized zone shall be amended in the light of future changes in the actual lines of contact between the parties.

  Promoting peace is a Chinese invention, and practice has proved to be effective, and it has been tried and tested.

Looking at the situation in Russia and Ukraine, it is still of practical significance to promote and negotiate with Russia and Ukraine, and Emperor Pu may wish to try again.

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